Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds
When it comes to elections, there are two things you can bank on. First is Democrats will declare that if a Republican is voted into the office of President, it will signal the end of democracy and second, all the horrific things they predict will happen because of a Republican President. Interesting thing is that everything they warn about is already taking place by the Democrat President. Kinda funny how it always seems to work out that way, isn’t it? But it’s true. Although I have to admit, whether it’s a Democrat or Republican giving their inaugural address as they’re sworn into office on a cold January morning— both will say somewhere in their speech that they will be the President for all Americans. Even though they’re well aware a very large swath know that won’t be the case (according to them).
They didn’t vote for him and in many instances, they hate him with a passion so it’s a sure bet he won’t be the President for them no matter what he does. Why? Because their ideologies (especially to these individuals) are like night and day and absolutely nothing the new President could do would change their opinion of him. Their mindsets are completely baked in.
It’s their baked in mindsets— that is what I personally find so fascinating. So much so that I wrote an article on that topic not too long ago titled The Toxic Democrat Relationship. Why Democrats— against all common sense and logic as they take a hard look at what’s going on in this country continue to close their eyes and cut off their nose to spite their face, lying through their teeth saying one of two things. (1) It’s not as bad as people say it is or (2) it’s all because of Republicans and the very sad and unfortunate part is, they’ll mean it even though they have to know no one other than their small hoard of co-believers believe a word they’re saying. And perhaps these people do believe with every breath they take in their delusions and it’s the rest of us who are crazy for not joining in. That is what pisses these people off the most, the rest of us fervently against what they stand for but— as I’ve said in many of my articles, that’s the difference between Liberals including the Left and Conservatives. Conservatives are live and let live. Do as you please as long as the way you live your life doesn’t affect the way we live ours and vice-versa. Whereas Liberals, Progressives and the Left want to force the rest of us to live by their rules. To their way of thinking. To an extent, that’s what the rest of us have had to endure over the last three years. Democrats by way of Biden’s executive orders and a majority in congress for the first two years voting for enormous omnibus bills on Party line votes have wreaked havoc and caused so much damage to this country, it will take a miracle to get it back into shape which believe it or not is exactly what Democrats don’t want. There’s a reason for this that we’ll get into a little later.
Do as We Say, Just Obey
Example of the phrase above are everywhere. In the Liberal media and especially on the campuses of liberal learning institutions and incredibly— making their way into pretty much all areas of education. And we can’t forget ESG requirements in many corporations whose CEO’s have been duped into supporting all the madness going on in the country at the moment. While they might not be so blatant in public, you can bet they are exactly that way in private. It’s a lot like cancel culture which at one time was very effective until some let the power behind the movement go to their heads. BLM is another example as they purchased mansions with a large part of their donations. All of it appearing to be nothing more than extortion. Do as we say or we’ll boycott you, cancel you or financially destroy you through lawsuits or loot your stores during the next protest. Or for the students. They’re threatened with failing grades, and teachers with their jobs if they don’t follow along with the Democrat belief system. For those of you who remember Star Trek— remember The Borg? That is the best description I can think of for Democrats, Progressives and the Left. Resistance Is Futile. It’s my way or the highway.
A famous Democrat President once said “The only thing we have to fear— is fear itself.” For those of you who don’t know whom I’m referring to, all I can say is that I sincerely feel sorry for you. He said those words during his first Inaugural Address on the East Portico of the U.S. Capitol at Washington D.C. on March 4, 1933. While he was referring to the financial well-being of most Americans during the depression brought about by the stock market crash of 1929, Democrats have taken that phrase to a whole new level. This Democrat President used the phrase to convince the Public that a more optimistic view of the future was imperative to solve the financial woes of the country and get the U.S. back on track towards a brighter future.
Interestingly enough, while we all can admit that he gave it the old college try, and by doing so gave the Public a sense that at least something was being done, the truth is that it took a world war to not only revive the U.S. economy thus ending the depression but brought the U.S. previously unheard of prosperity that would last for decades. That is, until financial institutions screwed the American public once more. But that’s another story.
Now, it seems like Democrats have turned the phrase above into something like “The only thing we have to fear— is Democrats, Progressives and the Left should you not fall into step with us.” Or “The only thing we have to fear— are Conservatives and Republicans for they will end democracy.” The segment above pretty much explains the consequences as the media and learning institutions drives the narrative down the throats of their dwindling audience.
When Democrats Lose
Have you ever noticed when Democrats win everything is wonderful? Life is wonderful? Then as usual, liberal media takes every opportunity to rub Democrat wins in the noses of conservatives. Never fails. And how do Conservatives normally react? Nothing other than lick their wounds and do their best to learn from mistakes and do better next time. Now some of you might bring up the riots which took place on Jan. 6th and my only response is what happened that day was completely out of the norm most likely brought on by outside agitators who infiltrated the protest. The truth will eventually come out but as far as I’m concerned, that’s a completely different story. But, when Democrats lose… damn! All hell breaks loose. Protests, riots, looting including burning cars and businesses. Talk about sore losers. Bottom line is when Democrats lose especially in Presidential elections or SCOTUS disagrees with them you can bet your bottom dollar that in most instances, violence always follows. (Incredibly with little to no consequence.) Why? Because all violent protests happen in cities controlled by Democrats. Imagine that.
