Welcome to Wonderland, said the Mad Hatter

“Welcome to Wonderland,” said the Mad Hatter to Alice

Did the Mad Hatter actually say those words to Alice as she entered the tea party? Probably not but it sure sounds like something he’d say. Although the March Hare was the craziest of the bunch. Then again, everyone at the party had their own form of craziness. Seemed like a lot of fun just as long as you could leave anytime you pleased. The problem was, this time, the party lasts four years.

Feels like this has become the world we’re living in these days, doesn’t it? Especially here in the United States. Up is sideways, down is chartreuse, right and wrong are now subjective. In fact, just about everything is subjective. If you no longer like or agree with the meaning of a particular word or phrase, give it a day or two so it can be changed.

The question is, how much of all this buffoonery affects the lives of the everyday individual? Probably more so than one would imagine, especially if the everyday individual had a chance to speak without fear of retribution.

The larger and infinitely more important question is— How on Gods Green Earth did we get here? Sure, we can just sit and point fingers, make statements, have riots and the like, but it doesn’t answer this fundamental question. How did America, it’s society and by extension, the Government we have in place today get to this point? Things like this don’t happen randomly. Not by chance. This isn’t a Mount St. Helen’s event or the tidal wave that killed hundreds of thousands of people in Asia. I’m not sure you could even use the word “evolved.” Perhaps you could.

This is what this article will explore. And for the record. For those of you wondering, I consider myself an independent conservative. I use critical thinking, common sense and logic when forming my opinions. I happily listen to all sides of an issue unless one of the sides becomes so wacky, I just can’t listen any longer. But for the most part, I try. One thing you can count on is, what ever opinion I offer to the reader is backed up with why I believe them to be true. Which is more than what you see on CNN or the rest of liberal mainstream media.

For the last close to four years, we’ve been in the Mad Hatters tea party with the Mad Hatter (Joe Biden.) His cabinet, political appointments now including the judiciary all sitting at the table. Everything you think, or thought, is not always what it seems. In fact, in many cases, it’s the exact opposite. Most of us just aren’t aware of it at the time and trust me, it’s set up that way. Welcome to Wonderland. Meaning, it’s a wonder we still have a Country.

You’ll find throughout this article I’ll be citing previous articles— some written recently, others years ago. If you have yet to read them, I hope you will as I do my best not to duplicate that which I’ve already addressed. So for a better understanding, please read the articles cited and linked. They’re just as relevant today, as the day I wrote them. Moving on—

They say great governments die from within and it sure seems like Liberal Media (The Media: Truth, Lies and Propaganda) are doing everything they can to hasten it’s demise by assisting this suicidal attempt. To this day, I am clueless as to why while they keep their indoctrinated loyalist audience glued to their screens as pundits like Joy Reid, those on The View and others make it their goal through blatant lies in order to reaffirm their viewers delusions. The Toxic Democrat Relationship.  The primary reason being most can’t rationalize these delusions themselves and need assistance. When it comes to most any political issue, if asked to state their reasons for believing the way the do, all those on the left not only can’t tell you but they have no desire to debate it. The sun is blue, the earth is flat and the moon is made out of Swiss cheese and no one can change their minds. Why? Because Liberal media said so. This sadly, is the Biden voter. (There is a Cancer Growing in America— and it’s Progressive.) The incredibly astonishing part is that their numbers in some areas have grown to the point (The Great American Divide) that sanity made the decision to escape the madness. (The Mass Exodus from Blue States). The perfect Liberal, Progressive and by extension— Democrat. Young, dumb and token’ pot. Keep these people stupid and it’s votes in the bank.

The Best place to start is at the beginning

— of this nightmare and how many became either duped or forced into it. Admitted or not, people couldn’t wait for Obama’s administration to come to a close. Couldn’t happen soon enough. Everyone knew the country was going in the wrong direction. Even many Democrats. Equity in Government or anywhere for that matter was proven not to be such a great idea. Social justice was just another word for Socialism, Marxism and the like. Nobody wanted it but they had no idea who their champion would be to confront and combat it.

