The Toxic Democrat Relationship

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

The State of the Nation

Elections have consequences. I swear— even I get tired of hearing that let alone repeating it in an article (or a book) but the ugly truth is, they do! And for many of us (depending on where we live, what we do for a living or how much money we have in the sock drawer for situations like the ones were forced to live under for at least another year,) the consequences haven’t been as horribly life changing as they are in other places under different circumstances— more specifically in blue states and large urban cities controlled by (yep, you guessed it)…. Democrats.

So before we get into the heart of this article focusing on specific questions and answers, let’s take just a moment and see where this country is almost three years into having the United States controlled and run by The Administrative State because outside of his continued ability to do what he’s told and sign his name, it sure as hell hasn’t been Joe Biden. He’s like the donkey grinding corn by turning a tread mill but instead of going after that juicy carrot dangling just beyond his teeth, it’s an ice-cream cone and the promise of another interesting bedtime story.

Furthermore, seeing as cable news for the most part has very little to do with actual news these days— becoming more like reaffirming mental healthcare for the delusional, perhaps it would be best to do a brief (very brief) recap of what’s going on. Just off the top of my head we have…

(1) The U.S. Border remains an orchestrated catastrophe. Don’t believe for a minute that what we’ve seen in the past few years hasn’t been completely planned right from the start because it has and to our current government officials, it’s been an overwhelming success. Well over six million now roaming this country, most of whom never vetted and we now have absolutely no idea where they are including tens of thousands of children. And let’s not forget the got-aways. Probably upwards of two million these days. But hell, that’s OK… right? What could go wrong. (Sarcasm.) Remember, if you don’t know where 90% of these illegal aliens are, it’s much more difficult to deport them. Apparently the plan all along.

(2) Crime is up just about everywhere but if you live in a large city? Damn, you have to ask the question— why are you still living in a large city? Especially if you have the means to leave? But, that’s OK… right? At least there are fewer people in prisons which always makes for a good statistic somewhere. If crime is no longer prosecuted, then it must prove crime is down. Right? Well? Right? Forget the fact that retail stores are closing their doors permanently. Jeff Bezos must be loving this as more and more people do their shopping online. Downtown’s are becoming empty— replaced by squatters, drug addicts and whores. Perhaps one day they’ll just tear it all down and build a park. Seriously, who needs a downtown in this new normal, right? Especially now that everyone wants to work from home. Why? Because of all the crime.

(3) The dumbing down of America’s children is just about complete. Test scores are at an all time low. A seriously concerning percentage of high-school graduates are nothing more than functional illiterates. But they can tell you all about diversity, equity and inclusion as they check their mailboxes for this months welfare check.

(4) Inflation is through the roof. There’s no way you can sugar-coat this fact. Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Every time we start to get a little ahead of the game, something always seems to happen to throw us two steps backwards. Funny how that happens, isn’t it? But the truth is, it’s not funny. A few extra bucks in the bank, then gas prices rise to make that hard fought surplus disappear. You hear on the news that inflation is up by only eight or nine percent and it makes you want to throw something at the TV because we all know what a blatant lie that is. When an 18 count of eggs goes from $1.37 just a few very short years ago to $6.00 plus….   well, that sure as hell isn’t eight or nine percent. A bag of baby carrots went from 99 cents to $1.99 basically overnight where I live. And it’s not just food. The cost of living— you know, that which we pay for on a regular basis has risen anywhere between 40% to more than 75% and Americans are making due by either buying less of what they wouldn’t think twice of in recent past or changing to other products to stretch their dollar and keep living.

(5) And why are some of these prices so high? Regulations on top of regulations on top of regulations. It’s now gotten to the point where one wonders how businesses can remain in business. What I find incredible is that most if not all of these costly regulations are brought about by no elected officials. The administrative state flexes it’s muscles once again. But nothing, I repeat, nothing will increase the price of goods faster than the rise of energy costs. That goes up, everything follows.

