Are We Still Talking About Men in Women’s Sports?

Astonishing, isn’t it? I heard about all this well over two years ago and truly believed this insanity would be remedied in no time. It was a no-brainer but to my bewilderment— not only was it not fixed, the problem grew worse which compelled me to write about in an article titled: Solutions – WOKISM: Men in Womens’ Sports and offered ways to finally fix something that should never had been an issue to begin with. It really was that ridiculous. A year later— no real changes which I found mind-boggling. How could something so blatantly idiotic that should have become a non-issue 60 days later, remain after a whole year with some organizations doubling down on their completely nonsensical rules in allowing men play and compete in womens’ sports, so I added an update to the original article reflecting this incredible absurdity.

Still— this irresponsible madness continued. A few things were tried but failed due to a lack of any cohesive unity. Forfeiture of games when a male was on the opposition team… etc. It made a little news but wasn’t nearly enough for any real substantial change within the ruling powers over these sports. Just business as usual while they did their best to shame, intimidate, ridicule and expel all those who spoke out against this irrational delirium. Just because a man decides to remove his penis and testicles and replace them with a fleshy cave or simply “identifies” as female doesn’t make it so. What part of that do the people making the rules in sports not understand?

After two years (since I’ve been paying as much attention as I could) nothing has changed regarding men in womens’ sports— pathetically, I might add. And you still, to this day have to ask, where the hell are all the so-called feminists? Where are all those thousands of women who continue to speak out on womens’ rights yet for some unknown reason, they’re silent on this issue. Although when you think about it, this should come as no surprise when so many Liberals including what appears all Democrats have a real difficulty defining what a woman is. While some progress has been recently made with ten states banning men playing in womens’ sports, simple math tells us there are 40 who remarkably allow it. When you have 80% of the public declare men playing in womens’ sports is just wrong….   well, we’ll get into that a little later.

Most knew they’d have to wait for Trump to be elected to see anything of substance change and sadly, they were correct. Trump wins and within thirty days, (February 5, 2025) he does what everyone wanted, yet couldn’t be achieved by elected lawmakers in forty, count’em… 40 states.

 again… more on this in the Epilog

But let’s take a quick moment and look at the stats, shall we?


A Picture is Worth 1000 Words

I don’t know about you, but the “woman” on the right (sarcasm) sure looks like she has a penis to me. When it comes to men in women’s sports, let’s look at some numbers.

The data: Does this look like “not often” to you?

According to He Cheated: (Looks like the site no longer exists but the info seems correct.)

  • 9,258: Number of times males have participated in female events
  • 5,081: Number of males who have claimed first, second, or third in female events
  • 436: Number of women’s National Championship medals that were given to men
  • 133: Number of women’s World and Olympic Championship medals that were given to men

But did they win?

Another bogus justification is that males in women’s sports “don’t really have an unfair advantage” because they don’t always win. But athletes who take steroids don’t always win, either. The objection in both cases is not that they always win, but that it’s always unfair.

Still, curiosity about winning is valid. Check this out:

  • 3,058: Number of first-place finishes by males in female events
  • 313: Number of National Championships won by males in female events
  • 77: Number of World and Olympic Championships won by males in female events
A Hill to Die on?


It appears Democrats are hell-bent on losing as many elections as possible. Every single Democrat in the Senate voted against this common sense legislation “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act,” which goes to show you— they’re more than willing to sacrifice women and their futures just to show their hatred for President Trump. I find that stunning though completely expected. We get it, you all hate Trump but did you have to punish female athletes in the process? How many women have to be injured from a man posing as a female before you come to your senses? Better yet, something you may better understand— how many elections will you have to lose before you read the writing on the wall that’s been there for years.

