Solutions – The Rise in Crime

Watch any newscast and upon witnessing the rising crime statistics, especially violent crime, two reactions are always inevitable. You either shake your head in disbelief wondering to yourself… how on earth is this happening?

Or, you simply thank the Gods above for not living in these locations.

That’s pretty much it. The average person is either concerned or thankful.

Where is all this happening? Primarily in large cities. People are shooting each other in broad daylight. Look at someone the wrong way, they shoot you. Have a minor accident with your car— they shoot you. They don’t care that some of their bullets might hit a one month old child sleeping in her car seat, or an eight year old girl walking to school or out shopping with her mother, killing them.

The most important question which needs to be answered, and one that you should keep in the back of your mind while reading this article is a question I have no answer for. I sincerely wish I did because until someone does come up with an answer, I fear nothing will change. Here’s the question….

Why are there so many people here in the US, completely willing to throw their lives away? Through their criminally violent behavior— which is a conscious choice on their part – most will be eventually caught, convicted and will cost them years in prison and in some cases, the rest of their lives. I will never understand this line of thinking.

This article will address some of it but we seriously need to figure out why there is such a lack of basic humanity, a basic lack of morality, a basic lack of self restraint and why so many truly believe that hurting, even killing someone is “their” solution. Disregarding the fact that “their” solution  in these instances will result in destroying their lives. These people HAVE to know this. They have to understand this, but for some unknown reason (even to themselves) when asked why their answers generally are that they don’t know, and they don’t care. (Key phrase here is “They don’t care.”) You’ll see this question a few times throughout this article— it’s important to consider.

Because there is no immediate answer to the question above, many large cities are turning into a present day Sodom and Gomorrah right before our very eyes. It’s on newscasts every day. It’s on social media every day.

Gangs of shoplifters are ransacking retail businesses in broad daylight. People are assaulting others in broad daylight. Forget to put pickles on your hamburger, they punch you in the face. In many cases, there isn’t even a reason. They simply walk up behind someone and start punching and kicking them. To say this is all mind boggling is an understatement.

The word “respect” no longer has meaning or value. Right and wrong no longer has meaning or value. Life itself to people who are committing these acts of violence has no value. You have to ask the question— WHY is this happening? How have we arrived to where we are today regarding all the violence and complete disregard for laws which are in place to keep a civil society…. civil?

This is the goal of not only this article, but all forthcoming articles in this series called SOLUTIONS. So, let’s take a look at CRIME – and solutions.

I realize the word “Crime” is an extremely broad term and by extension, one could write 1000 books on a hundred different aspects the word encompasses.

I will not attempt to do that. What I will focus on is violent crime and crime affecting a community as a whole which appears to be rising at an unprecedented level. Not so much in “Red” cities and states, but mostly cities and states run by Democrats. Imagine that. Anyone surprised? That fact – in of itself – should be a huge question and wake-up call. Why does this seem to happen, for the most part, in Democrat controlled cities and states? Seriously, sincere question.

While I’ll do my best not to interject politics, you can’t avoid the fact that when the topic of rising crime especially violent crime is brought up the very first thing one thinks of is, must be a Democrat controlled city. And for the most part that’s correct!

New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Baltimore, Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, etc… etc… etc. Murder, rioting, looting, assault, robberies – all appear to be rising primarily in cities and states controlled by Democrats.

The very next question you have to ask yourself is why does it seem the residents of these cities are perfectly fine with it? Their silence in most of these locations is deafening. On top of which, and even more baffling is these residents continue to vote in the same kinds of people with the same ideology while at the same time, expecting different results.

Democrat controlled cities and states are in effect— decriminalizing crime.

De-funding police

When you look at all these cities who want to de-fund the police and cities which actually have de-funded their police, look at the results (or should I say, consequences.) Rising crime. In all areas. Now, there could be some method to their madness with de-funding their law enforcement.

Just like the bailout of democrat cities and states through the last stimulus package from the Feds, now they’re stating these cities can use that money for law enforcement. Meaning, more free money. So, de-fund law enforcement through a city’s budget, get the money back from the Feds. Gotta love the Democrats.

Arrests are made but…..

Again, you watch the news. You’re told about all these arrests being made yet you hear nothing about prosecutions. Only to find out months later that in most of the cases, charges were dropped by liberal DA’s. And you wonder why crime is rising? Seriously?

