With less than sixty days until the 2024 elections— specifically for President of the United States, it’s almost inconceivable how little we know about Kamala Harris. Especially when one takes into consideration she’s been vice president for almost four years. To be fair, we didn’t know that much about Vice President Mike Pence either. That being said, Mike Pence had to go through the primary process which is why he’s not the nominee, whereas Kamala Harris was installed. Huge difference because everyone knows had there been Democrat primaries, Kamala Harris would not be the Democrat nominee. That’s worth repeating— had there been Democrat primaries, Kamala Harris would not be the Democrat nominee. This is something I feel we can all agree on but that and a dime won’t buy you a cup of coffee— because she is.
With what little we actually know about Harris being witness to these last four years, to the rational mind, one would think the upcoming Presidential election would be a no-brainer with Trump easily prevailing. Not so according to polls and the media [both of which I wouldn’t trust as far as I could throw them.] Nevertheless and as baffling as this race between Trump and Harris, conservatives have to be concerned not so much with what Harris says [because it’s mostly meaningless]— but how Democrats will be collecting votes including how they’re counted. They call it their “ground game” but that’s a different and equally important story which I wrote abut a few years ago titled New Rules for Honest Elections. I can only hope we don’t see this time around what we saw in 2020.
Since Harris’s installation, she has had only one rather pathetic interview with Dana Bash at CNN. Other than that, Harris makes it a point not to answer questions from the press unless they’re similar to Biden’s hard hitting “ice cream cone” questions. Why is that? And before we get to the heart of this article, remember the following. Up until said interview, all we’ve heard from Harris are speeches. No press conferences, just reading someone else’s words on a teleprompter and surrogates talking for her with vague answers including non-stop pivoting to scripted talking points on mainstream media. This is the extent of Kamala Harris and incredibly enough, her supporters appear to be perfectly fine with it. Again, you have to ask why?
Who is Kamala Harris?
Will the real Kamala Harris please stand up. Ask just about any average citizen [Harris supporter or not] about the accomplishments of Kamala Harris in any capacity [past or present] and most if not all wouldn’t be able to tell you. The ones who could or at least make an attempt would simply repeat only what they’ve heard or read from other manufactured sources. The interview below aired on Brian Kilmeade’s One Nation with Judge Joe Brown rectifies that.
Enlightening, to say the least. That’s the Kamala Harris most of those who support her are completely unaware of. What about now? We hear about all her flip-flopping on issues facing America. When once, that which she was completely against doesn’t appear to be the case now although we have yet to hear any of this coming from the proverbial horses mouth. Nope, all this change in attitude is coming from her surrogates on media outlets. Why? Because if elected and she goes right back to those original statements of the past, she can honestly say when called out on what was supposedly said by her surrogates— “I never said that.” As Bernie Sanders said in a recent interview [saying the quiet part out loud] calling Harris a pragmatist doing whatever it takes to win the election.
For the rest of this article, I’ll wait until after the debate.
The Debate—
Trump was 100% correct when he said the debate was three on one. Tuesday nights debate was proof positive why Presidential debates these days are worthless but perhaps a necessary evil only because of optics. The only substantial part of the debate were not only Trump’s answers to the moderators questions but the necessary pivots which followed. Why? Because the moderators weren’t going to ask substantial questions of Harris let alone call her out for not answering any of them. This was obvious pretty much right from the start. On the other hand, for the most part, Kamala Harris was the pivot queen. It didn’t matter what the question was, she just dodged and went in a completely different direction with memorized talking points and the moderators allowed her to. To me, that was the number one most frustrating part.
While you could hear and see Trump’s frustration during the debate, as far as I was concerned, it was justified. The American people learned absolutely nothing about Harris that night because outside of a few canned talking points right from her plagiarized website basically stolen from Biden’s website, she really didn’t say anything. At least anything substantial. It’s like a newspaper printing nothing but headlines while neglecting to write the story. If the only goal for Harris was to get Trump a little flustered— I’ll admit, she achieved that although anyone would get a little flustered when one lie after another was thrown their way. But ask yourself, after ninety minutes, did you get the impression that Harris will make America great again? Safe again? Prosperous again? I didn’t think so.