In walks Trump and down the escalator he went to make his announcement to run for President. Trump, while extremely popular in television circles was nevertheless an unknown quantity in regard to politics, let alone running an entire country. Permanent Washington at first paid little attention to him. To them, Hillary’s election was in the bag even with Trump’s comments exposing them. That all changed when Trump won the election, thus spawning the birth of TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome primarily affecting weak-minded, easily manipulated (Gen Z — The Lost Generation) and those whose jobs depended on Permanent Washington calling all the shots. Despite having everything but the kitchen sink thrown at him throughout his term, we had four pretty damn good years with another four on the way. Permanent Washington didn’t want any of that so… well,  I’ll let the clips in the following link explain the rest— (2024: The Wreckoning — Book Trailers).

Yes, the 2020 election was indeed stolen. (Covid-19: The Convenient Virus from China.) Sadly, this is the big lie main stream media fails to admit to the American Public in the same way they did denying the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop. Remorseful? Absolutely not which is why they won’t say a word in response to the blatant lies they’ve told and continue to tell. The ends justified the means, even if those means were incredibly deceitful. With that, The Mad Hatter is installed.

Let the Tea Party Begin!

With Biden’s installation, the roaches began crawling out of the woodwork. The extreme fringe of society now had a voice including Liberal Media and agitators who were more than willing to cater to it for financial gain. (The Gender Lie— Mutilating Our Kids.) More importantly, they had money and little to no consequences for their actions. Four years to basically do as they please drumming their dangerous ideology into the heads of those mentioned above but now they targeted our kids (The War on Children) while Biden began to abandon his call for unity. Republicans were now the enemy though Biden and the Left never really cared for any kind of unity in the first place. That is unless they agreed with him and his Party’s policies. (Democrat’s Definition of Unity— “My Way or the Highway”.) Division via fearmongering was key, and still is. (Choices: Biden or Trump).

They knew abortion was no longer a Federal issue yet continue to make it one. (Abortion: At What Point Do We Say NO to Murdering Babies?) A few other brain-dead actions (among many) were Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, hamstringing oil, gas and coal industries, (The Cold Hard Truth About the Energy Crisis.) With each passing month, everything Biden just got worse. Contrary to what his administration was saying, inflation (real inflation) skyrocketed, interest rates skyrocketed. Pretty much everything having to do with the cost of living skyrocketed. Democrats tried their best to deflect or deny it and at the same time, did absolutely nothing to address it hoping Americans who voted for them wouldn’t take much notice. You know, buyers remorse.

The Hatter’s (Biden’s) tea party included most large cities of the indoctrinated. Namely, cities where ivy league colleges and universities reside with liberal professors infecting their students with their social and political ideology. (Solutions – WOKISM: Men in Womens’ Sports.) They all talk about chaos intentionally neglecting to add the fact that they themselves are the ones creating it (The United States of Chaos) and threatening more should they lose elections. In the past close to four years these liberal cities have seen a shocking rise in crime. Perhaps the majority of voters in these cities have a difficult time seeing the connection between the rise in crime and changing their laws decriminalizing said crime or preferring not to prosecute it at all. (Solutions – The Rise in Crime.) They make their bed with their vote then complain about having to sleep in it. To this day, I’ll never understand it.

