For the life of me, I could never understand the whole idea behind sanctuary cities. Especially when it’s premised on the intentional act of breaking federal law by protecting people who willfully broke federal law. That’s why it’s called illegal immigration, right? It’s like these cities are promoting this by saying, “go ahead, break federal law and if you can find a way to cross into our jurisdictions, we’ll do everything we can to make sure you (the illegal alien) will not be deported.” In other words, delay the inevitable long enough to psychologically create yet another crop of dreamers. Further yanking at the heartstrings of compassionate Americans.
You see, that was the Biden plan right from the start. It was imperative Biden opened the border as soon as possible knowing it would take at least four years to rectify it. The longer illegal aliens remained in the U.S. the more difficult (and costly) it would be to deport them. Politicians saying “they’re already here, it will cost a fortune to deport them, might as well let them stay.” Again, all part of the plan. And you notice how delicate Trump is trying to be in regard to this? “The worst first.” Get out all the criminals first. While I agree, I also know going after a particular segment of millions of illegal aliens takes time. Time which Trump doesn’t have. And actions by those who run these sanctuary cities aren’t helping. Again, delay, delay and delay the inevitable.
Burning question:
Of all the questions I have concerning sanctuary cities, this is top of the list. Where the hell are these cities getting the money to pay for everything illegal alien from? Some of these cities are spending millions (if not billions) taking care of these people. Is this federal dollars? State dollars? Are these states basically misappropriating federal funds designated for other purposes instead using it for illegal aliens? Whether it is or isn’t, I guarantee you, it’s tax dollars. If that’s true, one would imagine the residents would be kinda pissed that (1) they had no idea these cities had so much money available, and (2) they could spend that much on people who broke into the U.S. illegally and not on their own citizens. Funny how that all works, isn’t it? They cry broke one minute, then find tons of money for their own ideological wish-lists the next. Although keep in mind, these sanctuary cities and states are democrat controlled and are completely entrenched in the “administrative state” meaning that “administrating” an issue costs more than solving it because in many cases, that’s where most of the money goes. Again, funny how that works. You have to ask— how much do the people running these NGO’s and other outside organizations make for their so-called administrating/consulting skills? Money laundering? Who knows. Why? I’d wager most sanctuary cities don’t ask. As we’ve seen with DOGE and what they’ve uncovered in a few short weeks all I can say is— be prepared to be astonished… then get really angry.
Maids, Dishwashers and Crop Pickers
How many times have we heard it on Liberal media, from Liberal Pundits and politicians when it comes to illegal immigration. Forget that pesky little fact that it’s completely illegal to cross the border without permission. Nah, they don’t remind anyone of that. Instead, they always say the following. “Who will we get to pick our food?” “Who will we get to wash the dishes in restaurants? “Who will we get to pick-up the garbage?” “Who will we get to work in the slaughterhouses?” “Who will we get to clean our homes?” “Who will we get to do all those jobs U.S. citizens prefer not to do?” Is this the case or could there be an alternative reason?
First, notice that most if not all of these sanctuary cities are Democrat controlled. Also notice they don’t say much if not all that illegal immigration is coming from extremely poor and basically illiterate countries. Add together and what do you get? Cheap unskilled labor. One could make the argument that sanctuary cities and states are more like slave states than anything else. Think about it for a minute. (1) It costs illegal immigrants thousands of dollars to be smuggled in the U.S. by Mexican Cartels. (2) Most can’t afford it so the Cartels basically loan them the money for their services and they want to be paid, sooner than later. (3) Desperate, they take any job they can get for any price to keep from being turned into sex slaves or any form of indentured servitude by the Cartels. So, if it’s the choice being indentured by the Cartels or a U.S. Slaughterhouse or even a U.S. citizen by cleaning the home or mowing the lawn, which choice do you think these people take? On top of which….
Cheap Labor is Expensive
Add to this the services illegal immigrants receive all being billed to the U.S. taxpayer. In many instances depending on the city, they receive a free place to live, free healthcare, food stamps and money to spend. Including free transportation to the sanctuary city that offers the most welfare benefits. Sometimes greater than benefits U.S. citizens receive. And let’s not forget the cost in adding thousands to our completely failing K-12 school system. All on the taxpayers dime.(But that’s another story). Again— where are these billions of dollars coming from?
But the rabbit hole goes deeper. Watch the video below and you’ll wonder if this is the real reason.
This was a speech given by Eva Vlaardingerbroek on April 27, 2024 from Budapest, Hungary at CPAC Hungary— Through Usurpation the Globalist Crime Syndicate Advances. Through NON-COLLABORATION We The People MUST STOP THEM. The Great Replacement Is No Longer A Theory.
This— along with many other issues on a myriad of topics which I guarantee you will be addressed by a man (when confirmed) whom Democrats are most terrified of. Kash Patel.