Taking the Bull by the Horns

In my original article, I offered suggestions on how this issue could have been nipped in the bud within 60 days. Here it is but it will take some bravery from women to accomplish this but I guarantee you, do this and you’ll never have to worry about this again.. Here it is and remember, I wrote this two years ago:

Solution 2

Girls/Women’ Competitive Sports

In order to create further division, I promise you— there will be democrat controlled states who will continue to allow this insanity of biological boys/men participating in organized competitive sports and until they get their collective heads out of their asses or voted out of office, this insanity will continue. It is for this unfortunate reason, only one solution remains but fear not, it’s a piece of cake to accomplish. In fact, it’s already begun in one state.

Vermont school forfeits basketball game due to transgender player on opposing team. Then we have, School that refused to play team with trans player barred. What’s the old saying? First one to make a stand always gets a little bloodied until the rest join the fight. And while most will eventually come to their senses, there is a much easier way with results in less than sixty days. Here it is.

1. Schools who allow males to compete in girls sports should be boycotted by all other schools. If they get barred from further competition, so be it. Trust me— it will be temporary.

2. If you’re on a team in a school which allows males to participate in girls sports, or a male is on your team, then threaten to leave the team or simply refuse to participate in any competitions until policies not allowing males in girls sports are in place. You may get kicked off the team but imagine if all girls refused to participate and the only one left on the team is the male. Again, policies would change in a heartbeat.

In other words: In order for girls/women to take back girls/womens’ sports— they will have to completely shut down all girls/womens’ sports by refusing to compete in them until males are no longer allowed to participate. Yes, it actually is that simple and I guarantee you, within 60 days, problem solved. Why? It’s all about the benjamins… baby. The money these institutions would immediately begin losing would force the change.

3. All records held by biological males in womens’ sports should be expunged reverting back to the record achieved by a biological female. Now if the trans community (whatever that means) wants true equality— they should have their own competitive sports where trans males compete with each-other and the same with trans females. This will most likely not happen because there aren’t enough trans athletes to make it feasible. So what happens? They push their delusional shit on the rest of us turning womens’ sports into a meaningless joke.

Honest to God, I’m amazed real women have allowed this to go on for as long as it has.

Enough is enough.

[End excerpt]

By the way, solution one was about removing DEI from the classroom has been taken care of. Yet another task Trump had to do on his own. To this day, I firmly believe the above is the solution. Especially when you get nothing from your elected State and Federal government. You just have to remain united through it all. Remember, 80% of the American Public supports you.

With disgustingly deplorable,feeble, utterly heartless Democrat behavior on full display during President Trump’s speech to a joint session of Congress, we can come to two definite conclusions. First, Democrats now represent 1% of lost Americans— ie; the land of misfit toys who have succumbed and for many, surrendered to and are one with their own misery. Secondly, we all know that misery loves company so instead of coming to the realization that everything they’ve touched for the last 12 years under their control has turned to shit doing much more damage than anything remotely positive, they double down on crazy to attract the only possible constituency available to them. Trouble is, there just aren’t enough misfit toys left to choose from.

President Trump’s order to withhold funding from states who do not comply with his executive order banning men in womens’ sports while being the right thing to do will take a lot of time to accomplish as certain states will challenge it in court. So I wouldn’t count on any real change coming soon. Additionally, as we see all the time, executive orders can be erased by any future President. So anyone who truly wants men out of womens’ sports and locker rooms have two choices. (1) Vote all democrats out of office and replace them with Republicans so this can be codified into U.S. law or (2) take the matter into your own hands and refuse to compete against any school who allows it. My suggestion? Do both.

The cat is now out of the bag and to be honest, it has been for quite some time. Liberals are fleeing the Democrat Party of rabid ideology. They’re fleeing Democrat controlled cities and states because they are sick and tired of being miserable or living under it. Every day, sanity is slowly returning from the wearing off of years indoctrination. now realizing the toxicity from being a miserable liberal Democrat was the culprit all along. Democrats including their Party are becoming worthless. Like petulant children, do nothing but fold their arms, pout and whine for attention until they get their way. Their recent actions are proof way beyond a reasonable doubt.

I believe an indefinite time-out is required.


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