(6) The insane rise in mental health issues. Kinda nuts, isn’t it? Pick any violent crime and like clockwork, mental health issues appears to be the reason for the violence. On top of which, add the ever expanding drug use in this country and the constant indoctrination of children into a way of thinking that could very well affect their own mental health and it’s no wonder BIG Pharma is doing BIG BUSINESS drugging the American Public into oblivion. Just make sure to ask your doctor first.

(7) Corruption run amok. Whereas years ago, even though everyone knew there was a certain amount of corruption happening throughout most any form of government be it local, state or federal, it was fairly rare and almost accepted as the cost of doing business just as long as it wasn’t so blatant that the corrupt politician wasn’t taking advantage of their position to the point of insulting the intelligence of those who voted for or appointed them to a particular office. And even then, the best remedy was to vote them out in the next election.

What we’ve seen in the last decade or so is fundamentally different. The corruption by Washington is now in your face corruption. They no longer care if the public knows. Why? Because even the corrupt individuals have more corrupt individuals protecting them to the point little, if anything can be done about it. At least until the following election when they simply resign their office only to get higher paying jobs as consultants or become contributors on cable news. And make no mistake, liberal mainstream media is equally complicit in this corruption. What’s most unfortunate about all this is you’d have to be living under a rock not to know this. Either that, or it’s with your approval.

(8) Erasing women and the nuclear family. Or in other words, culture wars which includes the abuse of children by filling their young minds that it’s perfectly fine for a boy to be a girl and vice versa. I’m at the point where I’m not exactly sure if we have become a sick and perverted society or if it’s just a rare anecdotal story that goes viral and makes for great ratings on the nightly news and shows like The View. And because of this, laws are changed to accommodate guys walking into teen girl’s locker rooms in schools. We have 73% of black women becoming single mothers as if it were a badge of honor. Even though statistics show kids without a father or some positive male role model in their lives is a serious detriment to their futures as adults. And this whole gender identity bullshit? Personally, I think most of it is either kids punking adults, desperately seeking attention or a genuine cry for help from very lost and confused teenagers. Then we have the few misfits with purple hair, 3 lip rings weighing 300 pounds simply saying fuck you to all of society. TikTok appears to be their platform of choice to air their societal grievances not realizing only those in the same boat will see any value in them. The rest shaking their heads in disbelief wondering what the hell happened to these poor unfortunate souls. Remember, to some of these individuals who honestly feel others view them as bad eggs, they go by a very old premise….   “You think I’m bad? Let me show you how bad I can be.”

So, I believe it’s safe to say that since Joe Biden was installed in January of 2021, the U.S. has gone right down the toilet in just about every way imaginable. You know it, I know it, Democrats know it, everybody knows it. But here’s the 64 thousand dollar questions. Do you care? Does it matter to you personally? With the larger question being, if you don’t care or it doesn’t matter, why? This is what we’re going to try and figure out in the remainder of this article. With all evidence to the contrary, why do Democrats continue to vote for Democrats especially when they know deep down in their souls that by doing so results in making their lives worse? You see constant complaining by Democrat voters that life where they live has only gotten worse, yet they keep voting for the same people. It is truly remarkable. Especially in large cities controlled for decades by Democrats. Again, you have to ask a sincere question, why do they do this? Are their brains so packed with Democrat thoughts that they physically can’t bring themselves to vote for a republican? The thought is so vile and repugnant to them that they’d rather continue their lives in dread, fear, destruction and decay as they bury their children because of drugs and gang violence or simply being at the wrong place at the wrong time than make the decision to go in a different direction? One would imagine there has to be a point where life is so bad for these people that they have nothing left to lose. Yet many still can’t do it.

Everything I’ve written about in points one through eight have been brought to this country by Democrats. By virtue of their votes or policy decisions— they own it all and by extension, you own it as well. In fact, I’ll go one step further and say the majorities in the cities and states who voted for the insanity they’re now living under—  it’s all on you. That is to say, if you voted Democrat. And it’s you who will feel the brunt of your actions while the rest of us will likely suffer less by virtue of the fact that we don’t live where you do. But let’s move on and consider some of the likely reasons why so many Democrats appear not only to be completely on board with what’s ailing America today but are happy to pay the price for it.