Biden’s weakness, incompetence and his ability to turn just about everything he touches into shit wasn’t relegated domestically, oh no, many other countries began to go right down the toilet along with him and for the most part, it was because of him. First was Ukraine. (The Pot Calling the Kettle Black.) one year later, no improvement with Biden throwing additional billions actually believing Ukraine could win (Ukraine War – It’s Time to End it Before it Ends Us) as thousands from both sides were killing each other. Not getting the message this was just another failure, he throws billions more (money we don’t have) in Ukraine aid. (60 Billion to Ukraine— Congress Lost It’s Mind) with the help of a few warmongering Republicans failing to realize they’re just pushing the U.S. from a proxy war into an outright war with Russia. In addition to being more than willing to take such a dangerous risk, they appear to be oblivious to the possibility of nuclear war. (Nuclear World War Three – Veiled Threats?) Trust me, if Putin feels like he’s about to lose it all, he won’t hesitate using nuclear weapons. We all lose. Smart move Biden. Or should I say, smart move to the ones really in control meaning— Permanent Washington and the Deep State. Anyone who believes for one second this has all been Biden’s idea or his decisions? Please seek professional help. No, the only reason they keep Biden around is his ability to sign his name when commanded to. (The Singular Use of Joe Biden.)

Through The Mad Hatters destructive war on oil, the consequences weren’t just rising gas prices across the nation, it brought hundreds of billions to Russia which financed his war in Ukraine and I’m sure the terrorist state of Iran sent Joe Biden a thank-you card or a 10% check for their multi-billion dollar windfall in oil sales.which financed Gaza’s slaughter of 1200 Israeli’s on October 7th, 2023. (Israel and The Middle East) (Israel and The Middle East: Part 2.) Remarkably and on cue, certain Democrats made their antisemitism known to the U.S. with their support for those protesting the war against Hamas and calling for the end of Israel as a nation. (Protestors-R-US: Two for One Sale Today!) The cowardly Hatter realizing his approval numbers were in the toilet makes it even worse by trying to appease everyone instead of doing the right thing. Then, adding insult to injury, he blackmails Israel by withholding arms unless they manage the war his way. His only accomplishment was pissing off both sides.

Civil War?

Ummmm— what, you didn’t get the memo? We’ve been in a civil war for the past 12 years but for the most part, it’s been political. Our champions are those we elect but we’re beginning to see Federal and State Judges, the Courts now including the DOJ taking sides as well. One side doesn’t like something, they get a judge to purposefully block it, basically throwing a wrench into a law or policy decision to delay implementing said law or policy for as long as possible. Usually until the next election. Filibuster by Judiciary making our courts in this regard look like a banana republic. Forget the U.S. Constitution… right? Many of these Judges are well aware their decisions will be overturned, (Lawyers, Courts and the Clock) but they’re also well aware that it will take time which was the primary reason for their decision.

Deceitful bills from Democrats are passed on party lines (The U. S. Congress: For the People or Corporate Donors) with a Rino Republican or two to make it look bipartisan, (The BIG Con: Door Stops of Deception) neglecting to remind voters it’s their money they’re spending or outright giving away (Student Loan Bail-outs) in order to buy votes. Additionally, Democrats block good bills from passing or even brought to the floor for a vote. Not because they’re bad for the country, it’s because that’s what they’re now supposed to do.

It’s one thing when separate states pull this shit because we can just leave and move to another one. It’s quite another when the Federal Government does this because it affects us all. And now? Millions of Americans are forced to wait four years until they can stop the insanity. But this time around, Democrats have crossed a line they can’t uncross and by doing so, they’ve done significant damage to this country in the process. (Opening Pandora’s Box.) They are now criminally prosecuting political opponents for the sole reason being they know they’re about to lose a Presidential election. (Political Persecution)  Proving the Mad Hatter and his tea party participants will destroy this country (if need be) to keep from losing. The stakes are as high as they’ve ever been because Democrats (including some bought and paid for Republicans) know what will happen when they lose. (2025: After the Win) (2025: When the Shit Hits the Fan.) Liberal media will scream at the top of their lungs everything Trump will do is revenge or retribution. I call it saving the U.S. from it’s death. Although I fully support prosecuting those on the left who brought us to the brink with their underhanded criminal deeds and lies. (Trump: The Gloves Are OFF.) We as a nation have to make these people pay the price or this will never stop.