Seeing as most in these blue cities and states embrace a socialist outlook and ideology within their local society, it comes as no surprise to any sane individual that whatever their doing, isn’t working. Yet they keep doing it!

Restricting law enforcement

If you remove the ability for police to do their jobs effectively, I believe it’s a no-brainer what the result will be. Yep! You guessed it. Higher crime rates. And you wonder why people are moving? The only people who are against police in general are those who want to take advantage of fewer police or a weakened, demoralized police force are the criminals.

It’s not just hamstringing law enforcement, it’s the pathetic way law enforcement have been treated by many people in communities across the country. I hate to say this again— most are in Democrat cities. It’s no surprise that every one of these officers who are simply doing their jobs and may I add, 99.9% do their jobs admirably, especially given the circumstance they find themselves in, are seeking employment elsewhere. And when this happens, who loses? The community. Businesses leave, people leave. To law enforcement, it’s simply no longer worth the effort. And who can blame them for feeling this way? This is how ghettos are formed. This is how shit-hole cities are born. The only decent people you find left are the ones who can’t afford to move. Those are the ones I feel sorry for.

Use your VOTE!

Remember, the city you live in is (to an extent,) only as good as the leaders you vote into office to run your city. Don’t like how they’re doing their jobs? Fire them with your vote. Your vote is more valuable than any protest.

These idiots you have running your city and/or state— allowing this to happen, or turning a blind eye are in office because the MAJORITY of your fellow residents voted for them. Want to change that? Become the majority.

This is the main reason why the rest of us who don’t reside in your city, who aren’t experiencing your problems regarding violent crime have so little empathy for you. We’re just glad we don’t live where YOU live.

Will Solution 1 solve everything regarding crime? Of course not, but it’s a damn good start.


OK – you’ve implemented Solution 1 and you now have sane individuals running things. What to do next?

Before we can suggest Solution 2, we have to ask ourselves an important question.

Why are we experiencing rising crime rates?

While solution 1 addressed one part of the problem, it’s not the whole answer.
There are three main reasons why crime is so prevalent these days.
1. No consequences
2. Mental health
3. Societal

We’ll take them one at a time.

1. No consequences

Example 1
In California— Steal anything you like, and as long as the value of the goods you’re stealing are less than $950.00 and you’re good to go. At worst, we’ll ask you politely not to do that again. And it’s no longer just California, other states are following suit. Amazingly enough.

I can remember a time when most stores posted a sign on their doors or front windows which said something to the effect of  “SHOPLIFTING IS A CRIME! And will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

I’m not sure if they still exist. Perhaps they do in conservative cities and states but I seriously doubt they do in liberal cities and states.

If crimes have no consequences, are they considered crimes? Apparently not.

Example 2

Bail reform

Honestly? I don’t know how it works. Especially in states like New York. They only thing I can equate “bail” to is what I’ve seen on the news and receiving a traffic ticket (40 years ago) that required one to simply pay a fine in lieu of going to court. The “fine” for the traffic offense if offered was the “bail”.

Now you see people committing violent offenses, get arrested and within hours, are back on the streets as if nothing had happened. Some committing offense after offense after offense. Right back on the streets hours later. I have to tell you folks, this is pure insanity.

Example 3

DA’s refusing to prosecute criminals

There are many reasons why some cities and states have higher crime rates than others. If I were to make a list, I would have to include this example as one of the top reasons.

You have some DA’s who are heavy handed and others who do pretty much nothing at all. New York City is a great example of the “do nothing at all” side of the equation.

While I’m not much of a fan of the “heavy handed” side, the “do nothing at all” is worse. Remember, the focus of this article is on violent crime and crimes which affect a community as a whole.

Gang violence and crimes associated with gangs. Gun violence and crimes using guns or other weapons. Physical violence and crimes where physical violence is used to commit the crime are just a few examples. Blatant shoplifting, including looting and the willful destruction of public and private property are others.

You can’t blame law enforcement. They are doing their jobs. They are stuck between a rock and a hard place seeing as mayors and other higher up’s keep changing their job description. No, definitely not the fault of law enforcement.

The blame for rising crime lays squarely on the shoulders of State and local governments. Including and primarily on DA’s for refusing to prosecute criminals. And most importantly, the citizens who voted them into office.

Don’t just arrest violent criminals, prosecute them!

Nothing, I repeat, nothing will change until violent criminals are prosecuted and given prison time if convicted. Violent crime should not be tolerated.