Ignorance is Bliss

What they don’t know won’t hurt them and if Democrats are getting their news from CNN, MSNBC and the like you can be assured that they don’t know much. It never ceases to amaze me how much liberal media flat out refuses to report on or cover. Want to find out for yourself? Take two weeks. Switch every other day watching FOX News or another conservative news outlet including conservative websites featuring news and opinions, then on alternating days do the same with liberal media like the two just mentioned. You will be amazed how in the dark you’re being kept by liberal media. Liberal media is like a coin with only one side. You get to see a picture on it but you have no idea what it’s worth.

Just as Long as It Doesn’t Affect Me Personally

That’s the key, isn’t it? We tend not to consider ramifications from just about any rule, regulation or legislation just as long as we are under the assumption that the results of which won’t affect our personal way of life. And we go along with this way of thinking— that is until it does affect us personally. When that happens, it’s a totally different story.

No better example of this would be the notion of being a sanctuary city which I can only imagine many democrats are thanking the Gods above that their city never bought into it. Why? Because many sanctuary cities are finally getting a taste of what it’s like to actually be one. It’s one thing to simply say you are because up until recently, they never had to really deal with it. That’s not the case any longer with many cities having to cough up millions and millions of dollars of their residents money as a result of their decisions to the increased detriment of those who are footing the bill. The quality of life of those living in cities like New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and many others are already in the toilet and it’s just a matter of time before it’s flushed. But if you’re a democrat who doesn’t reside in these places— it’s no skin off your nose. You don’t have to step over used needles or piles of shit on your streets or homeless camps right next to elementary schools. Better yet, seeing as you don’t have any school-age kids, why not? Out of sight, out of mind. All sound like great ideas just as long as you’re not the one who has to clean up the mess when they fail miserably.

But when the day comes where the results of your complacency wind up at your doorstep, that’s when you receive two very important life lessons. First is by that time, it’s not only too late to make a measurable difference in quick order (as we’re seeing in San Francisco and New York City) but the cost to repair the damage your vote being the contributing factor will be astronomical. But don’t try to explain your reasoning to families who have buried their children and other loved ones because of people you helped put into office most assuredly affected their lives. The second is that it’s usually not a great idea to solve an emotionally charged issue emotionally because in most instances, your solution turns out to be worse than the problem itself.

The Democrat Message: Fear

Look at messaging from the Democrat Party and just about every one of them purveys the notion of fear. Let’s take a look at the most popular fearmongering allegations.

1. Abortion: Republicans will ban abortion. The truth: Never going to happen for two reasons. (1) There would never be enough votes to pass it and (2) even if passed, SCOTUS would toss it as unconstitutional like they did with Roe vs Wade. The only way you could pass a federal law regarding abortion is through a constitutional amendment.

2. Man made Climate Change will kill us all in 12 years if we don’t end fossil fuels now. The Truth: They’ve been saying that for 50 years and guess what? We’re still here. The only result we’ve seen with all the climate change rhetoric are a few men getting even more wealthy than they already are primarily because democrats pushed bills through congress giving massive amounts of money for delusional solutions that will do absolutely nothing to combat so-called man made climate change. Trillions spent so far with absolutely no measurable results.

3. Republicans want to ban books. They’re no better than Nazi’s. The Truth: No one to my knowledge has wanted to or has called for the ban of any books to the American public. Pick any book and I can say with almost certainty that if it’s been published, it’s available somewhere. That being said, does anyone believe it’s a good idea for books depicting young boys giving blowjobs to either other boys or older adults for that matter being readily available in elementary school libraries? Especially when reading some of these books aloud in public can most likely get you arrested? To me, having books like those available to impressionable young minds is tantamount to child abuse and child endangerment. Want to read that garbage as an adult? Knock yourself out. But for kids? Absolutely not.

