Death of the Democrat Party

For years now, I’ve written articles on both Democrats and Republicans including criticisms of both. For republicans, it was more or less their constant public infighting and for Democrats, it was their corruption, spending the U.S. into the toilet and over all bad governing although I always praised them for their uncanny ability to stick together and pass through party-line votes— some of the worst bills on the planet.

Recently, Republicans have finally taken notice of the writing on the wall that if they didn’t get their shit together, it would be the final straw for American conservatives and they’d begin looking elsewhere for representation. I believe they’ve finally received that message loud and clear and made adjustments in their messaging (and behavior) according to the expectations of their constituents.

Democrats— on the other hand were able to slip by politically in the past although not through better ideas or better policies, it was because the Republican party chose two of the most abysmal candidates possible. Because of those horrible choices given to conservative voters, it allowed Obama’s two terms in office. Who knows what would of happened had it not been for Donald Trump’s entrance into the race against Hillary Clinton.

Additionally, up until Donald Trump, the Republican Party were always perceived as attached at the hip to Permanent Washington or… The Establishment. Democrats also but to a lesser degree. Bill Clinton I believe was the last President who garnered blind loyalty and support from Liberals and people who defined themselves as Democrats. That all began to change during Obama’s second term. They gave him the chance of a lifetime and the conclusion across the political spectrum was, he royally blew it. In fact, with Obama about to leave office, most of American voters didn’t much care for anyone. Their distrust of Government as a whole was obvious. Mainstream media wasn’t fairing too well either except Fox News.

Down the golden escalator comes Donal Trump and that signaled the beginning of the end of the Democrat Party and it wasn’t solely for nominating Bill Clinton’s crazy wife. That may have played a small role but it was they offered nothing new. They ignored the disappointment most Americans were feeling about what was going on in the country. Hillary Clinton signified business as usual and the public sure as hell didn’t want that.

To the amazement of Democrats (including many Republicans,) Trump wins the election and in spite of everything thrown at him at every turn, he’s able to make some positive changes but of all the changes he accomplished, he changed the Republican Party. Republicans were no longer seen as puppets for The Establishment. They were no longer seen as only out for themselves and the wealthy. In four short years, Trump was able to turn the tables on how these two political party’s were perceived by the American voter much to the bewilderment and utter dismay of the liberal media who declared war on Trump from the outset.

The 2020 election was a foregone conclusion. No matter who the Democrat nominee would end up being, the 2020 election was in the bag. Want to know more? Read my book Covid-19: The Convenient Virus from China. It’s all there.

Needless to say— Biden’s installation provided ever increasing proof Permanent Washington would be running the show for the next four years and seeing Democrats had the Senate, sanity returning was just going to have to wait until 2024. However— what the Democrat Party either refused or simply neglected to notice was the maelstrom beginning to form around them. They had a very strong feeling they’d lose control of government in 2025 which was the price they were apparently willing to pay but they sure as hell didn’t expect what was about to happen next.

Four Years of Lunatics Running the Asylum

In other words— The peak of the far left.

Let’s do a little word association, shall we? If you were asked to associate the following words to either Republicans or Democrats, what would it be?
Here we go…

Socialism— Wokeism— Gender identity— Social Justice— Open Borders— Critical Race Theory— DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)— Medical Gender Affirming Care to Minor Children— Identity Politics— Virtue Signaling— Population Mandates— Sanctuary Cities— Over Regulation— Sexually Explicit Books in Children’s School Libraries— Drag Queen Story Hour for Kids— Indoctrination… well, that’s enough. If your answer was Democrats, you’re correct.

While most Democrat Politicians would declare the words above don’t necessarily represent their values, they sure didn’t speak up on it or do what they could to prevent it. Nope, they preferred not to even discuss it as they silently walked by conservative reporter’s inquiries. Why? Because they didn’t want to upset their ever increasing base of purple-haired, body pierced group of culturally lost individuals known as the far left. And it was because of this along with a complicit liberal media, voters began exiting the Democrat Party because if that was all the Democrats had to offer, (including their silence) they didn’t want any part of it. To this very day,  the words above still define the Democrat Party. A ship of fools.

When you add one blunder after another from a brain-dead President, Democrats still felt there was enough time for voters to see the big picture behind the transformations taking place across the U.S.and return to the Party. (More socially than politically I should add.) On the contrary, more and more people were jumping ship. They (except Democrat Politicians) saw that maelstrom getting closer and the last thing they wanted was to get sucked into the abyss. The antisemitic riots at Ivy League Universities were just another wake-up call. Voters began to increasingly take notice that the only thing Democrats were good for was spending billions on absurd causes and whine and cry with constant protesting when they didn’t get their way. In essence, people were growing tired of Democrats. They were beginning to see the Democrat Party as an embarrassment.

