Solutions— Gun Violence

Remember what I said— if there’s a will, there’s a way and if a criminal wants to get their hands on a gun, from what we see daily on the news, it appears they’re very easy to come by. No bans or further regulations on anything regarding firearms will stop a criminal from obtaining one. Continue Reading →

Biden’s Border— The Method Behind the Madness

What’s the old phrase? Want the good news first or the bad news? Well, seeing as the past three years has produced little to no good news when it comes to the United States as a whole, I’ll request you please forgive my french as I give you the bad news— Continue Reading →

Solutions – New Series

Forgive my French, but it sure seems like this country has gone to complete shit since Biden took office. It appears that just about everything that could be construed as negative, bad, criminal and destructive has risen. Most of this due to Biden’s executive orders and Democrat policies. Continue Reading →

Solutions – WOKISM: Men in Womens’ Sports

In order to create further division, I promise you— there will be democrat controlled states who will continue to allow this insanity of biological boys/men participating in organized competitive sports and until they get their collective heads out of their asses or voted out of office, this insanity will continue. It is for this unfortunate reason, only one solution remains Continue Reading →

Solutions – The Rise in Crime

Watch any newscast and upon witnessing the rising crime statistics, especially violent crime, two reactions are always inevitable. You either shake your head in disbelief wondering to yourself… how on earth is this happening? Continue Reading →