How many times do we hear or read the following statement— “America is more divided now than it’s been since the civil war. “Daily? Hourly? I have no idea but I think it would be safe to say, often. The word divided is pretty vague on it’s own unless we place other words around it to better define the reason why it’s used in the first place. Let’s throw a few words in addition to divided and see where it takes us.
The US is Divided Politically
Of course we are. If we weren’t— there would be no need for political Party’s. What’s the word for that? Oh, that’s right… Communism. Which would be perfectly fine if we were nothing more than insects, bred to think the same way and do the work which we were bred for. History has shown that was never a good idea and has led to the deaths of millions. As a whole, the American public tends to put up with each other in regards to our political views. We agree to disagree as we pass the bowl of mashed potatoes around the dinner table doing our best to change the subject before said mashed potatoes go flying.
The US is Divided Morally
While this is a sad comment, to a degree, we are— and we’re seeing more and more of this as time goes by. I have always been a live and let live kind of guy. Do as you please just as long as your way of life doesn’t interfere with my life and vice versa. That being said, there will always be exceptions as there are with just about every rule. And it never fails, it’s the exceptions that turn out to be the most divisive. Take the Supreme Court ruling regarding abortion for example. It doesn’t matter how many times you’re told that contrary to the beliefs of really ignorant people (which include many on mainstream media,) abortion has not been banned in the United States. Restricted? Yes, in many states it’s legal up to 15 weeks which to me sounds more than reasonable. No matter what reason or situation a woman finds herself pregnant, it’s shouldn’t take more than 15 weeks to make a decision whether or not to end a pregnancy. After that, should you decide you don’t want to be a parent then have a chat with the father. Perhaps he does want to be a parent and in many cases would agree to full custody and you relinquishing all financial responsibility for the child. You’ll never have to see the kid again. But don’t expect to have your cake and eat it too. Sounds harsh? Well, better than killing the kid, right? Another avenue (if the father also wants no part of the child) is placing the child up for adoption. This alternative is rarely talked about. Perhaps it is but I’ve never heard the topic of adoption included on the news when the subject of abortion is brought up. From what I understand, there are many programs to support women financially and emotionally when they’re grappling with an unwanted pregnancy.
The last thing I want to do is turn this article into one on abortion so I’ll make two more comments and move on. First, people on the left scream and yell that this is about their reproductive rights and I agree. Women have absolutely every right NOT to get pregnant. But once you do become pregnant, it’s no longer just about you. What part of that do you not understand? Secondly— personally,I could never understand why women would want to take the risk of getting pregnant in the first place. (Unless it was the goal) When ever the subject was brought up I have always responded in the following way. If a woman doesn’t want the risk of pregnancy, then stick to oral sex and toys. Feels just as good (if not better) with the same results. I have never known a woman to get pregnant under those conditions. Just about everything we do in life is accompanied with a degree of risk. Including vaginal sex. How many times do we hear from women, “I took all precautions. I was on the pill, used a condom and I still got pregnant.” Well? That’s the chance you take but at least you get a 15 week grace period in which to rectify your unintentional miscalculation. I’ve said it many times— 99% of everything that happens in your life is your responsibility. Good or bad, you either created it or allowed it to happen.
The US is Divided Socially/Ideologically
Not only true, but expected. I’m not going to pretend I know much regarding social media other than what I hear and read and because of that, I can say it’s not all fun and games. Generally speaking— overall it seems pretty harmless but seeing as I’m not a participant, what do I know, right? Because of that, I can say that if I had young children, no way in hell I’d allow them on any social media platform unless I was 100% certain they were mature enough to handle it emotionally. Smartphones for 11 year olds? No way. Tik tok for an impressionable teenager? Nope. Would never happen. Granted, for you parents of teenagers out there, you have much to consider before granting or not granting your child’s access to the internet and all the shit that’s on it. But if you do, you damn well better make sure you have the ability to examine your child’s search history and what websites they frequent. If there are any red flags, that is where you find them.