In my recent article titled, Information: Who Do You Trust, there is a segment called—
Ask the F**king Question—The Interview
Have you ever watched an interview with a politician or one of their surrogates only to symbolically pull your hair out as you scream at the TV and say… “Ask the question! Ask the damn question!” And they rarely if ever do. You stand up, walk away and say… “well, that was a waste of time.” More often than not, it’s true. Have we reached a point in time where expectations that we as voters will get real answers to real questions are nonexistent? It’s like, why bother— they’re not going to answer anyways. I’m certain this (what is referred to as pivoting) frustrates the questioner even more as the respondent just smiles and gives the look as if saying… “that’s all you’re getting from me. Next question?” What’s worse is the complete lack of followup questions. Perhaps it’s because of the frustration of not getting a real honest answer in the first place. And we have to consider who is doing the interviewing. There’s a reason why they call them softball interviews and hardball interviews and also why Candidates flock to particular partisan news organizations in which to be interviewed. Kamala Harris chose CNN because they are “friendly’s.” Will she go into the lions den and be interviewed by anyone on FOX news? Highly unlikely. But nothing pisses off the viewer more than all the pivoting, all the word salad responses given by the ones being interviewed. We expect a little but damn! Pivoting throughout the entire interview just to give talking points instead of answering valid, serious questions? Again, everyone does it to a degree but when they go overboard— becoming obvious? Just lost my viewership and most likely my vote for the candidate being questioned. If you can’t handle the lions den, you have no business running.
Don’t you wish there was a Television Show called…..
Personally, I believe a show like this would be one of the most consistently viewed shows with top ratings everywhere. Before I go into the premise and how the show will be produced, just remember you heard it here first so send royalty checks to….. well, for the time being, just order one or all of my books. To all show-runners out there, feel free to contact me.
OK, let’s begin with the obvious premise which is to get politicians and their surrogates to keep from pivoting when asked a question. It’s a one-hour show with a politician or one of their surrogates in the proverbial hot-seat. (Could be any prominent person actually.) They will not know the questions they will be asked. They will be able to refuse to answer up to three questions without being penalized although their refusal will be telling enough. For each question answered, a specific amount of money will be given to the contestants campaign PAC or to a charity of their choice. If they are private citizens with no restrictions on receiving prize money, then the money can go to them directly. Questions will be selected from responses the show receives from the public. Questions they personally would like to see answered by an upcoming contestant with the final determination made by a panel of judges.
Upon arriving to the set, the audience will be given a scoring device with two buttons. Whether they agree or disagree with the answer given is not relevant just as long as the specific question was answered. NO PIVOTS. If the audience deemed it was answered, they choose Button A, if it wasn’t, they choose button B. If the majority of the audience chooses button A, the host moves on to the next question or a followup question. If the majority chooses Button B, the crowd is given a signal by the judges to yell out… “Answer the Fucking Question!” in unison. The contestant is given another chance to answer. If the question is answered, the host can move to the next question or ask a followup question with the same rules applying. If the contestant fails a second time, it’s one strike. If the contestant fails to answer three questions, a large stage hook appears and the contestant exits the stage in disgrace and humiliation.
Remember— the questions will be direct and specific. No gotcha questions and the contestant could lie through his teeth in giving their answer and it would still be considered an answer although they could be called out on it in a followup. Personally, I believe the show would be a hit. [End Segment]
Should there be another debate? Only if Fox News holds it. Trump has already done two debates [albeit with two democrat candidates], on two openly biased news outlets so it would be only fair that this final debate be held by FOX which is known to be far more fair, balanced and objective. Personally, I think they’re all a waste of time but unavoidable because as I said— the optics. It should be FOX news or nothing.
I would be remiss if I didn’t give my thoughts on the whole illegal migrant pet eating comment Trump made. I’ll admit, kinda cringy and not really needed to be said but it does remind me of a really old joke some might not have heard.
In a taxi while vacationing in Mexico, one of the passengers commented to the driver… “Last time I was here, I saw all these stray dogs and cats roaming the streets. Now I don’t see any, what happened to them all?” The driver replied smiling…. “The tourists ate them.”
All in all, the biggest losers in the debate were first and foremost ABC News but they already knew that before the debate began, second was the undecided American voter. But the one thing they did see was Kamala Harris dodging even the simplest questions. She continues to be the Queen of Vague.
The debate was nothing more than a dog show with Kamala Harris trained to pivot to memorized lines used to answer anything posed to her. Pretty simple when you have five days beforehand in a hotel room with her trainers. Trump was Trump. Kamala? She just went through the course and instead of jumping through the hoops and over the obstacles, she ran around them. Just as she was trained to do.
