Intelligent Comments Welcome
Don’t forget to subscribe by clicking on the “Bell” to be notified of new comments and articles from The Basket of Fish. posted on 8-24-21 (10:55 am)
The Headline:
Hundreds of Calif. recall ballots, drugs, loaded gun found in felon’s car: police
And this is just one event. I wonder how many — to use illegal border crossings lingo — “get-aways” there are regarding mail in ballots. posted on 8-13-21 (4:00 pm)
The Headline: Pentagon refuses to call Afghan deployment ‘combat mission’ as Biden reportedly begs Taliban for mercy
It’s now official— Joe Biden is a complete and utter embarrassment to the United States, including his entire administration. Anyone surprised? You shouldn’t be. posted on 8-13-21 (12:20 pm)
Ahhh, Friday the 13th— another productive week of Biden and his gang wreaking more havoc here in the US. With everything going on, what I find a little bewildering is the stock market breaking record after record. But when you look at the TRILLIONS of dollars Biden and the Democrats are tossing into the economy, it’s no wonder. It’s like the Democrats are propping up the stock market with all their spending so cable news can tout what a great job they’re doing.
My opinion?— they’re flirting with disaster. Inflation is the warning shot. When the money from these bills is ingested, the market will conclude, with no more from the government anytime soon, at least not to this amount, including the taxes Democrats are proposing, the market is going to take their profit and RUN! Keep a wary eye. Especially the closer we get to the mid-terms. This has happened before. posted on 7-04-21 (4:40 pm)
A Happy Independence Day to all. Have a wonderful and safe day and night! Just about finished with the debut article in the new series “SOLUTIONS.” Keep an eye out for it. Have a great 4th! posted on 6-21-21 (11:50 am)
Biden and Harris BOTH should be immediately impeached for the crime of aiding and abetting Mexican Cartels in human smuggling and human trafficking. Including sex trafficking children. If it weren’t for their border policies, this would NOT be happening. It would not surprise me if either or both of them are receiving a percentage from the Cartels for allowing the Cartels to make millions. posted on 6-20-21 (11:30 am)
Happy Father’s Day to all Dads. posted on 6-18-21 (5:10 pm)
Regarding the ongoing border fiasco – IF I were Donald Trump, I would go to the border as soon as possible. Surprise visit. Take a full tour (press included) and have press conference afterwards. That is what it will take for Biden and Harris to actually DO something. They [Biden and Harris] have to be SHAMED into it. Who better than Trump? Perhaps afterwards, Biden and Harris will get off their asses and do something. Will this happen? I highly doubt it. But it would be an awesome sight. posted on 6-15-21 (2:00 pm)
Say good-bye to Victoria’s Secret – the Angels are no more.
What do they say? Go “Woke” – Go “broke!”
What a shame. Always liked those Angels. It’s the end of an era. Interesting, isn’t it? All those who did the most complaining – would never have purchased, nor probably looked that great in their lingerie anyways. Making yourself look PC isn’t going to make a difference other than losing your base customers. Good luck! posted on 6-15-21 (2:30 pm)
After what we’ve witnessed with the G-7 and Biden’s embarrassing performance, I feel it’s now safe to make a few predictions regarding the 2022 midterms.
IF Biden doesn’t step down before the midterms (still plausible) AND IF republicans take the majority in both the House and the Senate, I predict he [Biden] will step down. He’ll claim he’s stepping down for health reasons or some other excuse but the main reasons will be…
1. He’ll realize his next two years in office will be basically worthless. He’ll also realize that if Republicans take over, it’s a whole new ball game regarding investigations. Biden, his family – including Hunter – will be spot-lighted and even the press won’t be able to cover it up. I doubt he’d be able to handle the additional, overwhelming negative attention.
2. Handing the Presidency over to Harris will all but guarantee a Republican President in 2024. It will be so difficult for Harris to get anything done, she’ll have to resort to even more executive orders. Most of which will be overturned in the Courts. Harris will do such an appalling job as President, she might even step down as well. (Unlikely, but one can always hope.) No matter what, she can and most assuredly will be playing the race card. That you can be certain of.
Will it take a majority in both the House and the Senate for this to happen? Probably not. While it’s the best case scenario, it may only take a majority in the House. Democrats are not only aware of this possibility, they believe it’s a foregone conclusion. Which is why they’re doing their utmost to pass their agenda with the slimmest of margins. Hopefully, the American public will survive this legislative onslaught.
The ONLY way Biden serves out his full term is if Democrats retain both the House and the Senate in 2022. posted on 6-12-21 (1:20 pm)
Biden will hold solo press conference after Putin meeting
……..In Switzerland? Seriously, can Joe Biden be more of a pathetic joke than he already is?
Rhetorical question – we all know the answer.
Holding a presser with Putin would mean his [Biden’s] team will have no control over questions. Can’t have that!
Harris is equally as worthless. The question is – who do they think they’re fooling? posted on 6-11-21 (11:50 am)
New Series – SOLUTIONS
Forgive my French, but it sure seems like this country has gone to complete shit since Biden took office. It appears that just about everything that could be construed as negative, bad, criminal and destructive has risen. Most of this due to Biden’s executive orders and Democrat policies.
