BOF Book Corner: Covid-19

From: Operation Warp Speed, Strong Economy, Energy Independent, Middle East Peace Deals, Border Wall-US/Mexico Border Security, Illegal drugs and Aliens through the border at an all time low.

To: Afghanistan Fiasco, Vaccine Mandates, Inflation, US/Mexico Border in Chaos, Supply Chain, Illegal Drugs/Aliens flooding into the US, Attempt at Nationalizing Elections, Attempt at Killing the Filibuster, Record Breaking Crime, Failing Education, CRT, Corruption, Ukraine/Russia

All in less than one year. How could this have happened? Stolen Elections Have Consequences. Continue Reading →

The Fall of Joe Biden

Joe Biden is a useful idiot who is nearing the end of his usefulness. In the political sphere, he is a dead man walking. The pace to his inevitable demise will be determined by the very people who installed him as President of the United States in 2020 with the help from a Chinese virus. Continue Reading →