Transparent as Mud
It will be interesting to see if Harris runs back to the basement and completely scripted teleprompter events or she does begin to do press conferences. I was a little surprised she wasn’t asked that question during the debate. Why has she refused to talk to the press and more importantly, why does it appear the press are perfectly OK with that? After the debate, Trump went out of his way to talk to the press. Harris was nowhere to be found. She ran off that stage quicker than you could spit and went directly to friendly territory. No more questions for her that night.
I’m sorry for being just a tad harsh but there are times when one has to call a spade a spade. And that is exactly what the Harris supporter is which is a whole lot nicer than how Nancy Pelosi described conservatives.
So let’s take some time and find out why I called Harris supporters idiots. We’ll begin with the obvious.
Provide a $25,000 tax credit for first-time home-buyers over four years: So there you go— the price of homes just went up by 25K and most likely much higher because of the demand it will create. I wrote about this in a recent article Kamala Harris: Welcome to Communism.
[Excerpt] Another freebee Harris wants to hand out like a doctor handing out lollipops to kids after their examination is $25,000.00 to first time home buyers to help with down-payments. Good idea right? Especially for the home seller as he immediately raises the price of his home by 25K. And trust me, it won’t be just 25K because this freebee will increase demand— home prices skyrocket far above 25K. So who wins with this Government handout? The seller, the banks because they are who gets not only the initial 25K from the government— additional money from home price increase— the banks rake in all the money from selling loans many can’t afford even with this 25K fantasy. Result? Housing bubble 2.0 which crashes the housing market once again as a few new multi-millionaires laugh all the way to the bank when the Government bails them out yet again. They’ll just use the 25K from the government as the reasoning behind the loan. The losers will be those who bought into it as foreclosures begin a year or two later and the American people who will be funding it. [End Excerpt]
Repeal Trump’s tax cuts: The day she does this, Americans just had their taxes substantially increased. Imagine that. Sure, billionaires will pay more but guess what? They can afford it. Can you?
Corporate tax hikes: Another beauty. With this move by Harris, your taxes just went up by an additional 7%. Why? It’s common knowledge that these taxes on corporations are passed on to the consumer.
Expand the Section 195 deduction limit for startup expenses from $5,000 to $50,000: In other words, businesses under this plan won’t be taxed on 50K which is more of a tax credit than a deduction. Question— seeing as this will cost all tax payers billions in order to make up for the initial loss, aren’t business expenses already tax deductible? I’m no expert, but it sounds like most of this has to do with depreciation of high ticket business purchases.
Taxes on unrealized capital gains: Seriously? This is yet another Pandora’s box no one in their right mind would want to open. But it all boils down to the following excerpt from Kamala Harris: Welcome to Communism.
[Excerpt] You see, the bulk of monies the government collects in the name of helping Americans is largely spent on growing government in the process. You hear the words all the time— Administrative costs. I’ve written about this in many articles. Cities and states have spent so much money on so-called programs designed to help the homeless, they could have bought ever single homeless family a decent house and just handed over the keys. In fact, it probably would have been cheaper. Why people (especially democrat voters) fail to understand this is mind-boggling.
It’s like Democrats promise everyone a yacht for their vote and after they win, you’re sent a toy boat for the bathtub. But everybody gets one!
Look at it this way— more government programs = more money for administrative costs, more regulations, higher taxes and more hoops to jump through. In other words, more government. [End Excerpt]
Price controls: Doesn’t matter what it is. Food, rent, etc. America has been there, done that and we’ve had to live through the disastrous results. And remember, none of what Harris proposes does absolutely anything to address our 35 TRILLION dollar deficit. Just tax and spend.
Public Education: To use the words improving public education and Democrat in the same sentence is a contradiction in terms. Teacher union leadership has a lot to do why large liberal cities are churning out functional illiterates on a yearly basis. Keep’em stupid— that’s their motto. Additional billions are spent on education yet positive results are very few and very far between. But that’s OK, this has been going on for so long now, most of these functional illiterates are now democrat voters. Well done, right? And you residing in large cities wonder why nothing changes?