Now if the above alone wouldn’t be enough to cause any sane man or woman to never vote for Biden or most any Democrat again— there is one more I have yet to mention but have written about extensively and that’s The Mad Hatter’s completely insane and illegal border policies. (It’s Time to Impeach Mayorkas,) (Mayorkas: Biden’s Border Troll,) (Update: Mayorkas Impeachment) along with a solution— (illegal immigration: Solving the Border Crisis)

Yes, we’ve been in a civil war for quite some time now. On one side we have liberal media constantly fighting a losing battle against conservative media. Their ratings and viewership easily proves this. In the U.S. House and Senate, Democrats are seemingly battling it out with Republicans although if truth be told, it’s more like passing or refusing to pass legislation on party line voting. Then we have the civil war between states and the way they’re being governed. Blue States with their flawed and extremely expensive ideologies (resulting in huge deficits and rising taxes) and Red States doing better than they ever have.

So, what do we have so far that can be attributed to The Mad Hatter? (1) His pathetic Afghanistan withdrawal handing billions in military equipment to the Taliban, (2) Vaccine and mask mandates costing many their livelihoods, (3) killing the keystone pipeline and their continued war on fossil fuels, (4) Regulation obsession against pretty much everything, (5) supporting the cultural madness going on in our education system, further contributing to their intentional dumbing down of American minorities, (6) violating SCOTUS rulings with the student loan bail-out handing billions of taxpayer dollars to reduce or payoff loans students signed off on, (7) appointed a cabinet whose sole purpose is to destroy this country and it’s infrastructure, causing (8) the highest inflation rate in decades and (9) the highest interest rates in decades. (10) Open borders allowing  millions of Lord knows who enter our Country.

Again— to any sane, rational voter with a modicum of common sense, this upcoming election between Trump and The Mad Hatter should be a no-brainer, The real question becomes, (if we believe the polls) why are there 30% of American voters who apparently support this madness? (Social Media: An Observation.) What can we make of this? Either (1) rigged elections are much more commonplace than we thought, (NEW Rules for Honest Elections) (2) many American voters actually are that stupid because you’d literally have to be to vote for The Hatter. Read the paragraph above again and remember, voting for Biden says to the world you fully support those ten issues. (3) You’ve allowed yourself to be infected with TDS. (And Then There Was One: Fighting Permanent Washington)

At least you now know I wasn’t kidding citing so many previous articles and it’s because of all those articles, I can say with confidence that you the reader (thanks) either get it, or you don’t and most likely never will. I can only ask that those of you who aren’t quite sure in regard of what’s really going on in the Country, take a little time and read some of the articles cited and linked in this one. (Promises promises) and importantly, (2024: Before You Vote) and don’t forget to get your copy of (2024: The Wreckoning).

The Hatter will continue making one mistake after another, Liberal pundits will continue with their mind-bending lies to the point that I think I’ve written enough for the time being because whatever they do, I’ve probably addressed it in a previous article and because we can’t do anything about his madness until the election, it truly is becoming boring. I’m mean, how many times does one need to prove to Americans The Hatters incompetence? Therefore and hopefully— you won’t be seeing further articles on politics unless warranted. Too many other topics I’d prefer to write about so, until we meed up again, I’ll leave you with the following.

As shown in the cover image, the U.S. is hanging by a thread with Joe Biden holding a knife to the remaining strand. The Hatter along with Democrats, The Left, Progressives, Liberal Media and Democrats are killing the U.S.. Anyone who supports any of them are equally (if not more-so by virtue of their vote) complicit in it’s destruction.. What Democrats have allowed to take place through the actions of The Mad Hatter and those sitting at his table, will cost Democrats dearly for years (possibly decades) to come. And remember this— If there’s just one terrorist attack anywhere on U.S. soil in the next five years, it will cost them a generation. To liberal media, you’re an embarrassment…. four words—

no one believes you.

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