Indoctrination: Forgive my French but there is no public institution who have fucked up the minds of kids more than our public school system. Especially in Democrat controlled states. It used to be a kid had to be in college before they were exposed to this garbage such as CRT and Gender. This is no longer the case in some schools where teachers are handing out condoms to fifth graders and teaching eight year old girls how to masturbate while allowing young boys learn how to give and old man a blowjob through the gender equality books they push. If this were happening anywhere else, these people would be jailed for child abuse. Thankfully, this is not taking place in all cities and states but it’s still being taught in many. And you wonder why so many kids are completely confused. Some to the point of suicide. It’s difficult enough for many to get past puberty without all this bullshit being heaped on them by student activist teachers with green hair and lip rings— who they themselves were indoctrinated just years earlier. In case you missed it, that always was and still is the plan. That was the only redeeming value regarding Covid-19. With all the school lock-downs resulting in remote learning, parents got the chance to see how their children were being taught. Most were horrified which is why you’re seeing so many school boards flip conservative with many more to follow. If it weren’t for Covid-19, we wouldn’t have given school boards a second thought.
Learning levels in grades k through 12 have now sank to the lowest in recorded history with 35% of all 4th graders not being able to read at their level. This should disgust all parents but fear not. These kids are good at holding up protest signs on issues they know absolutely nothing about, using a condom and masturbating. Are all public school teachers this way? Certainly not. The trouble is, you don’t hear about the good ones that often. The only way this gets back to normal where kids are taught the basics is when school choice becomes an alternative. Sadly for most parents, the public school system has a monopoly on their kids.
The US is Divided Racially
Personally, I don’t believe this. However, when you watch the nightly news and hear about some colleges and university’s discussing or actually having racially segregated graduation ceremonies, racially divided dorms, racially divided safe spaces, it kind of makes you wonder. Again, I have to go back to indoctrination from our learning institutions. All it takes is to look at the youth in large democrat controlled cities and you’ll find all the proof you need to know that what they’re doing just ain’t working as you look up and thank God you don’t live anywhere near them. In fact, I wrote a book titled From Racism to WOKE Racism that discusses this further. That all being said, do I truly believe the United States is divided racially? No, however the BLM movement has set race relations back 20 years. Not a good thing.
If you don’t like it— MOVE!
Guess what? That’s exactly what thousands of people have already done and are continuing to do. To the point where a few states like California and New York have lost House seats. Sometimes, in the course of a person’s life, they come to the realization that it’s just not worth it. The crazy’s grip on the asylum is just too great to fight and they have better things to do than continue an uphill battle. It’s time to get the hell out of there which is exactly what I did over twenty years ago. Never looked back and I’ve watched that state (California) continue to go downhill ever since. Truly one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’m certain those on the left are responding to the exodus with “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out” and that’s fine by me as I no longer had to put up with it one day longer. Interestingly enough, you’re seeing this exodus from Blue states into Red states, not the other way around, including rather large corporations. One would imagine those in power would see this as a red flag but as of yet, no such luck. Again, ask me if I care. Just as long as those moving into states like mine are leaving the politics which turned their cities into unlivable shitholes and leave our states just the way they are. Eventually, states like California, New York, Oregon, Washington and the like will be forced to come to their senses and make some major changes because they will soon run out of middle and upper middle class money to pay their bills and socialist agenda. Not only that, but it will be a cold day in hell before they’re bailed out— again. Better hang on to that Covid Relief money you received that you have yet to spend for as long as possible. You’re going to need it. And all those precious tourist dollars? Just a sec— have to stop laughing. Drugs everywhere? Homeless tent cities? Defecation on sidewalks daily? Rampant crime? Sure! Be right over. Can’t wait!
A House Divided Can Not Stand
When most of us hear this line, we automatically think of Abraham Lincoln’s House Divided speech he gave at the 1858 Illinois Republican State Convention, he was actually quoting a verse from the Bible. The context is obviously different in the way the line was used in Lincoln’s speech but why not, it fit perfectly. But we have to understand that context. Lincoln was referring to a way of life between the south and a way of life in the north meaning, slavery. He knew those two ways of life could not coexist in a Country called The United States. It wasn’t just Lincoln. Fifteen Presidents earlier, Thomas Jefferson, our third President knew this as well saying…
“But, as it is, we have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other. – Jefferson to John Holmes, (discussing slavery and the Missouri question), April 22, 1820)
The writing was on the wall thirty-eight years earlier with no conceivable way (at that time) to solve it without the House Lincoln referred to in his speech collapsing. Which it did just a few years later. Fast forward 164 years and while we’ve gone through some troubling times, I believe it’s a safe bet the United States is nowhere near the point of division seen during the civil war. Although you’d never know it after hearing Joe Biden’s “soul of the nation” speech Thursday, Sept 1st in Philadelphia. I’ve never heard such garbage coming from the mouth of a so-called President in my life. Divisive is an understatement. But fear not, Old Joe will be out the door soon enough. Perhaps sooner when Republicans take back control of the House and most likely the Senate.