When it comes to violent crime and crimes against a community as a whole such as murder, rioting, looting and crimes using guns and other weapons in the act of committing crimes such as assault and robbery, you don’t allow criminals back on the street without bail. Think it’s unfair? Well, I guess these criminals should have thought about that before they were arrested for the crimes described above.

Use a gun to commit a crime— any crime— the bail (if there is bail) should be high enough to all but guarantee they show up for trial. Get arrested for a second offense (no matter what the offense) while out on bail, all bail is revoked and they sit in jail until their trial.

The reason why crime rates are going up in many cities is that fewer and fewer people are being prosecuted for the crimes they commit. The crimes described above should top the list for any prosecutor, with violent crime being number 1. The only way you’re going to lower crime rates in cities is to either get criminals off the streets or give them a reason not to commit crimes in the first place.


While I’ve never agreed with throwing someone in prison for what most would call victimless crimes, it’s a completely different story regarding violent crime. Furthermore, while I’m not a fan of the death penalty, I believe there are certain circumstances where it should be used.

Death Penalty example:
When someone has been caught, dead to rights. Not a question in the minds of anyone, that an individual is guilty of murder, such as the rape and murder of a child, mass murder, execution style murder or any other heinous murder, then that individual, upon conviction should be immediately put to death. I repeat— ONLY if it’s deemed to be an open and shut case. No ten years of appeals, no life in prison without parole. This person is human garbage, a waste of humanity. In fact, crimes like these should be thought of and prosecuted as crimes against humanity instead of murder.


In my humble opinion, prison should only exist for violent criminals and as a last resort for repeat offenders regarding other serious criminal offenses.

Any crime where a gun or other weapon is used in committing a crime— mandatory prison. Anything else is a complete waste of time and money. Think I’m wrong? Look up how much it costs to keep someone locked up in prison. It will surprise you.

Community service is a good alternative to prison for lesser crime. Even shoplifting. Just make sure it’s for a length of time that fits the crime. This means everyone, rich or poor. If convicted – mandatory community service. Start at 32 hours and the sky’s the limit after that, depending on the offense.

That being said, I realize there are always mitigating circumstances and one size definitely doesn’t fit all. That’s what judges are for. It’s their job to figure all that out. But when it comes to repeat violent criminals with no intention of changing their ways, lock them up and throw away the key.

Is that it? All issues related to violent crime is now solved? Nope, not by a long shot. Let’s move on to reason number two.


2. Mental health

Is it just me or are you seeing more and more each day on the news when a violent crime occurs that the words “mental issues” are included in many of the articles. Especially assault crimes. Yes, I’ll be the first to agree that the United States has a major problem with individuals walking the streets with some form of mental illness.

Years ago, a city could simply commit the individual to an institution for the mentally ill, but that ended years ago with SCOTUS declaring it unconstitutional.

Constitutional or not, mental illness is a large and growing factor resulting in the rise of crime. Especially in inner cities. While I feel a degree of empathy towards the mentally ill, that doesn’t solve the problem. We also know that the mentally ill make up a large part of the homeless population. But that’s a separate topic.

So, what do we do with the mentally ill committing random assaults on law abiding citizens? If we’re no longer able to commit them to an institution, do we simply wait for them to commit a crime and throw them in jail? At least that will get them off the streets….. right? And who would be willing to become the victim of such a crime? Not me.

I’m guessing of course but, if someone can’t make a legal decision pertaining to themselves personally due to a mental illness, is there someone who can? Or is jailing them the only legal option? What’s the answer…… when you can’t force someone who has a mental illness to take their meds, what do you do?

A perfect example of this is what’s been going on with Britney Spears. How is it that she is forced by the courts to basically be a slave to her conservators yet there are people walking the streets with serious mental illness and everyone just throws up their hands declaring – There’s nothing we can do about it” Regarding Britney Spears – I can give you SIXTY MILLION reasons.

Take a portion of the hundreds of millions of dollars a state receives from the Feds or from their own budgets each year and instead of flushing that money down the toilet like many states do, build a few institutions for the mentally ill, including and equally important, the criminal mentally ill.

Once they’re built, the state should first give all mentally ill who are homeless the opportunity to commit themselves into the institution and receive help and treatment in lieu of being homeless. If they’re not breaking any laws, it’s their choice. At the very least, it gives them the opportunity to get off the streets.

