Israel and The Middle East

Before we begin this article, we have to admit certain truths. First, most Americans have absolutely no idea about anything regarding Israel other than what they’ve occasionally (and most recently) heard on the news. At best, they’ll tell you Israel is a Jewish State somewhere in the Middle East and even then, they’d be hard-pressed to find it on a map. Outside of that, their knowledge goes downhill rapidly which in many respects is understandable. With the horrific attacks by Hamas from the Gaza Strip directed towards innocent Israeli Citizens on October 7th, people are forming their opinions based on where ever they get their information from. Secondly, the most astonishing part of it all is that many here in the U.S. truly believe what Hamas has done was justified. Again, based on what? What they watched on TicTok? The obscene garbage students are being fed by their liberal professors? While at the same time, knowing little to nothing about the history behind how Israel became Israel. Whether you agree, disagree or even care about Middle East politics, anyone, I repeat anyone who believes Hamas was justified in what they’ve done and the inconceivably inhumane atrocities they committed in the process have no soul. They literally have no soul. OK— let’s move on.

The Question: Why?

Whether they believe it, know it or not, Hamas have signed their own death warrants. Full stop. Hamas in the Gaza strip will soon cease to exist. They are all dead men walking. They have to know this and it appears these murderers are not only fine with it but look forward to it. The saddest part of all is their actions also signed the death warrants of thousands of Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip primarily because Hamas hides themselves and their activities within the resident population using them as human shields and they’re perfectly fine with that also. That being said, it’s important to add that many Palestinians living in the Gaza strip fully support the actions of Hamas. They too will soon cease to exist. But it still doesn’t answer the question. Why? Knowing the above is a now a foregone conclusion, why on earth would Hamas do this? One can only speculate.

(1) A message to other countries of what could happen should they develop peaceful relationships with Israel? (2) Saw the writing on the wall and decided to go out in a blaze of religious glory taking as many innocents along with them? (3) Filming the Israeli response and plastering it all over the internet to garner support? Well, whatever the reason(s) are, none of these people will be alive to see the results and sadly, nor will thousands of Palestinians who did not want this caught in the middle.

The Brutality: Propaganda or Religious Ideology?

The other question one needs to find an answer to is why so brutal? So horrific? It’s one thing to fire missiles into a country causing death and destruction for political reasons but quite another for thousands of Hamas fighters going across a border with the sole purpose of killing everything that moves. Desecrating the bodies of the dead, beheading babies, taking hostages, raping then killing women and young girls or taking them hostage as well. Their actions have earned the absolute hate and vitriol of over 70% of the planet. And right now? When everything is so fresh in the minds of sane people? Trust me when I say that the world would lose no sleep if the entire Gaza Strip was completely obliterated. I realize it’s wrong to think that way but…… I assure you, that is the feeling people have when these kinds of atrocities take place. Pure anger. The answer to the question above is that there is no answer. Nothing to remotely justify the unconscionable way in which Hamas attacked innocent people in Israel. There is no way Hamas can use their attack and the unspeakable way it was conducted for propaganda purposes. That leaves religious ideology? If that’s true, just goes to show that rotten apples can spoil the whole barrel.

The Psychology: Brainwashed for Death

Unconscionable. How does one human being willingly do such horrific, gruesome things to other human beings? And with smiles on their faces as they sever the heads from children’s bodies. It’s not just now or just in Israel, it’s in countless places across the globe. Two reasons immediately come to mind. (1) When someone is brought up from birth to sincerely believe that they are fully justified committing such acts on other human beings because they honestly do not view those they consider enemies as human beings. Therefore, they believe they can do no wrong in whatever they do. (2) They also sincerely believe that their life on earth is nothing more than a bridge to the glory of a perceived afterlife with 72 Virgins. If they die because of their actions, it’s a good death. It’s why young men think nothing of strapping on an explosive vest, walk into a group of people and detonate it as their families celebrate their suicide. Sadly, this is their mindset. And it’s been their mindset for generations.

