Opening Pandora’s Box

Democrats and the Left have done it once again. They’ve set yet another precedent that will most assuredly come back to bite them in the ass. And perhaps that’s it, perhaps it all boils down to they just don’t care as long as the precedent they set gives them immediate satisfaction or accomplishes just one specific goal. They’ll deal with the consequences later. They’re on a mission and nothing or no-one will stop them. Why? Because the alternative terrifies them so much, they’re betting the proverbial farm (and future farms) that the actions they’re taking against Trump will be successful. And they’re pulling out all the stops on this endeavor with the media fully behind them. So let’s take a few minutes and figure out exactly what they’re trying to do because it has absolutely nothing to do with breaking any laws. Some of you might be thinking, of course it’s about the law! No one is above the law… right? Well, ask your self the following question and be honest. Would the Left be doing anything legally against Trump if he weren’t running for office? Forget about his commanding lead over all other candidates. They knew that would be the case already. And the answer is? No. Absolutely none of what Trump is having to endure would be happening right now if he weren’t running for President. You know it, I know it….  everyone knows it. Even Liberal media. But unless we get the full story— that and a dime won’t buy you a cup of coffee.

One Step Further

Remember all the allegations made against Trump during the 2015 election? They (including Liberal Media) were constantly parading people they dug out of the woodwork telling one tale after another about what a criminal Trump was pretty much his entire life. Part of the reason he won was because no one believed the BS the Left was espousing because if everything they said about him was true, he never would have won. On top of which, he was never criminally charged with any wrong doing. But it didn’t stop the Left from continuing even after Trump was elected and throughout pretty much his entire term in office. One investigation after another. Year after year, millions spent and what was achieved? Nothing. And as usual, after all the illegal activities by three letter agencies were eventually exposed, the tried and true line coming from the mouths of bureaucrats was “we promise not to do it…..  again.” Funny how that works, isn’t it? Interesting how you don’t hear much about these things happening to a Democrat where apologies are offered and promises made not to do it…  again.

Now keep in mind, during the 2015 election— for the most part, the SWAMP and Permanent Washington played little to no role in interference. Why? Because they were absolutely sure Trump would lose which is why they basically stole it in 2020. They sure as hell weren’t going to make the same mistake twice. But they also knew what they achieved in 2020 would not be replicated again. The closest they got was Kari Lake’s race for Governor and were successful in stealing that one because it was a State race. And as in 2020, there’s absolutely nothing Kari can do to change that fact because election results aren’t set up to be overturned. This is why courts rarely (if ever) allow election cases with the possibility of overturning it to be heard. They all use the same line, even if it were true, it wouldn’t have changed the outcome of the election (in their opinion.) All this and much more was explained in my book Covid-19: The Convenient Virus from China. But the main thing the Left learned from 2015 was trashing Trump for whatever reason didn’t (and still doesn’t) work.

Bolder, more serious action needed to take place. They couldn’t rely on smear campaigns from the Media and other candidates. It had to look legitimate. Or at least give the public and most importantly, independent voters the appearance of legitimacy. This being the first prong of their three prong attack against Trump. So they came up with crazy legal theories and every kind of remotely possible charges they could make against Trump. Took it to one of the most Liberal (Good Old Boy) grand juries on the planet and indicted Trump. Although what’s the old saying? A grand jury will indict a ham sandwich. But like a good mystery novel with twists and turns, convicting Trump was never the ultimate goal. On a side note: why have we heard nothing regarding Biden’s handling of classified documents? Trump gets indicted and crickets with Biden. More slow walking as in a five year Hunter Biden investigation to the point where statues of limitations kick in resulting in basically no consequences? Par for the course… right? But I digress.

Convicting Trump is not the ultimate goal to those prosecuting him even though it very well might happen. They’ll put on a show trial (if it comes to that)— it will be plastered everywhere and covered incessantly by the liberal media (making sure not to mention one word of hearings in the House regarding Biden corruption) and when Trump is most likely convicted by an ultra liberal “Good old boy” jury only to be overturned on appeal it will be the headline everywhere imaginable.. A perfect example of this would be….  uh oh, I feel another history lesson is about to take place.

