Topic: Healthcare
Part 2. The Scenario
If you haven’t read Part 1 yet, here it is.
I’ve always found it interesting that while “healthcare” and “health Insurance” are two completely different terms, yet Politicians tend to use both as if they mean the exact same thing. They obviously don’t but, we get it. It’s all about heath coverage.
Whether it’s through insurance companies or single payer, we’re definitely talking about health insurance. Health coverage is the product – has nothing to do with the “quality” of “healthcare” you’ll receive. IT will depend on what their definition of “healthcare” is.
So, let’s say – for the sake of argument – that some form of Universal or single payer health insurance is passed.
It really doesn’t matter how much it will cost because no one really knows. And in this instance – no one can know for sure. They’ll simply throw out some number that sounds reasonable to them and explain why this is a WONDERFUL plan and will save the American pubic millions of dollars.
So, Medicare for All or again, some kind of Universal Healthcare passes. They do away with private health insurance. The American public are now forced to enroll in this new program which according to some news outlets, is better than Mom’s apple pie.
In fact, in order to take advantage of these cost saving benefits bestowed upon the US public, it would probably be required to enroll in the program before you would be “allowed” to see a health professional.
Think about it! The perfect way to track every man, woman and child in the US. Including – if they got their way – all undocumented men women and children in the US as well. So much for privacy. (Part of that “Iceberg” we talked about in part one.)
The poor, (legal or not) receive their Healthcare for close to free because they can’t afford it, everyone else will end up paying for it.
“Still cost effective and will save tons of money and….. EVERYONE will be covered!” say proponents and pundits on every liberal media platform.
Even at this point – to the Public – it no longer matters. Whatever the name turns out to be, whether it’s Medicare for ALL or Universal Healthcare, it got passed. We now own it.
It will take at least a year or three to set it all up which will give most rational human beings the time to think about the mistake they’ve made and why. Again, it doesn’t matter – we still own it. And because it has yet to go into full affect – the pundits will simply respond with… “It hasn’t begun yet, just wait.”
Remember that iceberg? It’s just about ready to come into view.
Finally! Medicare for All – or whatever the chosen name will be – is open for business. It’s a wonderful day!
……….This is what will happen……….
Visits to a doctor or other health professional [covered under this plan] will – at the very least – immediately quadruple. (If not more)
Why you ask?
The poor, will see this as free healthcare and will take full advantage of the fact that to them, it’s free. Where once they were more reasonable and perhaps more cautious of racing to the doctor for every minor ache and pain because of the cost involved, they now go at the first sign of anything.
The lower and medium middle class will go more often also. Their rational being that because they feel they are the ones getting hammered financially, they might as well get their money’s worth.
Same with the upper middle class and the wealthy although most likely not as often because they still have better things to do and will evaluate whether or not it will do any good to see a doctor for a particular ailment.
Now, will everyone do this? No – but enough will.
Doctors love it because they make more money and will cut down on all the paperwork. Big pharma loves it because they’re selling more drugs to the system. Even IF they did have to lower their prices, it won’t matter because with more people seeing doctors more often, the obvious outcome is only logical.
……..The Titanic just hit that Iceberg……..
The system becomes completely overwhelmed in no time. The costs to the system sky rocket to the point where the system is on the verge of collapse.
When this happens, and it will, there are only three choices (to keep the ship from sinking.)
1. Ration or limit Healthcare choices, and/or medical procedures.
2. Change the coverage.
3. Raise the price.
[4.] All of the above. (Most likely outcome.)
Which is pretty much what happened under ObamaCare. The premiums kept going up and up. Deductibles kept going up. Everything kept going up! It got to the point where you had to spend a small fortune before your insurance kicked in.
A healthy young man or woman in their 20’s or 30’s would be hard pressed to spend three or four hundred dollars a year going to see a doctor. Yet the least expensive plan [under Obamacare] he could get IF he was making decent money would have him spending somewhere between 150.00 to 300.00 per month. Imagine what a middle class family spends.
In the last thirty years – I don’t believe I’ve spent even 300.00, and that includes prescriptions, tests….. everything. (knock on wood! Yep, that piece of wood is still sitting here from part 1.)
One could make the argument and say… “Well, that’s just as long as nothing catastrophic happens.” And that would be a valid point.
But the point is moot because we now have Universal Healthcare. Therefore, nothing before this will matter or make a difference. What’s done is done.
So, just like Obamacare, the cost for Universal Healthcare will go up. The difference is – with insurance companies – you had a choice. Under Universal Healthcare, the system will just take it from you because we gave them the ability to.
Are there alternatives to avoid this nightmare? Absolutely! Are they reasonable? Will they be effective? That’s difficult to say, but we’ll go over them in part 3.
ok – you can unfasten your seat belts…. for now.
Click here to go to Part 3: Possible Solutions