The Rats Nest

Take a look and the article cover image above. That’s Gaza City. Better yet, do an image search for The Gaza Strip and you’ll be amazed how dense that place is. A rats nest of building after building seemingly built on top of each other with narrow streets and countless alleyways between them. Now consider the miles of tunnels underneath and one can only imagine the challenge for Israeli troops when the ground war begins. Make no mistake, Israel will prevail and what happens afterwards is suggested in the following segment.

Unfortunate Solutions

As stated above, this mindset is fully baked into the minds of Hamas fighters and supporters. Sadly, nothing will change that except their deaths. People like these militants are like rabid animals who do nothing but kill others or transfer their infection. There is no cure except ending their lives. Horrible thing to say I know, but it’s true. If allowed to remain alive, it simply gives them a chance to do it all again. You can’t just cut the head off the snake because if the body remains, a new head will grow.

The Hostages

As I’m finishing up this article, I heard on the news that Israel will resume utilities into the Gaza Strip once and only once all hostages have been released. That’s it and frankly that’s all it should be. No deals, no ransoms…. nothing other than the ability to survive until this war ends. Here’s where the heartbreaking truth comes in. First, we don’t know how many who were taken hostage are still alive but common sense tells us because so many were seriously wounded with some already murdered, the numbers aren’t as high as they were when all this started. As difficult as what I’m about to write will be to read, it’s non-the-less true in my humble opinion.

All Hamas animals have to know there is absolutely no way they leave the Gaza Strip alive. As I said before, they are dead men walking. That being said, the incentive in keeping the hostages alive in the end is little to none. The people being held by Hamas aren’t just hostages, they are eyewitnesses to the atrocities that took place that day including during their captivity and will tell their stories if released. Is there even a glimmer of hope in getting them out? That all depends on what the motives are for keeping the hostages, who’s guarding them and who is really pulling all the strings.

Possible motives—
  • Continued terrorizing of family members of hostages through videos sent via the phones of the hostages themselves. They do this to install utter fear in the hopes that by doing so will place pressure on the Government of Israel for concessions for their release. This will not be successful, the families of the hostages I’m certain are well aware of this.
  • Optics. Using hostages on social media for propaganda.
  • Human shields (self-explanatory)
  • Concessions. As mentioned above, the only concession offered should be humanitarian but only after all hostages are released. Until that time, they get nothing. Will this work? Seeing as Hamas militants basically live for death as long as they can take their enemies with them, that’s a tough question to answer. To these people, they have nothing to lose.

So I honestly don’t know the fate of the hostages although I can say with complete conviction that if it required the lives of hostages to guarantee the complete destruction of every single Hamas fighter including all who support them, if I were one of the hostages, I would understand and know my death was not in vain. Until then, outside of the humanitarian offer, the only real chance the hostages have of surviving is being rescued by elite forces of Israel and the U.S. (if taken up on their offer to assist.)

There is one other move Israel could make but it would require balls of steel meaning conviction and courage. We’ll come to is in the Iran segment of this article. But I will say a similar move was successful back in 1962.

The Gaza Strip— Civilian Population

First we have to take a short trip down memory lane to the year 2007 when Hamas fighters took control of the Gaza Strip militarily later to be known as the Battle of Gaza. The result of which was the dissolution of the unity government and dividing the Palestinian territories. The West Bank governed by the Palestinian National Authority, and Gaza governed by Hamas. Since that time and for the last sixteen years, one can only conclude that the Gaza Strip has been governed in the same way as North Korea. Remember, the writing was on the wall back in 2007 and those living in Gaza knew what the future under the thumb of Hamas had in store for them. I’m certain residents at that time got the hell out of that territory as fast as they could leaving a majority of those who remained supporters of Hamas. So, that’s sixteen years of indoctrination of the youth. Sixteen years of constant propaganda (religious and political) so I think it’s safe to say that while there very well might be a percentage of Palestinians residing in Gaza who are against Hamas, the majority are Hamas supporters. From what I understand, some 200 thousand have found a way to leave Gaza with more leaving on a daily basis. Including some Hamas leaving to live and fight another day? Who knows. So I find it slightly humorous when reporters while questioning about the Israeli response to the atrocities on October 7th bring up who they call innocent Gaza civilians. Hamas supporters? Hamas militants dressed as civilians or guilty by association? Figuring out who is who won’t be an easy task.