The Turning Point

Forcing Joe Biden to bow out of the race and replacing him with Kamala Harris just months before the election exposed Democrats to liberal voters as the weasels they truly are. Many could no longer stomach what they— up until that time were supporting proving there was a line even they refused to cross.

I’m still astonished Harris received the number of votes she did. Looked like Trumps “Too big to rig” message was heard loud and clear although Kamala’s nonexistent message other than word salads was noticed as well. As expected by everyone except Liberal Media, Trump not only wins— he wins big. Democrats are shitting their pants.

Trump, His Team— and a Really Bright Light

Trump’s chess board (cabinet) is just about complete. While there are a few important ones left to confirm, the Democrats are especially terrified of two individuals. Who are those you wonder? Kash Patel and RFK Jr. But primarily Kash Patel. Let the investigations begin! Some might call this (especially in the media) the Trump retribution tour and I completely disagree. First, just because certain investigations based on available knowledge may include a politician, bad actor or government worker doesn’t negate the need for one. Second, Trump promised to shine a light on The Deep State and by God, that’s what he’s gonna do. And I promise, if there were ever a time when something to this extent can be exposed, called out with a prosecution here and there? Now is that time. Attorney General Pam Bondi is simply counting the days for Patel’s arrival. You can expect three major things to happen when he does. Democrats will go ballistic, the media will go ballistic and Republicans will say— “it’s about damn time.” The eventual investigation of USAID (The United States Agency for International Development) is going to be a great place to begin until Kash Patel is confirmed but stay tuned, much more to follow. And the Democrats are well aware of this. Their “official” exposure will cost them dearly especially when there’s no defending it.

Here’s the part I truly don’t understand in regard to the USAID scandal. Instead of keeping their mouths shut over the growing list of crap those at USAID spent U.S. tax dollars on (according to ) such as—

  • $1.5 million to “advance diversity equity and inclusion in Serbia’s workplaces and business communities”
  • $70,000 for production of a “DEI musical” in Ireland
  • $2.5 million for electric vehicles for Vietnam
  • $47,000 for a “transgender opera” in Colombia
  • $32,000 for a “transgender comic book” in Peru
  • $2 million for sex changes and “LGBT activism” in Guatemala
  • $6 million to fund tourism in Egypt
  • Hundreds of thousands of dollars for a non-profit linked to designated terrorist organizations — even AFTER an inspector general launched an investigation
  • Millions to EcoHealth Alliance — which was involved in research at the Wuhan lab
  • “Hundreds of thousands of meals that went to al Qaeda-affiliated fighters in Syria”
  • Funding to print “personalized” contraceptives birth control devices in developing countries
  • Hundreds of millions of dollars to fund “irrigation canals, farming equipment, and even fertilizer used to support the unprecedented poppy cultivation and heroin production in Afghanistan,” benefiting the Taliban

Noooo, instead, they double down on it and get in front of media microphones and stand in support of USAID meaning, they fully support[ed] the list above. Smart move Chuck Schumer, and the other morons with him. How will they handle their shame when the full story behind USAID is revealed to the American public? And this is just the tip of the corruption iceberg. Instead of changing course away from the maelstrom, Democrats are heading right for it.

Banking on the Political Fringe

Democrats have nothing to run on. With Biden’s installation, they got their two years of just about everything they wanted and two additional years trying to convince a very disappointed voter base to give an additional four years to a woman who received no votes as a nominee. They have now become the Party of grievance and the far left. And for some equally crazy reason, they believe the far left will get them wins in the midterms. They’ve learned absolutely no lessons to speak of and pull one absurd excuse after another out of their asses instead of taking responsibility for the damage they’ve done to the U.S. over the last four years.

I’ve been writing about common sense for years and I believe it’s now official the Democrats have abandoned it to an extent they can no longer define what it means which should come as no surprise when they can’t even define a woman. But they’re sticking to their guns hoping they and the lunatic left will pull them through. Democrats have taken the last four years to make the bed they have now and the incredible part is, they’re more than willing to sleep in it.

Democrats have a 31% approval rating at the moment which is probably just a little better than liberal media. With ratings under those of the cartoon network, their collapse by willful absurdity will arrive soon enough. With every one of Trump’s common sense wins not to mention multiple Democrat scandals soon to be revealed over the following months, their (what is sure to be) monumental loss of seats in the House and Senate will finally signal their complete demise with no hope of ever returning as Democrats. The only future for the Democrat Party has in store for it is to be mentioned in history books along with the Whig Party.

Think I’m wrong? See video below and you be the judge.



I rest my case…


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