Energy: Energy is the foundation of our economy and as long as the cost of energy remains high, so does the cost of basically everything because it’s all connected in some form or another. Specifically oil. Harris says her multi-trillion dollar new green scam will bring tens of thousands of high paying jobs. What she neglects to say is that all those jobs will be paid for by tax payers. And when these new green deal corporations either go bankrupt or outright fail (which some have already done), those CEO’s who received all those billions will laugh all the way to the bank. Trump was correct when he said the only way to bring down costs is not through taxing Americans and creating more so-called programs but by becoming energy dominant. Full stop— end of story. Drill baby drill.
Abortion: First, Trump was 1000% correct during the debate saying there will never be enough votes either way in congress to pass any national anything in regard to bans or codifying abortion. What he should have added is that which I’ve been saying for a very long time.
Contrary to popular belief, there is no way on the face of the earth there will ever be a federal law codifying or banning abortion. Not now, not 10 years from now. It’s a non-starter. SCOTUS, by throwing out federal laws regarding abortion sending it back to the States tells us one very important truth. And the truth is— the only way the United States can create any federal law in regard to abortion (pro-life or pro-choice) is through a constitutional amendment. Full stop! End of story. Even if a law is passed by congress, SCOTUS will throw it out. In hindsight— I’m not totally sure even federal restrictions would be constitutional. Whatever your views on abortion, best to steer those views towards a State Representative or State Senator for they are the only ones who can affect change either way. Any candidate running for national office using abortion as a talking point is blowing smoke up your ass.
Illegal Immigration: There are two primary reasons why immigrating into the U.S. is a long process. (1) It allows the government time to vet the individual seeking to immigrate. (2) It allows the immigrant time to assimilate into the American culture and it’s laws. The Biden/Harris administration intentionally threw all that out the window on day one by killing all of Trump’s safeguards allowing countless millions immediately enter the U.S. Not only allowing, they’re flying them in by the thousands. Out of all the issues facing America over the last close to four years, this is the one that pisses me off the most. Why? Because this complete clusterfuck was intentional. The Biden/Harris administration wanted this. And now because there wasn’t any time whatsoever for any kind of assimilation, we have over 100 completely different cultures roaming the streets of our country living their lives in the same way they’ve lived them in their own countries. They have little to no respect for our laws and have no intention of appreciating our American culture. Trump was correct when he talked about the emptying of jails in Venezuela and other countries. Their crime rate goes down while migrant crime in the U.S. is rampant as evidenced daily.
In many ways, illegal aliens are treated better than our own citizens and to top it all off, a very large percentage would fail in their bid for asylum. So, we’re spending hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars that will soon top one trillion (if it hasn’t already) to accomplish what? More tomato and cabbage pickers? Lawnmower operators? Dishwashers? Democrat voters? And make no mistake— it will end up costing the taxpayer billions of dollars to send them all home and I have absolutely no problem with that. Just get it done ASAP. Whatever it takes. You come into the U.S. the right way, or not at all. I’ve written many articles addressing this. if you have yet to read them, I invite you to although keep in mind, there were written when Biden was still the presumptive Democrat nominee but at this point, does it make a difference? Here they are— (1) Illegal immigration: Solving the Border Crisis (2) The United States of Chaos (3) Biden’s Border— The Method Behind the Madness (4) It’s Time to Impeach Mayorkas (5) Update: Mayorkas Impeachment (6) Biden Impeachment: Shit or Get Off the Pot. Needless to say, I believe I’ve covered all the bases when it comes to illegal immigration. Democrats talk about Trump being a criminal? You can take every single one of Trumps alleged offenses, times them by 1000 and you wouldn’t come close to the criminality of the Biden/Harris administration. And that’s just what they’ve done on the border. Every single death because of their actions stains their souls red with blood.
The Economy: What the hell does Harris mean when she says she want’s “An Opportunity Economy”? I don’t even think she knows but I can tell you what it does mean. Larger government, more regulations and more hoops to jump through and we can’t forget the millions of administrative cost that accompany them. She wants to strengthen the economy through distribution of wealth meaning tax and spend (handing out other people’s money and hope for the best) while Trump wants to strengthen the economy through less taxes, lower energy costs leading to increased over-all production. Believe me when I say the following: Solving our now fragile economy and by extension high inflation will be a walk in the park for Trump compared to the inconceivably daunting task of deporting millions of illegal aliens who will most certainly fail their asylum claims.
Government Regulations: The definition of big government. More and more regulations including more and more people to enforce those regulations. There’s an old saying— The Government will spend a million dollars to make a dime. So far, they have that down to a science.