4. Republicans are racist by their very existence. Systemic Racism is rampant throughout the Republican Party and the largest threat to the United States. The Truth: What was it Biden said? If you don’t vote for me then you ain’t black. More on this in a minute but suffice to say, systemic racism does not exist in the U.S.

I could go on but I believe I’ve made my point. The entire premise of the Democrat Party is making mountains out of molehills, (even in some instances creating the molehills themselves)  then making you afraid of it and telling you who’s to blame for it. That is the only way they feel they can win elections. Look at political talking points from the left and most if not all will be based on fear of what would happen if you don’t give Democrats your vote. Voting Republican is a threat to American democracy. Voting Republican proves you’re a white supremacist or racist. Voting Republican will end America as we know it. I’m certain you’ve heard them all but the funny thing is, after making these statements, they never tell you exactly how or why they sincerely believe that would in fact happen. Ironically, especially on liberal media, they never even ask. To the average Democrat, the fearmongering statement alone is enough.

Common Sense Has Left the Building

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen this practice by both Democrats and Republicans but Democrats have this down to a science. They’ll make a statement, then walk away. Or you’ll see protestors chanting, screaming at the top of their lungs whatever the statement of the month is and that’s it. No argument, nothing to back up whatever they’re yelling and the really strange part about all this is their main reason for doing so (especially at events where opposing points of view are offered) is to silence the opposing point of view. Not to say why they believe they’re right in their protest. Nope, they do it simply to deny others their voice and their ability to be heard. And the weirdest part of all is heaven forbid if you ask them a question or try at the very least to find out why they believe the way they do. Oh no. Do that and you’ll be labeled a bigot, racist or any other name they can come up with in order to squash any further debate. Why? Because they have nothing other than their chant to debate with.

A perfect example of this are those gluing their hands or feet to the floor or block roads as they scream for the end of fossil fuel. I can only suspect or conclude that they must be being paid really well for this because no one in their right mind would do it unless there was fantastic pay involved. But again, try to have a reasonable conversation with any of these people and it’s virtually impossible.

I’m not just referring to those on the extreme left. It’s all of them. Watch any interview on most any cable news show and it’s the exact same thing. All they do is make statements. All follow up questions by the interviewer are answered with pivots. You watch this thinking to yourself….  people actually believe this horseshit? Believe it or not, you’d be surprised how many do. They tell you all the wonderful things they’re going to do without mentioning the most important part— exactly how they plan on doing it. I recently wrote an article on this topic called Promises Promises, if you haven’t read it, please do.

A Constant State of Denial

One can’t dismiss the notion that Democrat voters are simply in a constant state of denial and because of that, Democrat control of their cities and states have lasted for decades. They do their best to avoid the consequences their vote has given them while they attempt to create reasons which at least to them seem plausible without implicating them and their vote. It’s always someone else’s fault or, the results will be better… next time or the very worst of all reasons— this just proves more work needs to be done to accomplish our goals.

I just read an article that the state of Washington has spent 143 million dollars to house less than 1000 homeless. That’s somewhere around 165 thousand dollars per person. All this in a little less than one year and they’re crying for more money. Now think about that for just a minute. 165K per person for some kind of housing. Not a regular house, condo or apartment mind you, just something that will get these people off the streets. To the average sane individual, this should sound over the top absurd. If it were me and I were a resident there, I would be pissed and demand to be shown exactly how 143 million was spent on removing less than 1000 homeless from the streets. This is the mind-boggling part of it all. It’s as if the residents of these places have completely surrendered to the left and just allow them to do whatever they like all the while knowing that it doesn’t have to be that way. But in order for things to change, it’s up to them to change the way they vote. But they don’t. I’ve always found it interesting trying to figure out why people are the way they are but this baffles me to no end.