Everything appears to be connected to the “them” against “us” scenario whereas “them” is defined as Permanent Washington, Liberal media and Democrats who are sleeping with each other against President Trump and the majority of sane Americans who elected him. Illegal immigration, DOGE, and the shrinking of the Administrative State is what the majority demand. As expected, Democrats were and are fighting back with every tool in their playbook. The smartest move by Trump was that he expected this and thought the actions by activist judges were an inevitability, might as well get the ball rolling ASAP which is exactly what he’s done while Democrats pray many of his orders will be stuck in the courts until the midterms. While it may have worked in the past, it’s going to backfire this time around. But Democrats keep playing the same games.
Ripping Off the Band Aid
It’s no surprise we live in a world of perception and optics. In regard to Democrats and the Liberal Media, they’re orchestrated to evoke a negative (sky is falling) emotional response. DOGE efforts and Elon Musk are a perfect example. Liberal Pundits fail to mention all the millions going to some of the craziest causes on the planet though they make the agency appear credible by sprinkling in some good things. And it’s the few good things all liberal media focus on which is disingenuous right from the start. Just a day or two ago, Democrats storm the Dept. of Education demanding to speak to someone in charge to ask why they’ve been locked out. Which I find humorous seeing as it’s the Democrats and their policies that have led U.S. public schools to the bottom of educational ratings from multiple countries. I wonder what they would have said if they were allowed in and confronted with that information (which they already know) right in front of the cameras. A hasty exit from the building? You can be sure of that.
Therefore, if we already have a really good idea of what Democrats intend to do on this issue of illegal immigration, Trump might as well rip the band aid off. If you’re going to do something you know others will fight you on, might as well go for the gusto, right?
1. Deporting the worst first? Sure, that can be part of it just as long as that’s all ICE can accomplish at the moment but if there’s room for one more on that plane heading to Venezuela, fill that seat with someone who’s in line to be deported. Criminal or not. If they don’t belong in the U.S. and are slated for deportation then fill those available seats on the plane. I’m certain they can add a few of the one million or so who have already had their asylum cases adjudicated and ordered to leave. Like I said— fill those seats.
2. Immediately withdraw all federal funds from Sanctuary Cities. They want to complain? Let them— and make sure to inform them of the extremely simple solutions they already know. (1) Respect ICE detainers and stop interfering in deportations of illegal aliens.
3. Arrest and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law anyone who willfully interferes with Federal Law enforcement of existing immigration laws. Activists, politicians, mayors, governors— I don’t care. Examples must be made. Trust me, when they begin paying their lawyers retainers to defend them, they’ll immediately change their tune. Sure, Democrats will go ballistic and Liberal media will plaster it all over the news but that’s fine, Tom Homan will set the record straight mainly by using the words… “They had their chance”.
Remember, Democrats will use every trick in the book to pull at the heartstrings of Americans empathy, sympathy and altruism to change their minds. We can’t allow that to happen. Think about it—
Let’s say one sunny morning, thousands of people— men, women, families with young children show up at the gates of Disneyland. They drive through the gates because they refuse to pay for parking. Minutes later they walk right into Disneyland without paying for entrance into the park. They also take over the strollers and place those cute kids of theirs in them. They demand free food during their stay and the only patience they show is waiting in line to get on all the rides. Sound familiar?
How long do you think it will take for Disneyland (the WOKEST Company on the planet) to shut down the park and call in a massive amount of law enforcement to escort these people out? In my humble opinion, I’d say just about immediately. In a nutshell— this what’s been happening with illegal immigration. The only difference being, no one would complain on what Disneyland would do under similar circumstances. Most would demand Disneyland’s rules be followed. Why? Because it’s not fair to the customers who paid.
But no, Democrats will say they refuse to allocate precious resources to help ICE in their legal deportation efforts. See video below and I’ll respond to their laughable comments on the other side.
The Key
Keep talking about it. Trump has done a fantastic job of keeping his messaging front and center on media platforms. So much so that more and more people are beginning to wake up to “the sky is falling” Trump bashing narratives we see daily on CNN and MSNBC. Tom Homan is an integral part of speaking for the accomplishments of Trump and the borders by reminding those watching and listening why this is happening by winning every argument Liberal media throws at him. And it can’t be cable news alone. Podcasts and other outlets with millions of subscribers need to be informed as well. Why? Because liberal media does a great job of refusing to cover anything that puts Democrats/Liberal in a bad light and vice versa regarding Trump and Republicans.
As Liberal pundits complain of the cost of mass deportation, remind them the mass invasion of illegal migrants was Biden’s doing and the cost since. Remind them of the deaths, rapes and extortion of these people as they made their way to the U.S. because they truly believed Biden would not only allow this (which he did) but give them all a pathway to citizenship. Remind them of the 300 thousand missing children because of Biden’s policies. And do all this as often as possible. They can’t allow Liberal media do all the talking without major push-back. When pundits talk about deporting illegal aliens who have been here for decades, remind them that Trump would consider it a miracle from heaven if he were able to get the numbers back to where they were before Biden opened the borders. It would take the future Republican President to bring them down further.
Most important of all, Republicans have to pass an immigration reform bill while they have control of Congress. No ifs, ands, or buts. This may be their only opportunity.