Lebanon, Gaza, Yemen and Iran— Commonalities

One would imagine these terrorist countries, states, whatever— would know that their actions would be responded to and there’s no better example than the consequences of October 7th when Hamas went into Israel and slaughtered in the most inhumane way over 1000 Israeli’s just minding their own business. And because of the unbelievable stupid decisions made by the leaders of these terrorist groups— most of the Gaza Strip is virtually uninhabitable along with thousands of Palestinian deaths due to again— the decisions their leaders made all the while knowing the consequential results seeing as Hamas is deeply embedded within and under unarmed communities. Continue Reading →

Israel and The Middle East: Part 2

We live in a world where people want to torture, kill and do unspeakable things to others just because of their religious beliefs. We could have nipped this in the bud long ago but didn’t which allowed it to grow to a level where it’s poisoning everyone. Even the ones who continue to cultivate it with lies and propaganda. Continue Reading →

Israel and The Middle East

Whether you agree, disagree or even care about Middle East politics, anyone, I repeat anyone who believes Hamas was justified in what they’ve done and the inconceivably inhumane atrocities they committed in the process have no soul. They literally have no soul. Continue Reading →