In the Coming Days

So what happens next? Speculation is all over the place. Below are a few possible scenarios.

Scenario 1— Israel is beyond pissed. This attack by Hamas wasn’t just the straw that broke the camels back, it killed the camel. Israel has been putting up with this for far too long and has finally made the decision that they no longer want to play. They also don’t want the possibility of hundreds of Israeli military dying while taking down Hamas fighters now dug in via a huge network of tunnels under Gaza so they immediately advise all residents to get out of the Gaza strip before it gets turned into a pile of smoldering rubble. Israel then turns the Gaza Strip into a grid after-which each section is bombed into oblivion with the final sections being on the border of Egypt. Once completed, sixty days of mourning for those who lost their lives begins also making sure no one in Gaza is alive except Israeli patrols.

Israel made a formal declaration of war against Gaza, a self-governing Palestinian territory next to Egypt and Israel, therefore once victory against Gaza has been accomplished, Gaza will no longer exist as a self-governing Palestinian territory. Israel absorbs Gaza as part of Israel along with new names for all future cities when the building begins. First to be built— a memorial dedicated to all Israelis who had their lives brutally taken from them.

Scenario 2— Israel is beyond pissed. Same as scenario 1 but in this scenario, Hezbollah decides to throw it’s hat into the fight. Israel responds accordingly and takes out Hezbollah fighters. They decide to live to fight another day and back off using the fight as more propaganda on social media.

Scenario 3— Israel is beyond pissed. Same as scenario 2 but in this scenario, Hezbollah decides to enter the war between Israel and Gaza. As no formal declaration of war is made by either country, Israel defeats Hezbollah fighters inside southern Lebanon. The Lebanese government distances itself from Hezbollah saying no permission was given by the government for Hezbollah‘s entrance into the war. Hezbollah basically sacrifices a portion of their fighters for the optics it creates hoping other countries will join the fight against Israel.

  • Scenario 3 addendum 1— Hezbollah‘s actions backfire. Knowing U.S. aircraft carriers and strike groups lay in the vicinity, other countries do nothing out of (what’s that saying?) an abundance of caution. Back to scenario 1.

Keep in mind, other countries have a really good idea of what will happen should they decide to enter the war on the side of Hezbollah and Hamas. Especially with the knowledge of the horrific events that began during the attack on Israel from Hamas. Russia, China along with other large world powers won’t touch this with a ten foot pole because by doing so, let’s the world know they support the unspeakable actions taken by Hamas. One result would be their economies would take a huge hit as the rest of the world would see them as pariahs. A part of me wants to write about a possible scenario where other countries do get militarily involved against Israel but I honestly don’t believe that will happen. If for some crazy reason they do, it will be relegated to middle eastern countries like Iran, Syria and Lebanon. Meaning, they’re toast because should that day come, the U.S will get involved militarily. China, Russia and others will not get involved or support these efforts. Especially China. Why? Because it will destroy their economy. See? I just said I wasn’t going to write about it… and I did. Dammit!

Scenario 4— Israel is beyond pissed. This scenario could be the most likely. By the way, have you noticed that in all scenarios Israel is beyond pissed? Moving on. Israel enters Gaza and the ground war begins. No negotiations. No surrender. All Hamas leadership, fighters, supporters, tunnels and other infrastructure will be destroyed. Once that mission is accomplished—

1. A full military occupation of the Gaza Strip. A death sentence implemented for anyone trying to smuggle arms into the Gaza Strip.

2. All residents who fled Gaza will be invited to return just as long as they’re willing to live under said occupation. On top of which, after extensive vetting, all returning Palestinians will be shown photos and videos of the horrific aftermath so they know without a doubt what was done in their name whether they were personally aware of it or not. Like Eisenhower did with German residents being forced to see thousands of dead bodies in local concentration camps.

3. Hamas, it’s ideology (religious or otherwise) will cease to exist in Gaza. Learning institutions will no longer teach their children anything relating to antisemitism. A program to rid Gaza of these destructive ideologies immediately implemented.

