Protestors-R-US: Two for One Sale Today!

Let’s face it, no protest is worth it’s salt unless it’s covered by the national nightly news then moving over to pundit’s talk shows. Keep in mind, protests aren’t cheap and unless the protest is being completely funded by a particular group behind the protest, then funding must be outsourced. Continue Reading →

60 Billion to Ukraine— Congress Lost It’s Mind

Anyone, and I mean anyone who believes that Ukraine can actually prevail militarily over Russia no matter how much money those in the West (primarily here in the U.S.) throw at it are completely out of there ever-lovin’ minds. Continue Reading →

The United States of Chaos

There’s an old song some of you might remember—  “What a Difference a Day Makes” — and if applied to what’s going on in the United States over the past three years substituting the word “Day” with “President,” it sure seems like an appropriate descriptor contrasting the incredible differences to what what was and what now is in America. Continue Reading →

The Toxic Democrat Relationship

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Why does any sane individual vote for a democrat knowing full well the results will either change nothing, or make their lives worse. Continue Reading →

Just Ask Your Doctor

Medical science have made tremendous strides in the treatment of diseases. I believe most of us can agree on that. But this is not what this article is about. This is about Big Pharma dissecting the human being into tiny little pieces, finding something that could possibly go wrong (in their minds) with each piece and convince the Public that they have a fix for it. While at the very same time a subtle warning given that the fix could turn out to be much worse. Continue Reading →


The entire abortion issue is a wonderful example of two things. First— the degree of utter stupidity rampant within many… many American voters and second— how many actually believed the complete bullshit coming from the mouths of liberal mainstream media and pundits. Why do I say this? Glad you asked. Two answers— Continue Reading →

The Gender Lie— Mutilating Our Kids

While Tucker Carlson provides a direct answer to a specific question, it’s just one part of a much larger story with answers becoming more obvious with each passing year because it’s connected with other recent issues and events becoming equally obvious. This article will examine those connections. Continue Reading →

Midterm Elections: Questions to Answer Before You Vote

When it comes to elections, buyers remorse does not exist. You’re stuck with them and to quote Rod Stewart saying “I wish that I knew what I know now” won’t change a blessed thing.

This is no longer the time to be complacent as is might have been in the past. The differences between Democrats and Republicans are far too great. That might change in the future but not this time around. Continue Reading →

Midterm Elections: Are Americans That Stupid?

When you cast your ballot in November, choose wisely—  because if you choose poorly, the time it takes to turn your wonderful town, city or state that once was a great place to live and raise a family into a shithole city or state like New York City and Illinois can be measured with an egg timer. Continue Reading →

Abortion: At What Point Do We Say NO to Murdering Babies?

Trust me, I realize that for some this is an extremely touchy subject no matter which side you’re on and I’ll do my utmost keeping this in mind as I write this piece but there are certain things one can no longer deny which will be the first segment of this article. We’re going to cover all the bases here so be prepared. Continue Reading →

Just a Thought – Student Loan Bailout and The Rush to EV’s

That is what I’ll be doing in this new series called. Just a Thought. I’ll choose two topics that are currently in the news and give my point of view as briefly as I can. (I know, I know… I have a tendency of writing long articles). If I feel a more expanded view of the topic is required, I’ll let you know. Continue Reading →

Illegal immigration: Solving the Border Crisis

No one really knows how many illegal immigrants reside in the US. Some say 11 million while others say it can be as high as 22 million. Either way, that’s a lot of illegal immigrants. Before you can begin to address this crisis, three things have to take place. Continue Reading →

Solutions – WOKISM: Men in Womens’ Sports

In order to create further division, I promise you— there will be democrat controlled states who will continue to allow this insanity of biological boys/men participating in organized competitive sports and until they get their collective heads out of their asses or voted out of office, this insanity will continue. It is for this unfortunate reason, only one solution remains Continue Reading →

Solutions – The Rise in Crime

Watch any newscast and upon witnessing the rising crime statistics, especially violent crime, two reactions are always inevitable. You either shake your head in disbelief wondering to yourself… how on earth is this happening? Continue Reading →


Think of how much the cost of tuition would decrease if you replaced student loans with grants given on merit. Loans? Only the learning institutions themselves should have the ability to offer student loans – leaving these institutions themselves on the hook for said loans. NOT the American Public. Continue Reading →