Lawyers, Courts and the Clock

There are only four ways a percentage of a population can effect change over another percentage of a population and it doesn’t necessarily have to be a majority. (1) Politically, (2) executive orders, (3) legislatively and (4) the courts with the final decision made by the US Supreme Court.

As we’ve undoubtedly seen from Covid-19, a Mayor, Governor, President, a CEO, even a group can easily get away with virtually anything they want (such as illegally change voting laws in some states or mandate a vaccine). That is, until they’re challenged in court. Then it becomes expensive. When you’re looking at possibly millions in legal fees, you have to make a choice of whether to continue the fight, or give up. People with boatloads of money know and exploit this for one main reason. Even if they lose in court, they have the ability to appeal the decision to a higher court, resulting in delays. If required, they take it to a higher court, resulting in more delays – then to a higher court, resulting in even more delays – up until SCOTUS makes the decision of whether or not they even want to hear the case. Delays” is the keyword in all this. The one truth is that even if they lose, all it takes is some activist Judge from a higher court to block a decision made by a lower court. Why you ask? Time. It buys them time. Some cases can take more than a decade to resolve with many dropped because they run out of money or by then, the issue they were fighting is no longer relevant. The point is, until that final resolution is made, they get to keep doing what they’re doing. This is what they count on, especially the Democrats. Which is the main reason Biden won. The legal clock ran out.

Furthermore, (regarding the 2020 election,) there wasn’t a court on the planet who was going to seriously touch any case regarding the election with a ten foot cattle prod. Even if they did, there were a mountain of liberal lawyers ready to tie up any decision made in the courts for years. And it worked perfectly which is now the Democrat playbook.

Trumps border wall is an excellent example of this. It was one of his 2016 campaign promises which he tried to implement soon after taking office and right after doing so, was summarily blocked by a liberal judge. Sure, Trump eventually prevailed in the end but look how long it took. Had there not been an avalanche of lawsuits brought on by the left, and an activist liberal judge, the border wall would have been completed well before the end of his term which would have resulted in a fraction of illegal border crossings compared to what we’ve seen and continue to see on a regular basis today. What is it now? 1.7 million illegal crossings with an additional 480,000 got-aways?

So, after 1.7 illegal border crossings since Biden was installed, the courts are finally stepping in. The question is, why has it taken so long? The courts have to know that many of Biden’s executive orders are in fact unconstitutional yet they sit back and do nothing until so much damage (either irreparable or opens yet another huge can of worms) has been done that they themselves are deemed negligent or come to the conclusion that enough is enough.

Another prime example is Biden’s vaccine mandates or any Covid-19 related mandate for that matter. Biden knew he couldn’t mandate this vaccine to the general public so he found a way to weasel around it by using OSHA. Again, it will eventually be struck down by the courts or walked back by Biden himself but only after he gets what he wants. That is of course unless a judge blocks his mandates first.

That is the entire point behind delays. The clock. I have no idea how many lawsuits have been filed against Biden and his policies but I’m certain there are more than just a handful, all of which are being tied up in the courts. Yes, Biden has been blocked on two occasions, (1) his moratorium on evictions and (2) his getting rid of Trumps “stay in Mexico” policy which he is fighting. And now a third regarding one of his vaccine mandates and civilian and active-duty military being fired for not being vaccinated. From what I’ve read, Biden has no plans on abiding by the judges order. In any event, it all doesn’t matter, Biden and his team will ignore everything while the lawsuits slowly make their way up the judicial ladder. Why? Because they can.

The sad part about all this is when all these lawsuits get to the top, or close enough to it to let the Biden administration know they’re about to lose, that’s when you begin seeing the walk-back. But like I said earlier, by the time that takes place, it will be too late for millions of Americans. And now the headline…..

FDA issues emergency approval Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for kids as young as 5

again, what are the keywords here? “Emergency approval.” And from the research I’ve done and I could be wrong, the video I placed in my last article regarding covid19 mandates is just as true today. I strongly suggest you take a moment and watch it—  then ask yourself. How is this legal?

SEN. RON JOHNSON: We do not have an FDAapproved vaccine being administered in the U.S. The FDA played a bait and switch. They approved the Comirnaty version of Pfizer drugs. It’s not available in the U.S. They even admit it. I sent them a letter three days later going “What are you doing?” What they did is they extended the emergency use authorization for the Pfizer drug vaccine that’s available in the U.S., here that’s more than 30 days later, they haven’t asked that very simple question. If you’re saying that the Pfizer drug is the same as the Comirnaty, why didn’t you provide FDA approval on that? So, there’s not an FDA-approved drug and, of course, they announced it so they could push through these mandates so that people actually think, “Oh, OK now these things are FDA approved.” They are not and again, maybe they should be, but the FDA isn’t telling me why.

This is where the media is equally complicit because they are acting like every single Covid-19 vaccine has been fully approved by the FDA giving government a green light to mandate them when this is not the case. And it’s any wonder why no one trusts the media and public health officials? But I digress, this is not supposed to be yet another article on Covid-19. It’s about the US Supreme Court however, Covid-19 is just as connected as are many other issues which appear blatantly unconstitutional yet are somehow being allowed—  for now. By the time a case makes it’s way to a court that can actually make a difference, the issue in most instances becomes moot.

One could argue that this is simply how our judicial system is set up and if that is the case, changes should be made. One solution that comes immediately to mind is the following.

A legal arbiter should be appointed by SCOTUS. His or her only job (similar to that of a Senate Parliamentarian) is to examine all Federal Policy— either through legislature or by executive order before they become law and determine whether said policy, mandate or proposed law is in fact constitutional. Once a determination has been made by the arbiter, the authors of the bill or legislative action and/or executive order can appeal the decision directly to SCOTUS and by doing so, SCOTUS will have 30 days in which to make a final decision.

One could make the argument that appealing the decision of the arbiter would be automatic and that could be true. That being said, as a deterrent to frivolous appeals, there could be repercussions or consequences set in place to make an appeal less likely should the decision of the arbiter be upheld by SCOTUS. Seeing as most in the House and Senate are lawyers and have a team of lawyers at their disposal, I would find it difficult to believe there would be too many appeals. Especially if there are consequences.

Think this above solution will ever happen? Nope. Why? Because all politicians use the “delay” and “the clock” tactic to do what they know they legally can’t. Again, they know that by the time the issue makes it’s way through the courts, in most cases— the issue will no longer exist.

SCOTUS is supposed to be an Equal Branch of the Federal Government and they need to begin acting like it rather than sit in the background and make a ruling only at the aftermath of a legislative disaster or when forced to by a lower court. And that’s only if they decide to hear the case. When the Federal Government or a President make policies or laws that affect an entire nation, one would imagine that it shouldn’t take two to three years before a decision is made by SCOTUS regarding whether or not it was constitutional to begin with.

The Moral of this Story is the following….

When it comes to politics, or if you can afford it— asking forgiveness is a lot more profitable than asking permission.


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