Three Villains
And who are these villains you ask? I’ll give you three guesses and I’m certain most of you will be correct. Included in the answers below I’m going to use excerpts from my book From Racism to Woke Racism to help with the explanations. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet… (hint).
First: The US Public School System
See? You’re one for three so far. It all began in Colleges and University’s.
[excerpt] Above all that, the most important product they created were clones of themselves, which would prove indispensable in the near future. Professors wept with joy as they watched their children pull down statues, riot, burned businesses causing death and destruction they deemed collateral damage for their cause. For only by destroying the past would these professors get their Ant Hill, their Bee Hive and their Wasps nest. These children were the American Taliban and they were winning.
However, they also knew that even children eventually grow up. They begin to have families of their own, they begin to pay their own bills. Minds eventually change. There’s an old joke that everyone starts out as a liberal— comes to their senses and ends up a conservative. There’s a lot of truth to that and these professors knew it. “We have to get them younger, but how?” they pondered scratching their bearded chins. All their efforts before worked because they were able to do it in a way that brought little attention to themselves. The complicit media helped in this regard by not covering this transformation on their platform.
[excerpt] When you think about it, Socialism or Communism in their purest form does seem like the way to go. Then reality kicked in with rational individuals coming to the conclusion that it only works if you’re an ant, a bee, a wasp or some other insect. But that didn’t stop the Academics. They knew they could make a convincing argument that their idea of society was the right idea.
They also knew there was no way they could make that argument towards anyone over the age of 35 because by then, whatever views they had were fairly baked in. This way of thinking was proven correct from generals and politicians during times of war. They all admitted they preferred young men doing most of the fighting and dying for one primary reason. Had they been any older, they would have questioned their role and looked at the politics behind the war more skeptically instead of simply following orders. Right or wrong— a just cause or not— the answer to any ideology, philosophy or any form of manipulation was to get them while they’re young.
And it was working flawlessly until the entrance of Covid-19 and the completely ridiculous and unwarranted lock-down of public schools. The floodlight on remote learning was turned on illuminating parents to the way their children were being taught.
Second: Permanent Washington and The Powers that Be
[excerpt] To the people I refer to as the Powers, money isn’t the issue because they already control it. Control is the keyword. They know everything is temporary. Kings are temporary, governments are temporary, wars are temporary, Presidents are temporary, life itself is temporary, well— you get my drift. They are the men behind the men behind the throne and rarely involve themselves in something as mundane as petty squabbles between people. They are the top of the power pecking order and allow the lesser powers do as they please just as long as it doesn’t affect their own self interests. If that happens, all they do is create a war, a plague or crash a stock market. Problem solved.
Permanent Washington along with The Powers are what fuel division. They financially support those who keep chaos and division alive and well on city streets, with DA’s refusing to prosecute crimes and cashless bail which allow criminals back onto those streets. They are the Establishment comprised of both Democrats and Republicans who think nothing of tossing millions of dollars in support of Establishment candidates running for elected office, just as long as they tow the Establishment line. Political Party means nothing to these people. Which is the main reason why they are absolutely terrified of Donald Trump and his supporters, doing everything in their power short of another JFK incident to keep him from running for President in 2024. If you want to know why, I refer you to my article The Big Con. The answer is there.
Three: Mainstream Media
Three for three, right? Congrats! Mainstream media or liberal media are the main recipients of the fuel mentioned above. They are the mouthpiece of Permanent Washington and The Establishment. They simply do as they are told as anyone can see by the way they spit out the exact same talking points at the exact same time. You’d think at the very least they’d switch the words around a bit but they don’t. Personally, I don’t think even they believe all the shit coming from their mouths. Ahhh, the things they do for a paycheck.