Foreign Policy
I think I’ll go with what I said in my article Kamala Harris: Welcome to Communism. It pretty much says it all. Here’s an excerpt.
Foreign Policy? What Foreign Policy?
This is one of the scariest parts of all. Barack Obama was the “apologizer” in Chief when it came to world affairs. Biden was the “Caver” in Chief for allowing the rest of the world to walk all over him as they laughed. If Harris wins the election (God forbid) there will be no words to describe the lengths she’ll go to so other countries to say they like her. She’ll do what she knows best— get down on her knees and do whatever it takes to be seen as a good President, even if it means selling out the U.S. in the process. She and her woke administration will cave at ever turn as they run to their safe-spaces crying. Her generals will complain about breaking a nail or a heel on one of their designer shoes… and these will be males.
No, Kamala’s foreign policy will be very similar to her domestic policy. Hand out billions of taxpayer dollars and hope the problem goes away. She’ll make speeches (word salads) and do her utmost to spend her way out of everything or at the very least, promise to. She, like Joe Biden will be what they already are— tools of the administrative state which last time I checked, no one in America wants.
And what do you think she’d do when China invades Taiwan? Or when Putin amps up his attacks on Ukraine? Or when the attacks on Israel increase exponentially? Or a 9-11 type terrorist hits somewhere in the U.S. because of the millions of illegal aliens she allowed (even flew in) to the U.S? So I ask the question to Harris supporters once again. Is it stupidity or ignorance? [End excerpt]
Ukraine War: I’ll let previously written articles speak for themselves. (1) The Pot Calling the Kettle Black (2) Ukraine War: It’s Time to End it Before it Ends Us and (3) 60 Billion to Ukraine— Congress Lost its Mind
War Against Hamas: Again, I’ll let previously written articles speak for themselves. (1) Israel and the Middle East Part One (2) Israel and the Middle East Part Two and my most recent (3) Israeli Protests— Misdirected Anger. All I could add is if you’re one who supports Israel, you’d be out of your mind to vote for a Democrat. Notice how Harris says she’s 100% in support for Israel defending itself. Trouble is, she defines “defending” in a completely different way than Israel. You see, to Israel, defending itself means winning the war against Hamas. Not so with Harris. Her solution is to allow Hamas to fight another day. The price being more dead Israeli citizens.
Remember what I said about the debate being more like a dog show? That’s what you’re getting with Kamala Harris. A trained lapdog of Permanent Washington. She spews out all these kumbaya talking points, turning the page, coming together as a nation (just as long as it’s their way) but she never says how she’ll accomplish this. Like most Democrats, she believes throwing money at any issue will make the issue go away and we’ve seen four years of this. Tell me, has anything changed or has it all gotten worse? There’s a reason why the Biden/Harris administration is called the Biden/Harris administration. As Kamala touts, she’s the last person in the room with Joe when it comes to making important decisions. That should be all Americans really need to know.
Make no mistake, Joe Biden was told to drop out of the race and he did as he was told. In kind, Kamala Harris (if elected) will do as she’s told. Why? Like Biden…
Kamala Harris is the embodiment of the Administrative State.
The Scariest Part of All—
In my article Kamala Harris: Welcome to Communism, I talked about the illusion of saving grace. Meaning much of Harris’s socialist proposals requires congress to make them law. Thankfully, that’s highly unlikely to happen. However, when you look at the past four years, most of the catastrophic damage intentionally done to the United States was accomplished by the stroke of Joe Biden’s pen. The Afghanistan withdrawal, Covid mask mandates, Covid vaccine mandates, just to name a few. The Supreme Court shot down Biden’s attempts to convert student load debt to America’s debt, yet he was able to get away with billions of dollars to cover a portion of it. And he’s still trying to do more. He got away with it. Not all, but he got away with a portion— but top on the list was the opening of our borders to just about anyone to simply walk across. Then flying tens of thousands into the U.S. when the optics began to look bad for them. This all began on day one for the sole reason that the more people allowed into the U.S. the more difficult it would be for Trump to deport them all. What baffles me the most is what the Biden/Harris administration has done in regard to the border is constitutionally illegal in so many ways, it’s difficult to count them all. But he got away with it. He got away with it and Americans will be paying the price for this for decades to come.
Illegal immigration brought to America by the Biden/Harris administration should be the number one issue voted on in this election.
I wonder what she’ll get away with if she’s elected.
Scary thought… huh?