4. Political leadership will be voted on by the residents on the premise of live and let live peacefully. (Subject to approval by the Government of Israel for the duration of occupation.) This scenario will implement similarities to that which took place in Germany after World War 2. When Israel is completely confident that Gaza can live in peace with Israel, the occupation will end. Hopefully, Gaza can become an example of two cultures who can put the past behind them and live in peace.

All scenarios will include the eventual rebuilding of the area formally known as the Gaza Strip. Only this time, there will be no tunnels, there will be real infrastructure for the people who will be either returning or new residents. Instead of rockets and other arms, modern schools and hospitals will be built.



I would be remiss if this article didn’t include my thoughts on Iran. It is a known fact that Hamas (including Hezbollah) would not exist without the full support if Iran. Now, should any of this be of any concern to the United States? As I am not in any way shape or form a warmonger, my immediate answer would be no. We shouldn’t be. I will clarify that by adding three very important caveats. First— Israel has been a staunch ally of the United States the day the U.S. recognized Israel as a sovereign state in 1948 (not too long after Israel made the proclamation.) Perhaps the primary reason for doing so back then was purely strategic but has over the years grown into a true friendship. Although strategic none-the-less. Sure, there have been a few squabbles and political disputes over the years but all in all, the relationship between Israel and the U.S. has and continues to be a good one.

However, and this is the second, outside of being an ally of Israel, the only reason the U.S. gives one shit about the goings on in the Middle East is oil. If it weren’t for oil, the U.S. wouldn’t give any of these countries a second thought. “Let them kill each other. They’ve been doing it for hundreds of years,” they’d exclaim. Ronald Reagan found this out the hard way making the decision to withdraw troops from Lebanon after jihadist suicide bombers detonated two truck bombs in front of buildings housing international peacekeeping forces in Beirut, killing 241 American service personnel and 58 French paratroopers on October 23, 1983, basically citing that they’re all nuts over there and intervening just wasn’t worth it.

The third and at the moment could be even more important is Iran and nuclear weapons. We’ve heard for years that under no circumstances will Iran be allowed to have nuclear weapons. Next thing you know we hear Iran could be only months away from having them. This alone should be enough to scare the shit out of every sane individual. Again, I’m no warmonger but there comes a point in time where measures have to be taken to stop what could very well be a catastrophic event in the near future. Need a valid reason? Here they are.

Killing Three Birds with One Stone

Earlier I wrote about a move that Israel could make but would require balls of steel. A similar move was made by President John F. Kennedy when nuclear weapons were discovered in Cuba brought in by the then Soviet Union. In a nutshell, he warned the Soviets that any possible attack launched from Cuba will be considered as a Soviet attack and will be responded to as such.

The same could be done regarding Iran meaning— an unequivocal warning is sent not just from Israel, but the United States as well.

1. If hostages are killed then Israel will consider this was done with explicit permission by the Iranian Government and will be responded to militarily.

2. If Lebanese forces including Hezbollah involve themselves into the Israel/Gaza war against Israel then Israel will consider it as an attack from Iran and respond to both Iran and Lebanon forcefully with it’s first action being taking out all Iranian nuclear production. Trump style meaning, quickly.

3. If any country or faction within a country involves themselves into the Israel/Gaza war against Israel then the U.S.— being an ally of Israel will respond by joining Israel in sending Hezbollah and any other forces back to the stone-age. Again, Trump style meaning, the enemy is obliterated.

Keep in mind, this has absolutely nothing to do with politics. Nor does it necessarily include all citizens of these countries. Hezbollah, Hamas and others along with governments of certain countries who harbor them have made it crystal clear that their goal is to wipe Israel off the map. It’s more of a religious war than anything else with Iran enraged with the live and let live progress Israel has made making peace with other Muslim countries doing everything possible to throw a wrench into their efforts. But I truly believe the civilized world have lost all patience with terrorists and their methods. And perhaps this is now the time to end it once and for all.

Theodore Roosevelt said it best. Speak softly and carry a big stick.

Now just might be the time to end the speeches and begin using it. But with a totally corrupt, compromised walking vegetable in the White House, don’t hold your breath.

PS: Get your kids OUT of these Liberal Colleges and Universities. You’ll be doing them a favor whether they know it or not. Eventually, you’ll be thanked for it.

Part II of this series is published. Read now.



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