I know what you’re thinking. How can someone diagnosed with a mental illness make a legal choice? Seeing as I’m not a legal expert, I can’t answer that question. However, if there isn’t a legal remedy, then I guess they’re just going to have to remain homeless until they commit a crime.

The mentally ill criminal is a different story. If convicted, they’ll serve their sentence in the institution instead of a prison. Once their sentence has been served, they must go through an evaluation process and if still deemed a threat to the public and/or to themselves, they become a ward of the state.

I’ll be the first to admit that the issue of mental health, especially homelessness due to mental heath is a subject you can’t solve within a few paragraphs. I also realize there are a lot of legalities that need to be figured out, but I’m certain most can be accomplished. Look at it this way, at the very least, it will get the criminal with mental illness off the streets and somewhere they can receive the help they need.

NOTE: Mental health is an important topic in this series which we’ll get further into and hopefully come up with more defined solutions.


3. Societal

I tend to be a live and let live kinda guy. You know…. do unto others sort of thing.

Live your life any way you like just as long as the way you live your life doesn’t affect or hamper the way I live my life and I will do my best to do the same. Seems fair, doesn’t it?

Contrary to popular belief, conservatives have a high threshold with putting up with the craziness of others. We tend to go with the flow. But even we have our limits which are nearing ever closer through the actions of some on the left. Including a few on the right as well.

Most liberals throw huge amounts of money at a problem then pray the problem magically goes away. That doesn’t seem to be working seeing as it’s been tried a number of times. But bureaucrats sure love all that money.

There are many who say we need to build more prisons. But that begs the question. Are there seriously, that many people living in the US who actually prefer being incarcerated? With everything going on here lately, it sure seems like it.

Perhaps we do need to build more prisons. Will that solve the problem? Again, probably not. With the rate of recidivism, the one conclusion you can make about prisons is that they tend to create more violent criminals.

Prison reform

Anyone who has been in prison for 4 years or more for a non-violent or victimless crime should be paroled. The only criminals who should be doing time in prison should be violent criminals and repeat offenders for serious crimes against the community. This should free up a lot of space in existing prisons and hopefully negate the necessity for building more. But if forced to, if people really are THAT stupid, then build more we will.



Up until now, everything you’ve read are solutions to dealing with violent crime in regards to people who have already made the choice to live a life of crime. It hasn’t dealt with the heart of the issue of crime or the main question. Why do some people make the choice to become criminals in the first place? More importantly, why do most of these young people not seem to care?

Again, you see on the news, young kids jumping up and down on police patrol cars, ambulances, literally making a mockery of law enforcement. Complete and utter disrespect. Why do they do this? They do it because they’re idiots, and know they can get away with it. (And they can post it on their social media pages and possibly make it on the evening news. It makes them look cool.) This is a perfect example of what I mean by saying “Crimes against a community as a whole.” Because right now, in their cities, their leaders from their inaction, appear to be fine with it. Just kids being kids… right?

If I had a child like that, and I don’t care how old he/she was…… well, let’s just say I would never have a child like that. But I understand, there are many parents out there who don’t give a shit about their kids, or what they do.

No such thing as bad kids, just bad parents

There’s a lot of truth to that saying. Then again, I’m certain there actually are a few bad eggs out there. My Dad used to say, (on very rare occasions) – “You’re a kid! You’re a minor! Whatever you do, I’m legally responsible for! What ever you do is a reflection on me, your mom and our family! You keep that in mind when deciding to do something you know is wrong.” Add the fact that he was a 6′ 6″, 240 pound officer in the Marines, let’s just say his comment remained in the back of my mind while growing up, and obviously still does to this day.

It makes one wonder when you see what kids and young adults are doing on the streets these days. What must their parents think? Can all these kids simply be bad eggs? At some point, parents must be held accountable for their minor child’s actions. Parents of these kids should be made aware that they could be— and should be held financially liable for the deeds of their minor children.

Now, if these kids (young adults) knew the reward for their actions such as the one described above was many hours of community service, I don’t believe you’d be seeing that sort of behavior much longer.

The crime? Disturbing the peace. Interfering with a first responder’s ability to do their jobs.

Same thing goes with kids (young adults) throwing objects at police officers. Spitting on them. Etc, etc, etc. The charge? Disturbing the peace/assault on a police officer. First offense? 80 hours community service. Second offense? 160 hours. I highly doubt there would be a third offense.