Whine, Whine, Whine and When that Fails— Whine
This is the segment where I get to say (referring to the ongoing antisemitic protests)— where the hell did all those kids come from? I was honestly shocked to see there were so many kids out there protesting against Israel. George Soros must have gotten a “buy one get one free” deal on protestors. I think that’s what surprised me the most. After the horrific events that took place on October 7th, knowing the only response from Israel was to take out Hamas, tens of thousands of kids (who wouldn’t last a day if they were shipped to the West Bank and had to live life under their rules) would be marching against Israel. Most of whom have little to no idea the history behind what their protesting for. Last time I saw crowds of kids like that were protests against the Vietnam War back in the 60’s and 70’s but at least most knew exactly what and why they were protesting.
These days? A little different and the powers on the Left smile from ear to ear when they see events like the one described above take place. They’re like petulant children (even the so-called adults in the room.) Over the last few decades, that has been their strategy. Complain and whine so hard and often, it makes the rest of us losing our minds during the process give up and surrender just so we don’t have to listen to it any longer instead of breaking out the paddle and nipping it in the bud. And the results of giving in? Well, all it takes is to look at cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle and a host of other cities who have done just that and ask the question: How has that worked out? Not so good. In fact, a complete failure at every turn. And then they whine about that.
Losing Their Grip
This was probably one of the main reasons why I truly believe the 2020 election was rigged against Trump and I’ll be the first to say that when Trump regains the White House in the upcoming election, a majority of Americans who were in doubt or denial will come to the same conclusion.
Three years into the Trump administration while Democrats were throwing everything at him but the kitchen sink, the writing on the wall was becoming more clear. America actually was coming together. Why? Because American’s saw that life was getting pretty damn good and all the talk about Democracy ending under Trump was completely unfounded and those who believed that shit in the beginning were seeing the light. Other than Trump’s occasional mean tweets, and all the continuous whining from the Left doing their best to keep what was left of their base from straying over to the dark side of conservatism, people just weren’t buying it. Knowing they were about to lose it all if Trump remained in office for another four years, Covid-19 was the miracle they needed to begin the rigging. For a brief explanation on how all this took place, I invite you to watch my 2024: The Wrekoning book trailers. The rest is history and we’re stuck with it for close to another year.
But what it did accomplish was it gave Democrat, the Left, Liberal media, Liberal learning institutions and a completely partisan justice system in Democrat controlled cities and states four years to whip their lost sheep back into shape. To what degree they’ve been successful will be answered soon enough.
Division— It’s All About The Benjamins
This is the key. For Democrats and to a lesser extent Republicans, it’s all about the money. Division— whether it’s political or social, it’s a huge cash cow for those who not only instigate it but then turn right around and offer solutions to problems they themselves created. Countless billions have gone to solve the homeless crisis and it only gets worse. Where did all that money go? Close to a trillion will be spent on the border crisis. Where the hell is all that money going? More importantly, where are they getting it from? Even more incredible will be the amount of money required to deport them all. Indoctrination across the country with so-called DEI, CRT and ESG consultants being paid astronomical sums of money to do exactly what? And these people are so-called experts at something that was completely unheard of not that long ago? And now we have the whole trans issue. I don’t want to know all the money being spent on a fabricated issue affecting a minuscule, virtually unmeasurable part of society. So, who would want unity when so much money is being made from division? Certainly not Democrats and not those profiting from it (lawyers) in one way or another from the gobs of money they continue to throw at everything, most fabricated on their own behalf. Liberal media is a prime example of this and to an extent, so is conservative media but the difference is, most of conservative media’s time is spent calling out all the utter failure to cover issues which don’t fit their narrative, flagrant lies and disinformation spread by (you guessed it) liberal media. For more on this, read my article titled The Media: Truth, Lies and Propaganda.
Things that Make You say hmmmmm…
One would imagine that with attempts by Democrats to convict Trump in Kangaroo Courts in Democrat controlled cities with 91 indictments, that Biden would be a shoo-in for re-election. Right? I mean come on… since Biden’s installment, life across the planet is inarguably so much better than it was during Trump’s administration. Isn’t it? Well…. isn’t it? If that’s the case, why is Trump’s polling numbers so much greater than Biden’s in States that will be the ones deciding the 2024 election? Furthermore— speaking of polls, Biden’s approval ratings are the lowest of any President in recent history. Last time I heard, 33% overall and in the 20’s on issues like the economy and the border. And if we’re really serious about the question of what Biden has done for this country in the past three years? Anything positive? All they respond with are two omnibus bills passed on party lines with trillions of dollars spent on things the average American will see absolutely no benefit from. Yet the Left continually demands the rest of us to join them. So if all this is true and Biden’s numbers are so in the tank with close to 80% of the U.S. stating unequivocally the country is going in the completely wrong direction, why is it that according to the polls, there are over 40% of Americans still— after all this, planing to vote for Biden (a walking vegetable in the back pockets of China, Ukraine and perhaps other countries) whose only real accomplishment is the devastation of the United States? That’s what blows me away the most. 40% of American’s would prefer another four years of life under Biden (or his replacement) erasing from their minds the prosperity we all enjoyed with Trump just a few short years earlier. Democrats are crying wolf for the third time now and while that may have had a chance the first time around, it sure as hell won’t work this time.
If unity means another four years of Biden, more rules and regulations and more indoctrination? No thanks. I prefer to remain sane and rational. The only thing Democrats have to run on is their hatred for Trump and half the country and a pathway to citizenship for an additional 12 million illegal aliens Biden purposefully and illegally allowed into the U.S.. Fearmongering of what will happen should Trump regain the Presidency conveniently neglecting the fact that we already know what to expect by virtue of that pesky little fact that he’s already had the job. And you know what?
Life was pretty damn good.