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2024: The Wreckoning on AMAZON


Elections have Consequences

and since January 20, 2021, we’re continuing our bitter education on exactly how consequential, although a large swathe of the American public would never know it with their eyes glued to a now “in your face” biased mainstream (including social) media because if a newsworthy story doesn’t compliment their agenda or can’t be spun to fit their narrative, it’s just not reported on, downplayed or dismissed altogether. I mean, Heaven forbid just stating facts or allowing for opposing points of view, right?

“WOW! I didn’t know that,” appears to be the common response when talking with people these days and I’m not referring to liberals or democrats alone. It’s pretty much everyone. Which comes as no surprise when the following question is— ” where do you get your news?” and the reply is “TikTok” or “Twitter.” Liberal American media has either failed miserably or succeeded brilliantly by only two deliberate actions. (1) Either keeping their readers uniformed or (2) creating a narrative by spinning political news to continuously justify their readers desperate emotional need to be correct in their beliefs and it appears the media have that down to a science.

As critically important as it is to have an understanding of where we as a country needs to go in 2024 and how to get there, it’s equally important for us to have an understanding of how America arrived from being in pretty damn good shape, looking forward to an even brighter future to intentionally thrown in the toilet with the hand of The Left on the flusher as evidenced in the past two years under (gulp) Joe Biden and his puppeteers. The 2024 elections will determine whether or not The Left will be successful in sending this Democratic Republic down the drain. How we got here was explained in my previous book, Covid-19: The Convenient Virus from China. How we as sane individuals right this sinking ship is spelled out in my new book— 2024: The Wreckoning.

It’s crunch time— it’s personal. As sad as it is to say, it’s them against us and if conservatives don’t prevail in the 2024 elections, the time it will take for America to go from a great country to a cocktail party joke can be measured with a…. wait, we already are.

Get your copy of 2024: The Wreckoning Today!


To get the full story, make sure to read the book that prompted the writing of this one.


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