With many young people, this is how it all starts. Most criminals today didn’t just wake up one morning and decide to be a criminal. It had to start somewhere. More often than not, it began when they were kids. So the first thing you do is convince the kids that they don’t want to even entertain the thought of beginning a life of crime.

Sadly, included in this solution should be a legal “out” for parent(s) who can no longer control their child. More importantly, for a parent who sees the signs that their child could possibly do something horrific. If a parent has done everything that could be done to help their child with no positive results, then he or she should have the ability to make that child a ward of the state or a ward of the court. Programs should be in place to give the child the necessary help the child may require that the parent could not possibly attain nor afford.

I am certain, that no one wants to feel like they’re considering dumping their kid off to become someone else’s problem but think of how many mass killings in schools could have been prevented if these parents had the ability to. There are times when this is the only choice and parents need to have the ability to make it.

Begin at the schools. Public, private, even a program for home schoolers. They have to be taught to realize that crime is not in their overall best interests. That while they may feel cool about a time or two when they weren’t caught, eventually they will be caught. In addition, parents need to be aware that they are responsible for their minor child’s actions through civil and in some instances, criminal court. So they better start keeping an eye on what their kids are up to.

Years ago, in 1978, there was a motion picture called Scared Straight. A you-tube was posted eight years later titled The original scared straight from 1978 with follow ups on the youths and “lifers” 20 years later. It was very interesting to find out what happened to those original kids. Here is the link should you like to see it.

From what I understand (and I could be wrong) the program is still going on to this day. If not, perhaps it should. But why wait until after puberty kicks in to begin getting the message across? By that time, most of the damage has been done. By that time, the views these young adults have regarding crime is already, at least half-baked in.

High school is not a place to begin talking about crime. In my opinion, 4th grade would be much better.

THAT’S INDOCTRINATION! (Some might say). My response would be, perhaps. But so is learning to tie your shoes, or eating with a fork or spoon. I think it would be a safe bet that most of us would love to see less crime with less imprisonment.

While I’m not a psychologist, my only suggestion would be that what ever program is created, keep race out of it. Keep victim hood out of it. Keep politics out of it. Stop psychoanalyzing kids. Keep it short and sweet. Pros and cons about violence and crime including the choices they will eventually have to make. Believe it or not, most kids understand this as long as it’s made easy to understand. Crime is a choice. Crime is a decision.

Most importantly, make sure all parents understand and agree with the program and the goal of the program. This isn’t “Critical Race Theory.” I believe a school program described above will be embraced by all parents. Just as long as politics and ideology are kept completely out of it.


Depending on places where crime has risen the most, a saturation campaign in the media, billboards, any place that would facilitate in getting the word out that crime, especially violent crime will no longer be tolerated. It’s also important to keep in mind that whatever campaign is used, keep threats out of it. Ads like “USE A GUN IN A CRIME— GO TO PRISON!” don’t work on violent criminals. Ironically enough, it accomplishes the exact opposite. You have to come up with a message that crime especially violent crime just isn’t worth it. The price is too high.

One of the best examples of this was a sign I noticed on the freeway while driving through the state of Texas years ago. It was a small sign that was posted every ten miles or so (I could be wrong about that). The sign simply said. “Driving While Intoxicated? YOU CAN’T AFFORD IT!” I may have missed seeing the first or second sign, but eventually, I did see them. I just thought to myself upon reading them…. “Perfect!”

In many countries, even the US at one time had laws that anyone seen looting or vandalizing a business during a riot could be shot and killed on sight. While even I find that to be a little harsh, think about it for a minute.

While the law these days regarding looters is sketchy at best meaning— not recommended, (here’s a link to explain it better,) it begs the question. How many people do you believe— knowing that looting a business during a riot could get them killed, would risk their lives for a microwave oven, or a 50″ TV? Not too many I would imagine. So you have to ask yourself, is that what it takes to get people to stop looting and vandalizing businesses during a riot? Maybe so. Remember, the keywords here are “during a riot.” Not during a catastrophic disaster.

And it may take the deaths of a few REALLY stupid people for the message to sink in to the rest but trust me, the looting of businesses would stop.

Does the law have to be that harsh? Life or death when it comes to looting businesses during a riot? Probably not. Perhaps all it would take is 160 hours of community service. The point is – there has to be arrests and there has to be consequences. Until there are, nothing will change. People will continue to behave this way for as long as they believe there will be no consequences for their actions.

