Information: Who Do You Trust?

How many times have you heard the following on our so-called news? (1) There is a body of evidence that tells us… (2) The perception by many is… (3) It’s been said by those in the (fill in the blank) (4) There is a very strong belief that… (5) Recent polling shows…  (6) There is no direct evidence… (7) Sources tell us that… Continue Reading →

The Media: Truth, Lies and Propaganda

On the other hand—  truth on a social level doesn’t appear to be as clear cut. We base truth on information we believe to be true. The incredibly high standards we place on facts described in the paragraph above are no where near the standards we place on that we believe to be true. I guess that’s why over the last few years the word “Truth” has now evolved into “our truth” or “my truth.” Truth has transcended into simply what one believes to be true. In many instances facts play little to no role in how they came to their conclusions. Continue Reading →