The Delusional Democrat Syndrome

Well, we’re reaching the end of this article and honest to God— I don’t know if we’ve come to any rational conclusions as to why Democrats (and others) continue to vote for Democrats for any reason. We’ve gone over some of the catastrophic failures their policies have turned once vibrant cities and some entire states into yet Democrats still run the show with blind support from their majorities. I can’t off the top of my head think of one city that has done well under Democrat control. Perhaps there are but the are very few and very far between. And it’s not just cities and states— all it takes is one look at the United States as a whole and if we’re completely honest with ourselves, compared to just a few short years ago (Covid not withstanding) the U.S. was in fine shape. So you have to ask the question. Is being a Democrat a form of mental illness? Perhaps a form of brainwashing beginning at the university level that continues to this day? And if that’s true, why do people continue to send their kids to these indoctrination centers?

As was stated at the beginning of this article— The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Which by virtue of a growing number of cities turning into lawless wastelands of empty storefronts with residents too frightened to walk out their front doors at night fearing for their very lives proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that insanity does exist in these places. Where the constant looting of retail establishments is now seen as the new Democrat normal.

The first step on the road to recovery is to first admit a problem exists. Incredibly, with all that’s going on in Democrat controlled cities and states, it appears the residents have yet to make that admonition. I guess it’s just not bad enough. Not enough chaos, not enough crime, not enough graves filled by gang riddled youth. Not enough corruption. Not enough looting. Not enough empty retail space. Not enough illegal aliens roaming their neighborhoods. Not enough teen suicides. Not enough violence using whatever means available. Not enough parents removing their kids from their Public Schools. Not enough of their neighbors fleeing. Perhaps Democrats just don’t know any better. They’ve had to live in the Democrat bubble for so long, they consider their lot in life as normal. That is until someone escapes from what was once called the Democrat Plantation and are able to tell their story while others try to shout them down or silence them through intimidation. Democrats like to keep their flock stupid for it’s the only way they can be controlled. They keep all their talking points on an emotional level using fear as their primary weapon and if that fails, they’ll use their private court system and the liberal media (their accomplices) to destroy anyone who gets in their way.

As I said in my latest book, 2024: The Wreckoning— there is really only one solution to this madness and that is to confront this head on by walking right into the lions den of Democrat power and confront those who wield it for all the public to see. Democrats have to realize there is a viable alternative which will make their lives better. But this won’t take place without a fight. Democrat loyalists will do anything to keep their voters ignorant.

A message to all Democrats: If you haven’t noticed by now, your votes are killing the major cities many of you reside in. And for the ones who don’t, the rest of you are turning this country into a garbage pit. It’s well past time for you to take a hard look in the mirror and recognize the indisputable damage you have wreaked not only on the United States but to yourselves as well and most importantly— know that the power behind the Democrat Party don’t give a rat’s ass about you as a person. All they want you for is your vote and if they could figure out a better way to cheat in elections, perhaps they won’t even need it.

The difference between Democrats and Republicans is Republicans are live and let live just as long as how you live your life doesn’t affect the ability for us to live ours and vice versa. Democrats on the other hand want all Americans to affirm and support those who we completely disagree with and will do it by force if they have to. When Republicans don’t get what they believe is best for the country, they move on working harder to persuade people their argument is best. If Democrats don’t get their way, they riot, burn down buildings and loot. If after reading this article you haven’t been convinced that voting Democrat is hazardous to your physical and mental well being then unfortunately, the only remedy is for the rest of sane, rational America is to move as far away from you as we can and completely wash our hands of you. You keep your Blue states and allow us to live peacefully in our Red states. And when the bill comes due for the way you voted, don’t say we didn’t warn you.

How many times must you place your hand in fire to know you’ll be burned? If it takes more than once, you’ve just described a Democrat.

Important note: For the record, this article is and never was meant for any Democrat to switch their Party affiliation to Republican. Personally, I am not affiliated with any political party. Republican, Democrat or Independent although I will say I consider myself a conservative. I will also add the following. With what I know about the Democrat Party’s Agenda and it’s history, I personally would never vote for a Democrat.


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