Depending on places where crime has risen the most, a saturation campaign in the media, billboards, any place that would facilitate in getting the word out that crime, especially violent crime will most certainly have consequences. You’ll have to get the message out that the consequence of a criminal act – outweighs the would-be criminal’s perceived reward.


Stupidity knows no bounds

You see on the news. Man shot by police during a struggle. Man shot by police while approaching them with a weapon. Man shot by police while trying to escape carrying a weapon.

This is probably the most baffling to me. While I will never pretend to have any idea what goes through the mind of a violent criminal, I could make an educated guess that neither does the police officer who finds him/herself confronted by one.

I will also say that I am not an expert on the amount of training police officers receive before they’re on the streets protecting the community. I’m certain it’s extensive.

That being said, when one hears about violent criminals being shot by police during an arrest, the prevalent reaction is – deserved or not…. “One more perp off the streets.” or “Saved the courts a lot of money.”

Let me be CRYSTAL CLEAR – I am not referring to someone trying to sell single cigarettes on a street corner. I am not referring to someone trying to pass a counterfeit 20 dollar bill. I am referring to a violent criminal.

Anyone, and I mean anyone who refuses to heed commands from a police officer should be made completely aware that their chances of living through the encounter drops dramatically. Especially when the police officer is pointing a gun at them.

It is astonishing how many people feel the need to be warned more than once. They just stand there. Or try and fight with the officer. Suicide by cop? Could be.

Personally, I don’t care what color your skin is. You start a fight with Police— you resist arrest— you try to use a weapon against police— you throw rocks, bottles and bricks at police? You may end up forfeiting your life and I and all law abiding citizens won’t shed one tear for you. (That, you can be sure of.)


Whether you agree or disagree with a Police Officer, treat them as if you were in the presence of GOD. Because right or wrong, these people have the ability to end your life in a heartbeat. Think you’ve been treated unfairly? Want justice? Want to argue? That’s what the Courts are for. Want change? That’s what your vote is for. When anyone ends your life, it only matters to the living. You could be absolutely in the right but— you’re still dead.

IF these people can just live by this rule. They’ll never have to worry about being shot by Police.

Anyone with young teenage children should make absolutely sure their kids know this. NOTHING is worth throwing your life away over.
No matter what the circumstances, no matter what the reason is for your being stopped by a police officer, the very second you fail to comply with his commands, right or wrong— You just changed the rules. The outcome of which is not in your favor.

Do what the officer tells you to do. You can file a complaint, sue, do pretty much whatever you want legally later. At least you’ll be alive to do it.


Morality— Right and Wrong

Yes, the obvious yet naive solution would simply be— do your best not to break the law in the first place. We all know that won’t happen. But you have to ask yourself when you see and hear about violent crime on the rise in cities— “Don’t these people know the difference between right and wrong?” Don’t these kids know that jumping up and down on police patrol cars is wrong? Shouldn’t adults know that looting businesses is wrong? Ripping down public statues is wrong? Walking up behind some random individual and beating them to a pulp is wrong?

This is the youth of today! (When I say youth – I mean anyone under 35.) They have to know that what they’re doing is not only illegal, but morally wrong as well.

When is comes to crime, especially violent crime, I believe this article has made some valid points with valid solutions. Some of you may say, those solutions are already on the books. I would immediately respond with— If they are, then why aren’t they being implemented?

The larger question is – why don’t these people who commit these crimes care? They hurt people, kill people, they don’t care. They get arrested, they don’t care. They get thrown in prison, they don’t care. They willfully do things which places their lives, and the lives of others in jeopardy, they don’t care. A 3 year old girl gets shot and dies in a crossfire between these people, they don’t care. The complete disregard for life, including their own is incredible.

To these individuals, life itself, even their own has no value. That should be question number one. Because until you find a solution for that, all the other solutions will do is keep violent criminals off our streets. Perhaps that’s all a community wants. out of sight, out of mind and they’re more than happy to pay for it. Just as long as it keeps the community safer.

As sad as it is to say, there are many men and women here in the US who simply can’t be saved. No matter what society does. They are who they are and nothing will ever change. Prison or death is their chosen way of life.

