Solutions – WOKISM: Men in Womens’ Sports

Quick Update Note  5/10/24:

It boggles the mind that I wrote this article over one year ago and this continues to be an issue. Read this article. The solution is as obvious as the nose on your face. So you have to ask the question. Why hasn’t this been solved? OK, on with the article—

Knowing that the term WOKISM includes many issues facing sane America, this article will address just one.

Biological Men Participating in Womens’ Sports

There aren’t enough adjectives in the English dictionary to properly describe the utter lunacy behind allowing biological men to participate in competitive girls/womens’ sports. What I find even more astonishing is how few (if any) women be it those in the feminist movement and/or notable female athletes are raising their voices in opposition. What’s the old saying? Their silence is deafening. What this has effectively done is end competitive girls/womens’ sports because as we’re seeing, men now hold records in any sport which allows this although we are beginning to see some long overdue push back such as….

Ex-NCAA swimmer still upset over Lia Thomas making it to 500 finals in 2022 championships, Gordon permits trans athlete ban to become law, but calls it ‘overly draconian and— Veto of Kansas bill on trans athletes sets up override fight just to name a few.

From what I understand, there are now eighteen states that ban transgender students from participating in sports for the gender they identify with. Personally, I find it mind-boggling that this was ever an issue to begin with. It’s a no-brainer— if you have or ever had a penis, no competitive girls sports. Full stop, end of discussion. Yes, it actually is that simple and justifiably so. Basic Biology 101, basic Anatomy folks, or do they no longer teach that in schools these days. And just because one makes the delusional decision to cut off their penis and replace it with a skin cave which will forever require dilation on a regular basis for the rest of their lives to keep said cave from closing, breast implants and hormones does not, I repeat— does not magically make them a woman. Same goes for females who cut off their breasts and have a fake penis installed. Just because you may appear to be male or female does in no way make you a male or female. And simply trying to redefine male and female doesn’t make it a fact.

The Villains

If you have yet to read my article titled: The Gender Lie— Mutilating Our Kids, please take some time and read it. Long article but I feel it covers the bases. In all of my articles (when warranted) I make the statement that I’m a live and let live kinda guy just as long as the way you live your life doesn’t affect the way I live mine and vice versa. But a line must be drawn when it comes to kids who are the most manipulable humans on the planet. They say the human brain isn’t fully developed until the age of 25, especially the decision making part of it so it should come as no surprise that our youth is already confused enough as it is without sex and gender being brought into the mix in classrooms with rainbow flags on the walls and teachers (who they themselves were most likely indoctrinated by their college professors) donning purple hair, lip rings touting all their pronouns literally promoting (in my humble opinion) gender dysphoria to more impressionable children they may target in their classrooms. This is nothing more than recruitment as far as I’m concerned. Any teacher who is involved in this form of teaching should be immediately fired. What one decides to do as an adult is their business. Knock yourselves out but you don’t do this to kids.

Solution 1

The Classroom Grades K thru 12

1. No displays referencing gender ideology such as rainbow flags etc. in a classroom.

2. Teachers will not comment on or teach gender ideology to students. If asked a question they are to refer them to their parent or guardian or as a last resort, the school counselor who will immediately inform the student’s parent or guardian of the issue and come up with the appropriate course of action once approved by the parent or guardian.

3. No gender ideology books or written material of an explicit sexual nature shall be offered in school libraries or the classroom.

4. No pronouns – at all. Period. For teachers or students. Mr. Mrs.or Miss/Miz followed by their last name for teachers and first and/or last name of the student. Damn, I can’t believe I have to say that.

With all the shit easily accessed on a smart phone, it’s no surprise kids are as sexually confused as they are today which is the reason that if I had kids who were 16 or younger, there would be no way in hell they would have nothing more than a basic cell phone in their possession. Want to discuss gender craziness, do so when you’re mature enough to actually understand it and if the subject comes up— that’s what parents are for. All depends on whether or not you have reasonably sane parents. For more info: please see my article: The War on Children and make sure to watch the video.

Solution 2

Girls/Women’ Competitive Sports

In order to create further division, I promise you— there will be democrat controlled states who will continue to allow this insanity of biological boys/men participating in organized competitive sports and until they get their collective heads out of their asses or voted out of office, this insanity will continue. It is for this unfortunate reason, only one solution remains but fear not, it’s a piece of cake to accomplish. In fact, it’s already begun in one state.

Vermont school forfeits basketball game due to transgender player on opposing team. Then we have, School that refused to play team with trans player barred. What’s the old saying? First one to make a stand always gets a little bloodied until the rest join the fight. And while most will eventually come to their senses, there is a much easier way with results in less than sixty days. Here it is.

1. Schools who allow males to compete in girls sports should be boycotted by all other schools. If they get barred from further competition, so be it. Trust me— it will be temporary.

2. If you’re on a team in a school which allows males to participate in girls sports, or a male is on your team, then threaten to leave the team or simply refuse to participate in any competitions until policies not allowing males in girls sports are in place. You may get kicked off the team but imagine if all girls refused to participate and the only one left on the team is the male. Again, policies would change in a heartbeat.

In other words: In order for girls/women to take back girls/womens’ sports— they will have to completely shut down all girls/womens’ sports by refusing to compete in them until males are no longer allowed to participate. Yes, it actually is that simple and I guarantee you, within 60 days, problem solved. Why? It’s all about the benjamins… baby. The money these institutions would immediately begin losing would force the change.

3. All records held by biological males in womens’ sports should be expunged reverting back to the record achieved by a biological female. Now if the trans community (whatever that means) wants true equality— they should have their own competitive sports where trans males compete with each-other and the same with trans females. This will most likely not happen because there aren’t enough trans athletes to make it feasible. So what happens? They push their delusional shit on the rest of us turning womens’ sports into a meaningless joke.

Honest to God, I’m amazed real women have allowed this to go on for as long as it has.

Enough is enough.


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