Outside of free money sent to citizens with half sent to criminals from mismanagement, I can’t think of one decent thing Biden has accomplished. Some might cite the Vaccines but that was Trumps doing. However – vaccines forced on young (and older) healthy individuals? Children and those Covid19 has little to no measurable affect on? Pure Biden. And the story with young people being vaccinated is still being written.
Now, I should clarify, it’s not actually Biden. It’s his handlers. Biden is nothing more than a puppet with the ability to sign his name. That’s pretty much it.
Crime, inflation, immigration, you name it, it’s gone up with no end in sight. If you didn’t know it, you’d swear all this is being done by Democrats now in power – with a purpose and I am somewhat bewildered what that purpose could be. I can guess a few, but the rest of this utter chaos, I have no idea.
What also boggles the mind is how many people here in the US are so complacent. It’s that “Oh well, what can you do?” attitude. This will all change when the free money runs out in September.
Are there solutions to the issues listed within the image above? Sure there are and you’d be amazed how many are no-brainers and actually simple to achieve. It almost makes one wonder – how stupid can these politicians we vote for be? I know – you don’t need to answer.
So, there you go. The forthcoming will be my take on how to solve the issues listed in the image. Many of these issues are connected in some form or another. Therefore, by solving one, goes a long way to solving others.
Stay tuned! posted on 6-9-21 (9:00 am)
Crisis at our southern border? Of course there isn’t. This is exactly what Biden, Harris and the democrats want. A brand new crop of “Dreamers.” The longer they wait to address this issue, the more future dreamers they get. THIS is the reason they refuse to go to the border and they’ll drag this out for as long as they possibly can. The trip Harris made to Mexico and Guatemala was not only a complete embarrassment, but served as nothing more than a distraction.
But this is only half the story. The other half are all the illegal aliens who don’t turn themselves in. They are known as “the Got-A-Aways.” Tens of thousands who don’t want to get caught and often times aren’t caught. Including many who are most likely cartel members, cartel enforcers, gang members, drug traffickers, human traffickers and other criminals. The media rarely – if ever – mentions this.
It almost makes one wonder if Biden is getting a cut from the millions cartels are making from all this. Perhaps Hunter is doing the deals for him seeing it appears this is something he may have expertise in. 10% for the “Big Guy?” You never know. Oh, and don’t forget all the free drugs Hunter can ram up his nose. One thing for sure is, you won’t find out from the liberal media. posted on 6-6-21 (12:15 pm)
Did you know……
There is a substance millions of Americans consume on a daily basis that was developed by the Nazis in 1942? It’s true! I could tell you now, but where would be the fun in that? For the story, and history, click this link and become enlightened. You never know, could be a Trivial Pursuit question some day. posted on 6-5-21 (9:40 am)
You have to ask the question. Why are the Covid19 Vaccines being pushed so hard to the American Public? Especially to young people and now KIDS? From vaccine shaming to bribes to corporations looking into their ability to force it’s employees prove they were vaccinated in order to keep their jobs, billboards to advertisements on radio, TV and Social Media.
Remember – as of right now, Covid19 vaccines are approved by the FDA “FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY.” Meaning, if you’re in a super high risk group and could possibly be hospitalized or die from Covid19, then it might be a good idea to talk with your doctor. To me – that’s the ENTIRE IDEA behind the term – “FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY.”
But if you’re a healthy adult, more importantly a healthy young person, it would be insanity to get a vaccine at this time. I highly doubt it would be considered an emergency situation, requiring the need for a healthy individual, especially a child to get a Covid19 vaccine. ESPECIALLY when the FDA has yet to fully approve them.
I’ve written two articles regarding the Covid19 vaccines. The first one was 6 months ago titled “Covid19 Vaccine – Should you get one?” the second one was an update titled “Covid 19 Vaccines – Update!”
Guess what – many of the questions brought up in the original article – again, written 6 months ago – STILL have not been answered.
I invite you to read the two articles with links above before making a decision regarding Covid19 vaccines. posted on 6-4-21 (11:30 am)
It baffles the mind how President Trump can be impeached for two of the most ridiculous reasons known to man yet Biden seems to be walking between the rain drops in a deadly storm of his creation. I can only hope he sends the liberal media “Thank you cards” on a weekly basis.
Biden and his team have done more damage to this country in 5 short months than anyone could have ever imagined. If Trump had done a fraction of what Biden has, he would have been removed from office by now. With bipartisan support.
I had originally thought that surviving this abortion known as the Biden administration with a walking corpse as President until citizens came to their senses in 2022 would be difficult, but achievable. I’m now, not so sure.
That being said, I wouldn’t be surprised if the democrats do lose both houses in 2022, Biden will step down (for some bogus reason) and hand the Presidency to Harris. It would be the logical next step for Biden should that occur, which is the main reason why the democrats are doing their utmost to ram their agenda down the throat of America as quickly as possible. posted on 6-3-21 (3:42 pm)
With everything you hear and read on the news about voter suppression, oppression and the like, the one thing you never hear about is from any group of individuals saying they were not allowed to vote in an election (unless fraud was involved.) Including giving proof to back their allegations up.
The left acts as if millions of registered voters are somehow not being allowed to vote in elections.
I have never heard of anyone who wanted to vote, was registered to vote, not being allowed to vote.
S.1 – For the People Act of 2021 – is nothing more than an attempt to legalize Election Fraud in the United States.
Want fair elections for everyone? Here’s how.