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You’ve heard of Dear Abby? Dear Basket of Fish is the same. The following posts are questions from readers like yourself who would like an outside point of view.
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Whether it’s just a burning question, a current problem in your relationship or one of those “What do I do?” questions, sometimes – not always – but sometimes it’s best to get another point of view.
The decisions we make, or our reactions to any given situation are based on 3 premises.
1. Our personality
2. Knowledge
3. Past experience
All three are overlapping and effect the other. Meaning, our personalities come about through our life experiences yet can be changed, improved or modified through knowledge.
Knowledge really is the key to most everything in life. In order to attain knowledge – whether it’s how to fix a TV or relating to others – we have to ask questions. Once we receive the answer – or point of view – we come to our own conclusions and decide whether or not we can incorporate this new knowledge into our lives.
So, feel free to Ask the Fish. You can submit your question using the “Contact” form in the menu. I answer all questions in the order they are received and try to do so in a timely manner.
Looking forward to hearing from you