Sure, you can give every excuse in the book, or try to justify why people who, I am certain, at the very least were brought up to know the difference between right and wrong, grow up to become violent criminals.
1. Poverty
2. No sense of family
3. Single parents
4. No father figure
5. Peer pressure
6. No mentor or role model
7. Social media
8. Drug addiction

The list goes on and on. While this may be true in many instances, one fact remains. For the most part, they were brought up knowing the difference between right and wrong.

But at some point in their lives, they no longer cared. And perhaps the reason these particular individuals no longer cared about anything they do to anyone they want, is because they came to the realization that they live in a world that doesn’t care about them.

Or worse, they just get thrown into a system that hands them a check and food stamps each month hoping that will be enough. Shut up, just take the money and leave us alone and try not to kill anyone.

The welfare system was set up as a temporary fix for a temporary problem. Not to be taken advantage of year after year. As usual, with every well intention-ed program there will be people who will exploit it. Even bureaucrats.

In cities where crime has become intolerable, programs have to be implemented. Perhaps they should be implemented anywhere in the US where deemed necessary.
1. After school programs
2. Continuation schools for older kids or adults who dropped out of school.
3. Trade school grants for disadvantaged citizens.
4. Help centers for people experiencing prolonged depression. Not just suicidal thoughts.
5. Adoption centers for pregnant teens. Not just abortion clinics.
6. Mentoring and positive role models sponsored by local places of worship and/or through the community.

I’m sure more suggestions could be made but above all, whatever the program, Politics and race will not be any part of them.

Once these programs have been approved and put into place, there should be a media campaign, saturation getting the message out to the community. Everyone should be made aware that these programs exist and are ready to help.

These programs can be funded by the budgets from local and state governments and from public and private donations and overseen by volunteers from within each community. No political or social ideology allowed. The goal is to help those in need, not to indoctrinate or pacify them.


Mostly Peaceful Protests? Nah – More like Riots

It’s not too often these days when one sees a truly peaceful protest. Tearing down public statues, burning businesses, federal buildings, police precincts seems to be more the norm. Why does this happen? Two reasons (1) they get away with it and (2) it gets coverage on the evening news and thousands of websites. It gives political pundits something to rage about. They do this to either support or oppose the narrative for which the protest took place. CLICK-BAIT!

The one thing that always escapes me is in many instances, when law enforcement declares a riot or an unlawful assembly due to rioting and orders everyone to go home or be arrested, not much happens. If a curfew is put in place, it’s ignored. Nothing happens. Those who actually are arrested get bailed out almost immediately putting them back on the streets. Looting? Nothing happens. Destruction of public property? Nothing happens. Vandalizing private businesses? Nothing happens.

I will never be convinced that these cities where protests take place aren’t completely aware of the more than probable outcomes. Especially if they had to issue a permit for these protests. Permits notwithstanding, when a city finds itself in a situation where a major protest which the likelihood of rioting is more than probable, nothing seems to happen. The leaders cry, “We had no idea this would happen!” (As businesses are looted and burned.) “There’s nothing we can do!”

That’s complete bullshit. Again, look at the cities. 95% of all these protests, rioting, looting and burning of businesses and they all have one thing in common. Yep! Democrat controlled. They allow this to happen. Sure, their leaders are at the ready with their scripts full of talking points, but that doesn’t put out the fires, that doesn’t stop the looting. Which yet again begs the question. Why are these cities Democrat controlled? Any rational human being would think if this is the result of Democrat controlled cities, Democrats would be voted out of office before you could say.. “Break out the tear gas!”. But that doesn’t seem to be the case in these cities. Which again is the reason why the general public has no empathy of you. You voted these clowns into office. Live with it, or change it. Looks like the residents of these cities are more than happy to live with it.

The solution to riots, looting, violence, vandalism while multi part is a piece of cake. Don’t get me wrong, free speech is baked in, the right to protest is baked in. I doubt anyone disagrees with that statement, including me. However, when a protest turns into a riot— not cool. Here’s what you do.

1. Be prepared!

All state’s, including local and county law enforcement should have a protocol in place in the event of a riot which can be up and running (including the National Guard if necessary) at the first hint of a protest about to go sideways.

2. Messaging

All states, including local governments have to get the word out to their residents that while protests are fine and at times encouraged, under no circumstance will rioting, looting and the destruction of public and private property be tolerated. Those who participate in riots will not only be arrested, but prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in the location where the protest is taking place.