History Lesson

Remember this young man? This was Emmett Till. A young man of 14 who was viciously murdered in Mississippi in 1955. The gruesome details of which I’ll leave to you to find out should you desire to do so. But to make a long story short, two men were put on trial for his murder and because of a racist southern good old boy” jury, they were acquitted only to eventually confess due to double jeopardy laws. The same outcome will happen with Trump but In an opposite way. Keyword being opposite.

Seeing that most everyone agrees that all these indictments against Trump are entirely political, add the fact that it’s been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that a democrat or democrat operative would be acquitted of just about anything just as long as the trial is held in a blue state or district— a Trump conviction would come as no surprise to any rational individual which is why I believe any criminal conviction will be overturned. Now that’s a sad comment, isn’t it? The good old boy system is alive and well when it comes to liberal democrats. Everyone already knows this so, what’s the real reason? Certainly not to throw Trump in jail even though many would love to see that happen. Why? Remember Pandora’s Box? We’ll get to that in a minute.

Three Prongs

So— Prong one: Throw as many remotely plausible indictments against Trump as humanly possible. Federal or State charges, the more the merrier making sure liberal media covers it obsessively while keeping Biden family corruption out of the spotlight by refusing to cover House hearings. Success

Prong two: Keep Trump so bogged down with indictments and trials that it makes it incredibly difficult to personally engage in his Presidential campaign. (Too soon to tell on this one).

Keep in mind— if this had been anyone else, I repeat, anyone else, there wouldn’t have been any need for prong one. They would have dropped out in a cowardly heartbeat capitulating to Permanent Washington Overlords. On top of which, the legal fees alone would be enough to scare the average person into a nervous breakdown. Then again—  Trump isn’t just anyone and more importantly, he has the means and the will to fight back. It’s also important to keep in mind that any trial against Trump, conviction or not will play out long after the 2024 election. As we’ve seen throughout his Presidency, the Left will milk anything negative Trump for all it’s worth.

Prong three: (The most important one): And this really goes to the heart of the matter. And that is, Trump baggage fatigue. This is the main goal behind all the indictments and subsequent trials. Permanent Washington along with the press want to give the Public (specifically independent voters) a lethal overdose of Trumps legal woes in the hope that we’ll get so tired of hearing about them, that we (conservatives) just don’t want to play any longer. That we’ll begin to steer away from anything Donald Trump because it’s just too much. Again, too soon to tell but it appears that with every indictment comes a bump in Trump’s poll numbers including campaign donations. And this is key—  while Permanent Washington hopes Trump doesn’t get the GOP nomination, what they’re doing with the criminal indictments goes past the nomination into the general election allowing Biden to go back to his basement while surrogates and Liberal Media do all his talking for him. In the end, it’s all about the optics.

And while we’re on the topic of optics, this is a great place to reveal what I believe is the ONLY reason why Hunter Biden received his sweetheart deal resulting in virtually no consequences. The answer is that should Hunter had been convicted of the felony gun charge all but guaranteeing prison time, it would have forced his father (the sitting President) to pardon him. The optics of which would substantially damage his bid for re-election. Feel free to disagree.

Pandora’s Box

I’m reminded of a few sayings. (1) Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it, (2) What goes around comes around and (3) Karma is a bitch. Permanent Washington along with Democrats are playing with fire in their concerted but politically dangerous endeavor to get Trump out of his bid for another term as President. Which begs the all important question—  why? The answer is fairly simple when you give it a little thought. Donald Trump is a direct threat to Permanent Washington. You know, the ones who really run this country because it sure as hell isn’t our elected representatives. One of Trump’s campaign promises is to “obliterate the SWAMP” and he has a much better idea how to get it done now than he did in his first term. Permanent Washington knows this and it terrifies them. So much so that (like in 2020) what they’re doing is the only avenue they have to make sure Trump doesn’t win. Because if he does, the tables turn immediately. It would be as if Jeffrey Epstein’s hidden tapes were discovered and posted on every website possible. Permanent Washington would be exposed. If Trump does win the nomination, the Public will be buried in an avalanche of media coverage on his indictments. And if it doesn’t work? What concerns me the most if they fail to stop Trump… Well, a photo is worth 1000 words.

Biden is Next

This much is guaranteed. That is, unless Republicans flip the stupid switch (which they’ve been known to do) and do nothing. Or even worse, allow everything to drag out past the 2024 elections so they can declare they took the high road as they lose the House and Dems keep the Senate and the Presidency. This is the main problem with most Republicans. Outside of a few like Jim Jordan and others, they’re either RINOS, in league with Permanent Washington or have no spine. I’m crossing my fingers hoping this will not be the case.