Truth plays little to no role in liberal media. It’s all about the Optics.
Liberal mainstream media are the true agitators. They are the true purveyors of vitriol creating hatred and disdain with anyone who disagrees with them. Purposefully spreading disinformation, misinformation, rumors and outright lies on a daily basis with not only what they report and pontificate on, but what they refuse to report on resulting in keeping their viewers ignorant. Funny thing is, they don’t care. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if after their shows, these commentators and/or reporters sit back laughing saying to each other… “These idiots actually believe us!” Truth plays little to no role in liberal media. It’s all about the Optics.
The Great American Divide
Real or media myth? Where and when it counts, our generosity, or willingness to help others who or less fortunate, our basic humanity— no, I think most of us are on the same page. We will always be somewhat divided in our politics but we tend to go with the flow as long as ones politics aren’t overly intrusive into someone who may hold a different point of view. That being said, like Thomas Jefferson— seeing the inevitable consequence of slavery thirty-eight years before the civil war, the events taking place in this Country we’ve witnessed and continue to witness recently cemented with Biden’s soul of the nation speech, I have to agree with 78% of the American public. The United States is definitely headed in the wrong direction. And until Establishment Democrats and Republicans are voted out of office— until Permanent Washington along with all the corrupt bureaucracies are cleaned up— and until we really start listening to each other, I don’t see that direction changing anytime soon. And if you think the exodus from Blue States is significant now, with this ban on gas cars by 2035, trust me when I say, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Nevertheless, the first real red flag is what is depicted in the graphic for this article. Segregation— and I’m not referring to the segregation we saw after the civil war, I’m referring to the voluntary segregation we’re seeing in our learning institutions today. Astonishing, isn’t it? Voluntary segregation. Did you ever think this would be happening in a country which spent so much time and effort ending it? And what happens next? The segregation of states which is what we’re seeing take place. Want an abortion at 8 months? Go to a Blue State. Want to get as high as a kite while pissing and taking a shit on city streets? A Blue state is right down your alley. Want to steal as much as you can carry (just as long as it’s under $950.00) without consequence? Head on over to a Blue State. If you’re a die-hard criminal then there is no finer state than a Blue State to ply your chosen profession. Want your kids indoctrinated rather than learn that which helps them in their adult lives, keeping them stupid yet at the same time being happy and declaring equity at it’s finest because at least now, all kids are equally stupid? The Blue State is definitely for you. I could go on but why bother. However, if you want law and order— if you want your kids to be taught the basics in schools— if you don’t believe in a welfare state— if you’re against WOKISM and want to live your lives as you see fit without states coming up with one law after another to placate a minuscule and emotionally lost segment of society, then move to a Red State.
This is what is most concerning. When life becomes so politically and ideologically intolerable for people that they move to another state and said exodus is flowing in one direction (myself guilty of) with the rest of the state more than happy to see them leave, that is a dangerous sign. A sign that will come back to bite these Blue States in due time. Not today mind you, most likely not even in my lifetime (seeing as I’m a decrepit old fish) but soon enough. And should that day happens, when Red and Blue States take up arms against each other— no one will be happier to see that than Permanent Washington, Mainstream Media and The Powers that be. Meaning— Globalists.
I believe one of the most powerful weapons the establishment has against this nation and its peoples is immigration, both legal and illegal. 46.7 million is the number of both legal and illegal foreign born residents of the USA– most of which vote blue. It is because of this that Democrats want the borders open and restrictions dropped. To add to this astounding figure: The birth rate of these foreign born peoples is much higher than the native population, thus it will lead to their number increasing while the native population decreases. Political ideology is .5 correlated with heritability, meaning, your political ideology is somewhat inherited from the DNA of your parents, and most certainly the way they raise you is going to add to that.
Sure, some foreign born peoples vote red (like the Cubans), but it is most certainly not the majority, and because of this, the Democrats are and have been building a loyal voter demographic that maintains their ability to control the office and senate.
If only the white population voted it would’ve been 367 to 171 in the electoral college for republicans and democrats respectively. Even with the native Black and east Asian population, Republicans would win nearly every time.
To change this, you must change the demographics, and they have.
The only way to preserve the voting power of the natives is to expel illegals and severely restrict all immigration.