3. The writing is always on the wall.

I think it’s a safe bet that when there is a protest about a company discontinuing a particular color of yarn, it’s going to be a fairly uneventful protest. It’s also a safe bet that when you have a situation like George Floyd, or a police shooting, the opposite is equally true. From recent history, everyone knows events like these will produce huge and violent protests which turn into riots.

4. When Protestors begin to lose control of their protest.

Right about this time, a state’s protocol (as described in 1.) should either be in place, or just minutes away from being in place. Once a protest has been declared by law enforcement as an unlawful assembly due to violence or some other unlawful act by protestors, all those participating in the protest are ordered under threat of arrest to disperse and/or go home. Let all protestors know they have 30 minutes. After which, they will be subject to immediate arrest.

5. Make arrests!

Quit screwing around. Once law enforcement protocols are in place, the second one protestor throws a bottle, the second one person spits in a cops face, the second one person lights anything on fire, spray paints a building, breaks a window…. etc, etc.  Arrest them immediately. The very second anyone interferes in that arrest, the protest is over. If any protestor’s bail is posted for them and they rejoin the protest or continues protesting after the protest is declared an illegal assembly and arrested a second time, the bail is five times the original bail. The amount of the bail should reflect the seriousness of the alleged offense. Important note: the bail does not get them off the hook for their offense, they must show up in court to be held accountable.

If protestors refuse to disperse after their allotted time to leave has expired, after repeated warnings from law enforcement that by refusing to leave, they will be arrested. Arrest every single one of them.

6. Prosecute!

Nothing will change until rioting, looting, vandalism, destroying public and private property during a protest/riot is prosecuted and punished.

During a protest……

Spit on a cop? Get up in the face of a cop and scream, blow a horn directly in his face?  The charge? Disturbing the peace. Interfering with a police officers ability to do his job. Punishment: Mandatory $1000.00 fine plus 40 hours of community service. Can be increased at the discretion of the presiding Judge if convicted.

Yell and scream, say anything you want— just not directly in the face of a law enforcement officer.

Throw bottles at police, rocks, any solid object meant to do harm to the officer. Pointing a laser light directly into the eyes of law enforcement. The charge? Assault on a police officer. Punishment: Mandatory $1000.00 to $5000.00 fine plus [three months in jail or 120 hours of community service]. Can be increased at the discretion of the presiding Judge depending on the severity of the charge.

Arrested for refusing to leave or disperse once an unlawful assembly has been declared. The Charge? Obvious. Punishment: Mandatory $200.00 fine and 20 hours of community service if convicted.

Looting, willful destruction or vandalizing of public and/or private property, arson. The charge? Pick a charge, any charge. Punishment: Mandatory $2000.00 to $10,000.00 fine and 3 to 12 months in jail. Can be increased at the discretion of the presiding Judge depending on the severity of the charge if convicted.

Is there more? Probably. Does the punishments seem a little harsh? Could be, but I’d like to think of them more as deterrents. Trust me, It won’t take long before most protestors will think twice before they make the decision to do any of the offenses listed above. In fact, I’ll go as far to say that the minute any of the peaceful protestors see their protest being hijacked by agitators or rioters, they will get the hell out of there as fast as possible.

Signs listing all the consequences a protestor/rioter can incur if the protest gets out of hand should be posted everywhere. Announcements should be made. People need to know what the consequences will be should they decide to disregard orders from law enforcement. In all fairness, communities should be aware of this beforehand so they know what they might be getting themselves into. If a protest does evolve into a riot, peaceful protestors need an out, so they can leave a protest just as peacefully as they came.


Long article…. huh? Well, that’s what this series is all about. Solutions. And solutions can’t be made within the confines of a paragraph or two. Sometimes you just have to take the time to explain it. I hope I’ve accomplished this task when it comes to violent crime or at the very least, made a hell of a dent in it. While this article offers solutions in dealing with violent crime and crimes against a community, It doesn’t offer many solutions in dealing with the root causes of crime. It was never meant to. Crime is a symptom of many underlying conditions. Many of which play a large role in the rise of crime that I will address throughout the course of this series.

I also realize that there are those who could say that many of my solutions are already in place. Trust me, I’m fully aware of this, I’m not that arrogant. I’m certain many are already on the books. My only response would be is if that were true, and violent crime in their areas are still rising, then those who are charged with implementing their solutions have obviously failed miserably.



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