Solutions – New Series

Forgive my French, but it sure seems like this country has gone to complete shit since Biden took office. It appears that just about everything that could be construed as negative, bad, criminal and destructive has risen. Most of this due to Biden’s executive orders and Democrat policies. Continue Reading →

Ukraine War – It’s Time to End it Before it Ends Us

Americans are one of, if not the most propagandized people on the planet and because of this, because of all the lies it’s becoming more and more difficult to take a side in this war. Or even if we should be taking a side. Especially when we’re (as usual) not getting all the facts from those we entrust to give us the facts. Continue Reading →

Illegal immigration: Solving the Border Crisis

No one really knows how many illegal immigrants reside in the US. Some say 11 million while others say it can be as high as 22 million. Either way, that’s a lot of illegal immigrants. Before you can begin to address this crisis, three things have to take place. Continue Reading →

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

You would have to be a fool not to recognize the similarities between the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the invasion of Iraq by the United States. Only this time, we’re given the very rare opportunity to see everything through the eyes of the country being invaded. Continue Reading →

Solutions – The Rise in Crime

Watch any newscast and upon witnessing the rising crime statistics, especially violent crime, two reactions are always inevitable. You either shake your head in disbelief wondering to yourself… how on earth is this happening? Continue Reading →