What’s being done with Trump can be easily applied to Biden (including many in his immediate family from what I read)—  even more deservedly so. No need for legal theories. The facts are already out there. More than enough evidence which equally terrifies the SWAMP. Why? Because like Hillary Clinton,  Biden knows where all the skeletons are buried. If Trump wins the Presidency, it will all be out in the open and let the chips fall where they may. And it’s because of what the left is doing to Trump, it will be considered fair game to do the same to Biden, or any President for that matter. Seeing that it’s obvious the left has little concern with these kinds of optics, there should be absolutely no reason why Republicans shouldn’t play the same game. Even if it’s not in their nature to play them. As Trump said, the days of playing nicely are over. Republican gloves need to come off or they are destined to lose. My new book, 2024: The Wreckoning spells it all out in no uncertain terms.

A Warning

If Trump steps aside on his own accord, that’s one thing. I’m confident he won’t, but that’s up to him. That being said, if republicans in the House don’t get off their asses and do something to counter what’s being done to Trump instead of getting on camera saying how horrible he’s being treated, then they might as well give it all up now. Conservatives are getting tired of words. Hearings in the House are basically worthless for two reasons. First, you’re preaching to the choir and second—   what’s the old saying? If a tree falls in the woods and there’s no one around to hear it, does it make a noise? Liberal media is NOT covering your hearings regarding anything remotely connected to Biden corruption. Can you please get that through your heads? They’re not reporting on it. And you my friends are rapidly running out of time.

When was the last time anyone heard from this so-called special counsel regarding Biden’s classified documents? Crickets. Republicans in the House have only two opportunities left to win in 2024.

First: Immediately begin Impeachment inquiries into Biden, Merrick Garland And Mayorkas. Not to take longer than thirty days. There’s more than enough evidence already available to at the very least begin impeachment inquiry’s.  Afterwards—

Second: Impeach Joe Biden ASAP. Garland and Mayorkas would be a bonus but, Biden first.

Third: Continue hearings. Once impeachment inquiries or a full blown impeachment have begun, the Liberal Press will have no choice but to start reporting on them.

Fourth: Haul in everyone connected to Joe Biden’s corrupt activities before the House. INCLUDING HUNTER BIDEN. He’ll likely take the fifth on all questions which will speak volumes about he and his father.

Fifth: If anyone refuses a subpoena to testify, immediately hold them in contempt. Get the Sargent of Arms to arrest them and hold them in the Capitol Jail until they agree to testify. Believe it or not, from what I understand, it’s perfectly legal to do.

Sixth: Quit screwing around. Don’t allow anything to be dragged out. Democrats are old pro’s at dragging things out. And they will drag out anything regarding Biden including his corrupt administration for as long as possible which is why they get away with so much and because of this— you have to act NOW!

Seventh: You have to force a completely unwilling Liberal Media to put a spotlight on Biden and the only way you can accomplish this is through Impeachment.

Eighth: Get my Book! 2024: The Wreckoning, all the answers are there. I know, shameless plug. But it’s true!

I honestly believe Trump will win the GOP nomination for President in the 2024 election. If Republicans don’t stand behind him, it will not only be your loss but America’s loss. And with everything he’s had to endure over the past six years, he’s more than earned our support. In fact, he should be elected President not only for his policies and because he’s the only one with balls big enough to confront China, Russia including Ukraine….. it’s not just that. He should be elected out of sheer principle. A HUGE “fuck you” (forgive my French) to the Democrats, Liberal Globalist Media, Trump’s persecutors, the SWAMP and above all, Permanent Washington and the Globalists (both Democrat and Republican).

Be afraid, be very afraid

Because he’s coming after you (the aforementioned) and in my humble opinion, it’s long overdue.

PS: Now some may say I’m not being very civil in this article. My only response is the the Left have proven over the last decade or so that the word civil no longer has any meaning or value. You are and have been anything but civil. We conservatives have finally learned this from you by the road of hard knocks and in order to win, we are forced to play this game your way. It may have taken us awhile to learn but now that we have? Well, I’ll leave the rest up to your imagination. The reality is, we are in a Political Civil War. It’s us against you. Heaven help the United States if we lose.


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